Which Airline did you interview with? Delta Air Lines
How many days between invite, interview, and listed availability?
Did you receive a job offer? No, 6 months re-invite, Cog Failure
If you did not receive the CJO why do you think you weren’t chosen to continue in the process?
What is your experience? 121 only
Total Flight Time 5,000-8,000
Total Turbine PIC Time
General Overview of Experience Everyone was punctual, polite, and clean pressed. Delta red ties are everywhere as we look like we are a clan of Republican Senators. You will be processed from the lobby to the Pilot Selection room three at a time. This is where you drop off your First Set and Second Set of copies. It’s implied that you make their job easier and give them what they ask, and in the order of how they asked for it. When you have done this right, you will be given a bottle of water and once you are in the room, mingling, there is a schedule that labels your name and when you will take the HR and Tests. You can plan your day accordingly, I believe most people had less than a 2 hour gab between activities.
I was heart-pounding, can’t sit, worried about the COG nervous. Arnie Kraby, or his equivelant for that day, will bring you in to a large conference room exactly at 0745. He tries to loosen up the audience from their nerves explaining how despite the outcome of the day to not take the results personal; the sky is still blue and the sun is shining. Hurricane Hermine was off the coast of Florida at this time, fast approaching Georgia. I should have taken this as a hint, however I applaud his attempt.
How long did you have your application in before you received an invite?
Did you attend a job fair?
Did you do anything special that triggered the interview invitation?
How many internal recs did you have?
How long was it from the time of your invite to the actual interview?
Did you have any issues with logbooks, application or paperwork?
How did you prepare for the JKT/COG portion of the interview?
Technical Test Questions None of the questions were verbatim from RST. The concept of questions was evident, however.
What was the hardest technical question or content you experienced during the job knowledge test? None of the questions were verbatim from RST. The concept of questions was evident, however.
Cog Test As if my nerves weren’t already shot, the computer I was taking my test on froze mid-way through the test. The only remedy was to slide me over to a different computer and retake the entire test. I was feeling confident with the test and my performance; perhaps the necessity to retest bred overconfidence; I did notice I was zipping through the retest faster than my normal pace. While practicing for the COG I had that self-vs-self conflict of going too fast. SLOW DOWN. The actual COG is way slower than what is presented on RST. There are some subtle variations to the exam however none that I believe will shake you from your comfort of familiarity.
1. The TX-OLU thing is a constant stream of fill-in-the-blanks. It’s not just a pattern of 10 blanks you need to complete. Furthermore, the pattern is left for you to reference at the top left of the screen. The directions tell you that you need to go as fast and as accurate as possible and you can facilitate this by remembering the pattern rather than referencing the pattern. If you make a mistake, there is a delete button. There is no running tabulation of your score (throughout the entire test) so I’m not certain if using the delete button will effect your final score. Perhaps two simulation tests later, the test ask you to recall that pattern.
2. The flag man is *maybe* 10 questions long
3. You get a stylist to tap on the screen. The user interface is FAR EASIER to manipulate than what we are accustomed to on RST. Imagine: keeping the airplane centered with the arrow keys of your non-dominate hand and then pressing the button ‘center’ airplane button on the screen with the stylist; OR managing SAME/CENTER/DIFFERENT with a stylist. My only caution: pull back 3 inches from the screen. This will protect you from any hand-twitch that may actuate the stylist on the screen.
Cog Math Questions
HR Questions The have a large binder of canned questions. The on-line pilot, off-line pilot and HR interviewers cycle around reading questions while the others take note of your reply.
It started with: In 3-5 mins, tell us how you got to Delta today, start with your high school.
Is there ever a time you should take the controls away from the Captain?
What is your leadership style?
Why Delta?
Your flight is late as you await the inbound 5 Flight Attendants. They arrive hungry and refuse to board before they eat, WWYD?
TMAAT when you needed to take lead.
How do you manage conflict? THEN they asked to expand on that with a TMAAT.
How did you prepare for this day?
How long prior to the interview did you prepare for the HR portion of the interview?
Which HR Prep service did you use and did it help? none
Any additional information you would like to add. It’s important to remember to differentiate yourself from the crowd. You are a brand and you need to sell it to the audience. Make what matters to Delta stand out. Perhaps the first way you can do this, and with pride, is by creating a portfolio-style logbook, one that highlights your achievements with a unique appeal. I was complimented by many (interviewers and candidates) for the refinement of my material, large and subtle. In the HR Interview I believe the quote was: ‘it was refreshing to review your logbook! We don’t get to see logbooks that are so engaging.’ It starts the interview for you, and allows you have the advantage to talk about yourself before they jump in with the standard TMAAT WWYD questions. Don’t feel as if you need to have an answer to their questions immediately, pause and reflect on your history. The HR simply flowed for me. I know a lot of other reviews mentioned that they felt as if they were too comfortable in the HR Interview and this is perhaps why they failed. I suppose in its extreme sense this is possible, however I was so comfortable in the HR I was short of slappin’ high-fives during stories and saying things like: amirite?! Its cliché but: they really just want to get to know you. Be enjoyable and pleasantly memorable. Nothing more. After all, isn’t that a person with whom you would want to fly?

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