Which Airline did you interview with? FedEx
How many days between invite, interview, and listed availability? 5 Weeks to interview, Availabitity was 2.5 months from invite
Did you receive a job offer? Yes
If you did not receive the CJO why do you think you weren’t chosen to continue in the process? N/A
What is your experience? Military
Total Flight Time 5,000-8,000
Total Turbine PIC Time >2,000
General Overview of Experience Absolutely incredible. You meet Amy first. She takes you through the testing. She will stress that she is there to administer testing, not interview you, so wear something comfortable. No tie, no jacket, she’ll even tell you to take your shoes off if it makes you comfortable. She wants you to be able to do your best. The second day was filled with just as many great people all rooting for you to succeed.
How long did you have your application in before you received an invite? 1-6 months
Did you attend a job fair? No
Did you do anything special that triggered the interview invitation? I updated my app every week. Amy will tell you she’ll rule out an app if it hasn’t been updated in 30 days, but I think every week helps.
How many internal recs did you have? 3-4
How long was it from the time of your invite to the actual interview? 4 weeks
Did you have any issues with logbooks, application or paperwork? Nothing. I expected questions since I hadn’t flown since September, but they didn’t ask a thing.
How did you prepare for the JKT/COG portion of the interview? RST. Do the Cog test once or twice a night until you’re comfortable, but spend most of your time on the JKT. The COG is nothing compared to RST. The JKT is brutal. We all walked out thinking we had busted it and maybe we did. Amy said, the score is a combination of all 3 tests combined. Questions and answers were similar to RST, but just different enough to send you in to panic mode. I marked 15 of the 60 to review because I wasn’t comfortable with them. Do the 15 day RST and definitely the ground training. That was huge. Once that was done, I just took practice test after practice test.
Technical Test Questions Amy told us the test is still off a 750 question bank from 2 years ago. Here’s what I remember.
– What’s the difference between RNP and ANP?
– They gave me a radial/dme point and asked what heading to get to another radial/dme
– There was an altimeter question: local altimeter was 30.02 and you forgot to set it from 2992. What is the altimeter reading upon landing? (told you you were at Bogota and the field elevation)
– What was the problem with the dehavelland comet?
– What does drag do when putting the flaps out?
– What is EPR?
– What happens the more swept a wing is?
– Question about THL – takeoff hold lights
– Anti-skid is out and brakes lock up – how to fix it?
– Why is outboard aileron at low speeds only?
– High or low lift coefficient with swept wing?
– Given a position on NDB approach and asked turn left or right to put tail/head on course
– If move CG aft, does stall speed go up or down?
– Approach speed is 130 off 1.2 VS1. Stick shaker is 10% above – what speed does stick shaker occur?
– 7 mile dogleg to final question about VASIs
– shown a Jepp plate and asked what threshold crossing height is?
– Shown a chart and asked difference between compulsory and non-compulsory reporting points
– Question about dihedral effect. Can’t remember details.
– On engine start, everything seems normal but not starting?
– What does a transformer do?
– How low can you go on an ILS?
What was the hardest technical question or content you experienced during the job knowledge test? I would say the Aero. The topics are similar but they are asked in just different enough a way to throw you off.
Cog Test Non-event if you’re comfortable with RST. I was surprised that on the LUOTXI segment, they actually show you the code on the first part.
Cog Math Questions Amy said there are 5. I don’t remember any of them, but they weren’t difficult, the hardest part was not taking too much time and getting an answer in before it switched.
HR Questions Great experience. 2 retired captains. One of them had a line number of 350!!!! Started with the intro and specifically said “I have your resume, I see the planes you flew, tell me about you”. I quickly figured out that they really don’t care about your career up to that point. They know you’re qualified. They really just want to see if they can sit in a cockpit with you for several days. I can’t stress this enough. TALK ABOUT YOU! Not you flying. They lit up when I said things like playing with my kids, and cub scouts, etc. That is what they want to know about.
Big transition from military to 121…what do you think will be good and bad? I used that opportunity to spew information at them. What I knew about FedEx, fatigue, stress, being away from the family, etc.
Lots of the other guys fly 121, why should we hire you over them?
WWYD if captain continually shows late for the bus to the aircraft?
What if the capt is ready to push back and you’re not? Would you ever push back without having your checklists done?
TMAAT you had to take charge when you weren’t in charge?
WWYD if holding in to a Thunderstorm and can’t talk on the radio?
Have you flown with someone that’s completely unprofessional? I said no which led to the follow on question of “what traits would make someone completely unprofessional?”
How long prior to the interview did you prepare for the HR portion of the interview? Emerald Coast seminar, Emerald Coast webinar two weeks prior, Emerald Coast top off one week prior.
Which HR Prep service did you use and did it help? Emerald Coast. Absolutely! Couldn’t have done it without them.
Any additional information you would like to add. The vibe I got through this process was that your resume got you the call, YOU will get you hired. Can you convince them that they want to hang out with you for a couple days on a trip? Be yourself. But definitely listen to the question. If they say tell me about your professional career – talk about flying, but I doubt they will, if they say, tell me about what’s not on your resume, talk about your life and what you like to do.
Is their anything you wish you could have done different to prepare you for this process? No
What can we do to improve our services? There could be a lot done to clean up the questions. Some answers may be different between the practice test and the flash card or another area. There are questions that leave out critical information. i.e, the fuel burn one, you have to assume you are a 2 engine airplane to get it right. Some questions you would like further explanation on, and when you select an answer all you get is correct or incorrect.
But it’s certainly not all negative…the program itself is outstanding. No way I could have done it without RST. The ground school was great and I hope you continue to improve it. I know the focus is on Delta, but Fedex has some topics that didn’t seem to be covered in the ground school, specifically weather.
The Cog test is amazing. Great job with it. One HUGE recommendation i would make though is, if possible, when selecting ‘test mode’ have the lessons come at you in a random order. I found myself getting used to the pattern of the lessons and on test day that threw me off a bit. Also, I don’t know if it was my internet or a problem with the site, but when i tried the cog test on the iPad with the puffin app, it sometimes would be very intermittent. specifically, the reverse number lesson would flash numbers so fast, i couldn’t see them and do very bad on that section. the sounds were the same way.
Concepts not covered by RST none really. i ended up learning weather just by taking the weather practice test over and over since there seemed to be no ‘lesson’ on it.

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