Which Airline did you interview with? Delta Air Lines
How many days between invite, interview, and listed availability?
Did you receive a job offer? Yes
If you did not receive the CJO why do you think you weren’t chosen to continue in the process?
What is your experience? 121 only
Total Flight Time Greater
Total Turbine PIC Time >2,000
General Overview of Experience Captain Kraby and team all do a fantastic job of putting you at ease, just as others have reported. Everyone is happy you are there and rooting for you! Facilities are top notch. And just as everyone else has said, the waiting around is the only bad part.
How long did you have your application in before you received an invite? 12 months +
Did you attend a job fair? Yes
Did you do anything special that triggered the interview invitation? Internal rec did the internal referral to get my app reviewed.
How many internal recs did you have? 1-2
How long was it from the time of your invite to the actual interview? 4 weeks
Did you have any issues with logbooks, application or paperwork? I was worried about my times not adding up 100%, and a last minute correction I had to pen in on my electronic logbook. Nothing was ever said in the interview. I turned in four logbooks, including my electronic printout in a pros oft binder. I bought a labeler and tabs to mark all my check rides and milestones in the originals. I included some summaries from logten pro in the appropriate stack along with a page including the dates of check rides, etc.
How did you prepare for the JKT/COG portion of the interview? I did all the practice tests and quizzes, flash cards, gold standard pp, referenced ANA, T-34 guide, EEPP, Tuesday tests, and looked up questions from the ride reports. I also used google extensively to find sources and explanations to questions I didn’t understand. I practiced the cog a few times the first week, took one test with 1.0. Then focused on weak areas. Took one test with 2.0, and again hit the weak areas the week prior to the interview.
Technical Test Questions JKT:
Way easier than expected, with probably a third of questions right out of rst bank. Several other very easy ones like what’s first thing you do to recover from a stall. I was most concerned about this test going in. Think combo of luck in the questions I received and lots of prep resulted in making this a breeze. The delta test bank is approximately 800 questions, so don’t rely on pure luck! Only two math, very easy descent 3:1 and one from rst that is if you are one dot off the localizer at 6 dme, how far off track are you? (.1nm) I only marked 7 questions for review and changed only 2).
A few questions I can remember:
1. Level at cruise flight, autothrottles are off, turn on the anti-ice, what happens?
– ias slightly decreases, Ias slightly increases, N1 remains the same, N2 momentarily increases then returns to normal
2. On preflight you notice a small amount of frost on the wing, what do you do?
– choices were deice, and three where you don’t deice for various reasons like hoar frost being okay on certain area of wing, or below a certain amount is okay
3. Got the one someone else recently posted about after starting both engines, shut down apu, and get a pack 1 fault, why?
4. How is an AC generator rated?
-KW, KVA, Voltage, and Amps I think was last choice-( this was one I changed and went with KW but wasn’t 100%)
5. The large reduction in induced drag in ground effect has no noticeable effect on…
– parasite drag, total drag , something else, or induced drag…that seriously was a choice. I went with parasite.
6. Captain raises fist to ground crew and extends fingers…EXACTLY as seen on rst, complete with the typo in the correct answer, ha…breaks released.
7. Heading toward a severe storm at cruise, it’s +5C, do you avoid by…
– 20 miles because of severe turbulence and St. Elmo’s fire, 20 miles because severe turbulence and lightning (correct), two that were 10 miles and same qualifiers
8. Several on turbine engines like hottest temp, greatest velocity, etc
9. Hot start hung start and relation to egt.
10. CG movement and stability vs maneuverability.
11. Is Dutch roll more pronounced at…high altitude and low airspeed, high altitude and high Mach number, low altitude and low airspeed, low altitude and high airspeed (unsure, went with first one)
12. Couple questions on epr and icing (ice/winter ops seemed to be a theme on my test)
What was the hardest technical question or content you experienced during the job knowledge test? Level at cruise flight, autothrottles are off, turn on the anti-ice, what happens?
– ias slightly decreases, Ias slightly increases, N1 remains the same, N2 momentarily increases then returns to normal
Cog Test Cog as advertised, display is different, and the sounds are different (although maybe this changed in Cog 2.1, I never practiced that one). I had UO-LXT. I’ll never forget that. Exactly as previously reported in other ride reports. Rst cog prepares you ridiculously well for the actual Cog.
Cog Math Questions I always struggled with the cog math on rst (until I memorized the answers), and this is the one area I also struggled with on real test. I know I got one right. Guessed on the others, maybe got through 3 or 4. But I rocked the rest of it.
HR Questions I had a great group of interviewers! HR woman, the guy shadowing her, current captain, retired capt. Broke the following interview down into segments so knew what to expect, and then gave their brief intros. Lots of smiles and laughter! Couldn’t believe it. They made it easy to be myself. Great experience.I will admit, however, it made me nervous at the end. It went by so quickly that when they wrapped it up and asked if I had any questions, I went ahead and hit Why Delta hard. Just in case it wasn’t clear. And then they asked some genuine follow up questions. Which was all a positive exchange. So I’m not sure if I already had passed the HR before this or not, but I felt better after I was able to extend the interview another few minutes.
Intro from HS in 5 or less
App: check ride failures explain each and what learned?
Why choose your college?
Was it everything you’d hoped?
What is one thing you didn’t like about your training there?
Why is your flight time so high?
Explain volunteer role within Union?
Tmaat most important thing learned from first job on app?
Tmaat made unpopular decision at work and what was result?
Who’s most important person at Delta?
Who’s second most important?
What’s your role as captain? – led to fit for duty question
Wwyd as captain if two groups of pax are up in back walking around while enroute, talking in foreign language, making fa and pax nervous.
Wwyd as captain and fo shows up looking a mess, wrinkled uniform?
Anything like to add, questions?
How long prior to the interview did you prepare for the HR portion of the interview?
Which HR Prep service did you use and did it help? ECIC, absolutely! They explain very well how to structure the answers. I also read Checklist for Success by Cheryl Cage which helps you come up with your stories. I did one webinar and the phone top-off with ECIC. The phone top-off was invaluable for me. Big confidence builder right before the interview.
Any additional information you would like to add. Unfortunately I got flagged day two after the psych portion. I did a practice mmpi once on rst. I was honest in the test and did not have to retake it. So I’m in a holding pattern for the next few weeks waiting on the review board. I can’t wait to be cleared and join the amazing folks over at Delta!
Is their anything you wish you could have done different to prepare you for this process? Being referred to RST and ECIC right from the start was immensely helpful. I would’ve started working on polishing my logbooks a little bit earlier, but in the end it didn’t seem to matter much.

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