Which Airline did you interview with? Delta Air Lines
How many days between invite, interview, and listed availability?
Did you receive a job offer? Yes
If you did not receive the CJO why do you think you weren’t chosen to continue in the process?
What is your experience? Military
Total Flight Time 2,000-3,000
Total Turbine PIC Time
General Overview of Experience As advertised, people very friendly. The lady at the front desk who takes your paperwork knows you are nervous and has a wonderful personality. I put my two stacks of paperwork in two .89 cent pocket folders from Office Depot, labeled #1 and #2, and just handed them both to her. You move into the main room with couches and TVs, coffee, water. In that room will also be the people who got CJOs from the day before waiting to do their psych. On one of the tables will be a schedule of events for that day, go find your name and see if you are either testing in the morning w/ interview in the afternoon, or vice versa. I had my HR right out of the gates. On my day, the top of the alphabet went first for HR.
How long did you have your application in before you received an invite?
Did you attend a job fair?
Did you do anything special that triggered the interview invitation?
How many internal recs did you have?
How long was it from the time of your invite to the actual interview?
Did you have any issues with logbooks, application or paperwork?
How did you prepare for the JKT/COG portion of the interview?
Technical Test Questions Just like everyone else has said, know the concepts. Go through the questions on RST, and if you are at ALL confused on any subject, open up ANA or T-34 manual and read about them. Some oddball questions I got that I can remember.
-You see 3 white 1 red on the PAPI at 14 miles out, what do you do?
A) Increase rate of decent B) Decrease rate of decent *C) Don’t use the PAPI D) Slow down
-Question that had a Jeppessen Airfield Chart (I only have used DOD in my career) and asked what the symbol was near runway 31L at JFK?
LAHSO markings, displaced threshold, some advisory thing, something… (know symbols on a Jep airfield diagram chart)
You are below MEA and MVA and you just lost contact with ATC, what do you do? (sorry I can’t remember this verbatim, I know the details matter)
A) Continue to fly last assigned heading and altitudes, stay below MEA. B) Climb to MEA and turn back to previous course. C) Continue to fly last assigned heading and altitude until you reintercept your filed course. D) something else
-a Very weird metar format I’ve never seen something like M 2 E 5 18/23/42/33/1818G25/T/ (wtf is this) then a question about it.
If you are landing runway 9L, when you break out of the clouds, where will the runway be relative to your nose?
I chose Left of the Nose, because I am assuming that the 1818G25 meant 180 18G25.
-You are in a 777 landing using a 3 bar VASI system, which sets of vasis do you use?
Furthest and middle? Middle and Front? Front and Furthest? None. That’s exactly how it was worded, weird.
-If you have 450 LBS of gas in the left tank and 350 LBS of gas in the right tank, what is the proper way to crossfeed to the right tank?
I chose, open crossfeed to the right tank, turn off the right tank pumps. Not 100% on this but that’s the procedure in one of my old airplanes.
-Hung start question, no air source or lack of fuel.
-What does a TR do? 115AC to 24VDC
-Slotted flaps vs non-slotted slaps? Compare those two, I’ve never seen a question asked that way. I put less drag w/ the slotted.
-Low pressure to high pressure, where will your aircraft true alt be w/o resetting altimeter. Higher.
-(verbatim from RST) Airplane slows at 10kt/m, you have 100 knots to slow and descend from 1500L AGL for the approach, when do you start slowing? 15 miles.
-What part of the turbine engine has the highest pressure? Diffuser
-What item is NOT part of the accessory section of the turbine engine?
N1, N2, EGT/TIT, or Engine Driven Fuel Pumps I put EGT/TIT because those probes are inside the engine, N1 and N2 work to drive components in the accessory gearbox but not 100% on this.
-Cleared to hold…At what point should you start slowing to hold?
5 min prior and let ATC know you are slowing, 5 minutes prior, 3 minutes prior and let ATC know if you need a higher airspeed, 3 miles?
-Something about letting the nose wheel touch down in regards to aerodynamic braking and braking action.
-What is proper sideslip technique for landing, winds are 250/25 and you are landing runway 20.
left wing low/right rudder, right wing low/ right rudder, right wing low/left rudder, left wing low/left rudderI had no real weather questions, I had no pitot/static port questions (but they ARE out there). I suggest running through the test sort of quickly, writing down numbers you are unsure about then going back to 1 and running thru them again. I felt very confident on many of my answers the second time I saw the questions. I finished with 3 minutes left and pretty confident, but you never know.
What was the hardest technical question or content you experienced during the job knowledge test? Not one area, but they do throw in instrument flying rules and regulations as well. Also, study Jeppessen charts, especially for military guys like me that don’t use them.
Cog Test Ok, so RST is gold for understanding what is expected of you in the COG. I do want to point out a few things I noticed that may be recent changes to the directions they give you on the test. Prior to my MATH section, I was given a screen that said I was going into the math (click next to go to the math), also I am 80% sure that it also said there would be NO practice. Also, for the symbol recall (XILTOU), they have a FLASHING WARNING that you need to memorize this sequence for the rest of the test. They are trying to make it abundantly clear that you WILL see this combination again. I saw it only one other time.
Look, when it comes to the XILTOU test, every 5 mins or in between tests, keep saying your combo to yourself. Don’t let your mind lose it. You get unlimited time to just stare at it in the practice session, so take your time until it’s solid in your head.
COG Math wasn’t too hard. just remember you need to keep moving. I did mental math, found the answer that I was 80% sure on and clicked it. I answered about 6.
Localizer is cake on the Cog test, if you click once every half second (left-right-left) the localizer stays planted pretty stable. If you happen to click right twice in a row, the thing will TAKE OFF on you, but it can be recovered so don’t panic.
The “guess the rule” for me was the toughest, lots of bad beeps, still passed.
Cog Math Questions
HR Questions -Tell me about yourself (no time limit, but I stuck to 5).
-Questions off my application, why did you transfer to so many schools? Why did you go to this school? What is the crew on the KC-135? Study your app going and have answers for most things.
-Explain your leadership style, and tell me about a time where your leadership inspired your followers.
-Besides being away from home, what is one negative connotation of an airline pilot? (seriously??)
-Why did you choose your major?
-WWYD, FA says two drunk passengers in first class, redcoat said they are fine just loud.
-WWYD, you are in Toledo and didn’t get any sleep last night. There are no other FOs to take your place. The flight will delay 4 hours if you don’t go. …they pushed on this, But, what if you can get the plane to Atlanta then they replace you? But, if you normally get 8 hours of sleep but you got 6, then would you go? I stuck to my guns, I said feeling safe to fly doesn’t rely on a number. If I don’t feel safe to fly, then I won’t fly. Stick to your guns.
That’s all I can remember, it was very conversational and very friendly. Lots of little smiles and jokes. They asked me if there was $100 in my coat that I almost left in the room..
How long prior to the interview did you prepare for the HR portion of the interview?
Which HR Prep service did you use and did it help? ECIC for HR, yes it definitely did. One in person seminar 4 weeks prior and one top-off day prior.
Any additional information you would like to add.
Is their anything you wish you could have done different to prepare you for this process?

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