Which Airline did you interview with? FedEx
How many days between invite, interview, and listed availability? Immediate Availability
Did you receive a job offer? Yes
If you did not receive the CJO why do you think you weren’t chosen to continue in the process? N/A
What is your experience? Military
Total Flight Time 3,000-4,000
Total Turbine PIC Time 1,000-2,000
General Overview of Experience As everyone has said, Amy and Kim are as nice as can be and truly do their best to make you comfortable. The facilities were excellent. This is a great company. I was one of six in a morning group. We all arrived at least thirty minutes early for a 0730 show. Testing was done by 1100. We weren’t told anything other than we would individually get a call that afternoon to be told if we were invited back for day 2. Drug tested at 1300 and got the call from John Ryder inviting me back around 1345. 0730 show the next morning. We were briefed on the events for the day and then individuals were pulled away for the panel or SBI in what appeared to be no particular order. I did SBI first and panel interview later. SBI went well but my panel was another story. Be prepared for anything. I left at 1230 and finally got the call at 1754 offering me the job. Longest afternoon of my life.
How long did you have your application in before you received an invite? 6-12 months
Did you attend a job fair? No
Did you do anything special that triggered the interview invitation? I updated my application every time I flew. I had 5 internal recs and a primary endorsement, but I’m not sure that any of them were really able to do anything to help me get the invite. I know they wanted to but were told a computer pulls the names once you have met the point requirement (which, from what I gather, no one knows how that works either).
How many internal recs did you have? 5+
How long was it from the time of your invite to the actual interview? 4 weeks
Did you have any issues with logbooks, application or paperwork? I misunderstood the hour breakdown on the online app and had my Instructor time separately listed but never added it to my PIC total. After many months of not hearing anything, a buddy looked at my app and caught the mistake. I got the invite a couple of weeks after corrected my PIC total. I can’t say for sure, but I could very well have gotten the invite 6-8 months earlier if I had read it correctly and wasn’t an idiot. Paying for an application review may have saved me some time.
How did you prepare for the JKT/COG portion of the interview? I studied 4-8 hour a day for three weeks. I think I was as ready as I was going to be after two weeks. RST is all I used and all I needed. Great product. It is guided study and not gouge, but there just isn’t any useful gouge out there. As everyone has said, you have to learn the concepts. The COG trainer was excellent and I did a COG webinar which was very helpful.
Technical Test Questions I honestly can’t remember anything specifically. Do the 15 day RST, do the ground school and watch the videos they have if you have time. That really is all that you need. It is a tough test but this study plan will have you ready.
What was the hardest technical question or content you experienced during the job knowledge test? My test was mostly aero, some engines, a few electrical system question, one hydraulic, a few signs and FAA, a few math, and no weather. The hardest question I had involved finding the time it would take at 300kts TAS from one GPS coordinate to another. I don’t know grid stuff and had no clue on that one. I marked C and moved on.
Cog Test Again, the COG trainer was excellent. I also did a webinar and recommend you do so as well.
Cog Math Questions I might have gotten a couple right or I might not have gotten any. I have a hard time believing this section carries much weight. Amy even said that no one ever does well on it.
HR Questions Whoa. My panel was two retired Captains and it was not the friendly experience most folks have. I only know one other guy who had a hostile interview and that was back in December (I subsequently found out we had the exact same two Captains but he too got the job). Emerald Coast has value but this scenario was obviously meant to throw me off of any script I might have had. It was hard to keep composed and stay mentally agile. Very tough experience for me and I truly thought I blew it.
They asked me to tell them about myself but “don’t waste their time with anything on my resume and keep it under two minutes.” They asked me to explain my only ever failed check ride when I was getting my private pilots license. They presented me with a printout of the education section from my online app that was pretty old. On it I had the GPA from a school I briefly attended that was innacurate and was corrected once I received the transcript in the mail. My graduating GPA had always been correct and I graduated with honors, however, this two semester time period I could not recall the GPA and guessed. I corrected it as soon as I got the transcript and thought it was rather insignificant because it had no reflection on my final GPA (which was correct the entire time). I felt that they thought I had been disingenuous and I had to work very hard to express to them that I had never intended anything deceitful or untrue. Every story I told devolved into something unintended and they constantly took my stories and made me switch roles and asked how I might have responded. It was not a fun experience. Since these two guys have done this before, I’m not sure if it is just their MO or if a hostile interview gets thrown in every now and then to keep people on their toes, but I was definitely not expecting it. I got the job offer so all I can say is if you get in this scenario, keep your cool and don’t give up. Maybe that is what they were testing me on?!
How long prior to the interview did you prepare for the HR portion of the interview? Emerald Coast seminar one year prior, Emerald Coast webinar one week prior, Emerald Coast top off three days prior.
Which HR Prep service did you use and did it help? Emerald Coast. I thought it helped me to prepare for what I wanted to express about myself and it helped me to organize my thoughts. Joe Moske did part of my webinar and did my top off. I thought he was great. I highly recommend him. Unfortunately, my panel interview was not set up the normal way. Everyone else had friendly guys putting them at ease. Mine was not like that at all.
Any additional information you would like to add.
Is their anything you wish you could have done different to prepare you for this process? Not that I can think of.
What can we do to improve our services? Great products and services.
Concepts not covered by RST None.

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