Which Airline did you interview with? American Airlines
How many days between invite, interview, and listed availability? Application published
Did you receive a job offer? Yes
If you did not receive the CJO why do you think you weren’t chosen to continue in the process? Unknown- takes an average of two weeks to hear back
What is your experience? Military
Total Flight Time 1,000-2,000
Total Turbine PIC Time 1,000-2,000
General Overview of Experience Awesome. Everyone is super friendly.
How long did you have your application in before you received an invite? 1-6 months
Did you attend a job fair? No
Did you do anything special that triggered the interview invitation? Unknown. I updated my application regularly and had one letter of recommendation on file when I got the request to do the video interview.
How many internal recs did you have? 1-2
How long was it from the time of your invite to the actual interview? 4 weeks
Did you have any issues with logbooks, application or paperwork? None.
How did you prepare for the JKT/COG portion of the interview? I honestly would not recommend doing any preparation for the AA COG test. The test is designed to get harder the better you do. Just have a strong cup of coffee and go into it with a fresh mind and a good attitude. For the math portion I would just be familiar with the order of operations: multiplication and division come before addition and subtraction. For example: 2+3×5 = 17, not 25.
Technical Test Questions N/A for AA
What was the hardest technical question or content you experienced during the job knowledge test? N/A for AA
Cog Test See above.
Cog Math Questions N/A
HR Questions First, AA does interviews a little bit different. We had a 1000 show time for a 1030 interview. We hung out in the cafeteria for about 30 minutes and people were coming up to us and telling us good luck. At 1030 we met back in the pilot recruitment office and were escorted to the museum. The chief of pilot hiring spent about 10 minutes breaking the ice with us to get everyone to loosen up. They have 7-8 tables set up all throughout the museum. One by one the interview teams come up and come and get you. Everyone is interviewing at the same time at different tables about 20 feet apart.
I had a current Captain and current FO. The pilots doing the interviews are normal pilots that volunteer to do interviews occasionally. They are not the same people who do them every time so you might get a little different experience than I did. The Captain had the demeanor of a Check Airman giving me a ground eval with a 1000 yard stare. The FO was much more relaxed. Don’t let it get to you.
Started out with them telling me about themselves and their background. They have nametags in case you forget their names. I just called them sir.
“Tell me about yourself” – I gave them my standard 5 min ECIC intro. They were not writing anything down just listening.
They then pulled out the interview book with the questions and explained the format of how they want me to answer: SARR. They also give you a sheet of paper with a pen. I recommend writing the question down just in case you forget exactly what they asked you if you are trying to spin one of your stories a certain way.
TMAAT you led something from start to finish.
TMAAT you withheld information and later regretted it.
TMAAT you improved a process.
We then switched gears for two technical WWYD questions. They explain the format they want these answered in as 1) What are your thoughts? 2) What are your actions? 3) Why you did what you did (If it is not already apparent). For both of these I asked if i was the Captain or the FO. At first I was told I was the FO, but then they immediately changed it to I was the Captain.
WWYD: Thunderstorm 6 miles west. You are #3 for TO. Winds gusting to 25kts. AC on final to rwy 33 reports a loss of 15kts on final. You are cleared for TO. WWYD?
WWYD: You are filed to an airport. WX is 200- 1/2. Primary runway has 7000′ runway, 8kts quartering tailwind, wet with standing water. If you do not break out you will arrive at your alternate with less that 45 minutes of hold gas. WWYD? I initially answered the questions and took everything into consideration and gave two courses of action depending on the situation. They then said ok, lets say you cannot refile another alternate, and you have the TOLD to safely land, WWYD? I said I am legal to continue and I would shoot the approach and I know that I will arrive at my alternate with less that 45 min. I then got the question, what does the 45 minutes mean to you? I said it was a planning factor not an operational limit. Got another follow up question about if it was important or not? Said I would not intentionally burn it off but if unforeseen circumstances happened I know I can burn into it but I would not do so intentionally. Definitely felt like a ground eval on a check ride and since I am military I was not 100% sure I was giving the correct answer.
Customer SVC WWYD: You are boarding airplane and mx tells you a 2 hour delay for hydraulic problem. Pax in back is yelling at FA about how he cannot miss a meeting. WWYD?
One more TMAAT: TMAAT you disagreed with the actions of your supervisor?
At this point they stopped writing and closed their notes. They they said, just curious how did you prepare as you did very well. This then led into why do you want to work for AA since you are from another prominent airlines hometown. Because of this last exchange my interview continued for about an extra 15 minutes as I was still under fire. They were not writing anything down in their notes. After this, you have about a 20 minute break and then the HR person comes and gets you.
HR: Goes over your app? Asks you a few yes/no questions. Only one TMAAT: TMAAT you made the toughest decision of your life. Had about 3-4 follow up questions on this. After that she just told me about the timeline about when we would start class and when we should hear back. I also got the why AA question again from her.
At this point you are escorted out of the musuem, get on a crew shuttle, and go to the airport.
How long prior to the interview did you prepare for the HR portion of the interview? October 2016
Which HR Prep service did you use and did it help? I did an in person ECIC, 3-4 webinars, and a topoff. I also recommend practicing the night before with your fellow interview mates. Other than that just get a good nights rest.
Any additional information you would like to add.
Is their anything you wish you could have done different to prepare you for this process?

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