Which Airline did you interview with? Delta
How many days between invite, interview, and listed availability? 7 weeks invite to interview and classes start about one month later
Did you receive a job offer? Yes
If you did not receive the CJO why do you think you weren’t chosen to continue in the process? N/A
What is your experience? 121 and 135
Total Flight Time 4,000-5,000
Total Turbine PIC Time < 1,000
General Overview of Experience By far the most stressful 2 days ever!!! Not that the Delta team made it hard its just a nervous day where I felt they were judging everything i was doing… However that is not the case, they want us there and they want to give us the job!!! so be yourself and you will be fine!! Try to get some sleep which is hard because you will be nervous. I took tylonol pm so I was able to sleep.
How long did you have your application in before you received an invite? 12 months +
Did you attend a job fair? Yes
Did you do anything special that triggered the interview invitation? Definitely attend the job fair!! this helps out so much and have a professional review your airline apps!!! Right after I got 1000 121 time I got the email also…
How many internal recs did you have? 1-2
How long was it from the time of your invite to the actual interview? 4 weeks
Did you have any issues with logbooks, application or paperwork? None really, they said they were confused because i had SA-227(metroliner) on airline apps and SW4 in my log book. So I guess match identifiers up.
How did you prepare for the JKT/COG portion of the interview? RST
Technical Test Questions Know the concepts and study hard. My test was relatively easy but others in the class had really hard questions!!! of the 60 questions about 15 on aerodynamics, 15 systems, 5 regs, couple on holding. Know category circling distances, mine was Cat C circling 2.3 miles.
What was the hardest technical question or content you experienced during the job knowledge test? Had to calculate magnetic variation. Not that it was hard just have not used it since doing cross countries when i was getting my private. Question was what magnetic heading needs to be flown if you want to fly 060 true and the variation is 9 east.
Cog Test Very similar to RST. Just remember the UOILXT, four days later and I still remember mine!!! you have to re enter it right after the first UOILXT test and then later on in the test.
Cog Math Questions Easy!!
HR Questions Biggest thing I can say is be yourself and be positive. Its more of a conversation than a grilling. The retired captain I had tough and never smiled but other two were friendly.
5 minutes about myself.
why the colleges i chose
why low gpa?
favorite plane to fly?
style of leadership
how do you use crm in the cockpit
how do you prepare for recurrent
Line of weather and aircraft in front of you reported mod turb, if you go around it you will be at min fuel at destination. WWYD
You are new CA and senior FO keeps doing all your tasks. WWYD
How do you ensure that you are safe to fly?
tell me about a stressful time you had in an aircraft?
Psychologist Questions.
Tell me about yourself growing up.
Relationship with your parents
who are you roll models
tell me about a stressful day
leadership style
what would your significant other say about you? good/bad qualities you have
have you ever used drugs or alcohol?
have you ever abused drugs or alcohol?
do you or anyone else feel you have a problem with alcohol?
How long prior to the interview did you prepare for the HR portion of the interview? 2 weeks
Which HR Prep service did you use and did it help? Centerline
Any additional information you would like to add. Stressful but so worth it when you have that CJO!!!
Is their anything you wish you could have done different to prepare you for this process? I failed MPPI test the first time for being to positive…. had to retake the 560 question test again… so be honest and don’t try to sound perfect.

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