Which Airline did you interview with? Delta
How many days between invite, interview, and listed availability?
Did you receive a job offer? No 6, months re-invite, HR Failure
If you did not receive the CJO why do you think you weren’t chosen to continue in the process?
What is your experience? 121 only
Total Flight Time 5,000-8,000
Total Turbine PIC Time < 1,000
General Overview of Experience Day goes as advertised.
How long did you have your application in before you received an invite? 12 months +
Did you attend a job fair? No
Did you do anything special that triggered the interview invitation? Had Centerline Interview Prep look over my app.
How many internal recs did you have? 5+
How long was it from the time of your invite to the actual interview? 3 weeks
Did you have any issues with logbooks, application or paperwork? Only one, I had Pan Am as the trainer for my CRJ type rating, when it was actually Newair, but it was done at teh Pan Am facility. They seemed content with this answer
How did you prepare for the JKT/COG portion of the interview? RST website with reference to EEPP, and a rules of thumb book, but didn’t actually read anything new.
Technical Test Questions The JKT 60 questions, 60 minutes, one sheet of scratch paper that must be turned in afterwards. One hold question you are southwest of the station bearing 045 to the station, told to hold east on 090 radial right turns which entry, teardrop, One fuel question but included alternate fuel and FAA reserves and lots of other info. The necessary info is this 12500 on board 2500/hr/eng, divert fuel 3000 faa reserves 4500 entered holding at 1700z when must you leave holding, answer 1750z.
One compass card question, correct intercept for ADF radial. 2 questions on swept wing, one about losing an engine what does it do and one about stability. One question was you were flying in South America in the winter in sao palo(1280’) and flying to Denver, what would you expect a turbine engine to perform(less thrust due to higher temp and less pressure). Another was what is oil used for in a turbine engine(cooling main bearings and accessories). Another question had to do what affects the stall angle of attack. Another question was what do you have to do in level flight 250 kts when you extend gear preparing for approach, (adjust thrust for increase in drag) I went through the JKT in 30 minutes, and was able to go back and check answers. I changed 3 that just made more sense. I thought it was pretty easy, especially after JKT prep.
What was the hardest technical question or content you experienced during the job knowledge test?
Cog Test Cog was straight forward. Very thankful for RST on this one. Pressed the center button once or twice when I didn’t need to on the glide-slope. I had UO-LXT on the symbols. It repeated almost immediately and then again about 5 stages later. 4 math questions. The only one that standsout went something to the effect there are 40%of the bikes in a shop are mountain bikes. There are 140 mountain bikes, how many bikes in the shop. 2 answers were less than 250 and one was 350 so I guesstimated 350 as being correct. Cog is as advertised on RST.
Cog Math Questions 4 math questions. The only one that standsout went something to the effect there are 40%of the bikes in a shop are mountain bikes. There are 140 mountain bikes, how many bikes in the shop. 2 answers were less than 250 and one was 350 so I guestimated 350 as being correct. Cog is as advertized on RST
HR Questions First, I highly suggest the Hilton across the street. It is a perfect location. If they don’t have the delta rate when you call, keep calling back. If you still don’t get it, when you check-in ask again, this is when I was given the Delta rate. A car is not necessary but is nice to have if you want to be able to leave for airport whenever you want, but it will cost $22 a day to keep it at the Hilton.
Day goes as advertised. Show up hand stack 1 and then hand stack 2. This was pretty straight forward and easy. Chaunte is very nice and welcoming. Coffee water and Delta snack in Waiting area. Captain Kraby welcomes you shortly after. Reminds everyone to be yourself and do well.
I was the 830 interview. I felt like it went well, but I’m not sure where I missed my points, maybe after a review with an HR person I will have a little more clarity. I figured out eh night before I had one error on my application(my CRJ type rating was done through New Air not Pan Am, it was just done at Pan Am). The only other thing on my application they may have helped, I did not have my primary training listed, only professional training. I got the tell me about yourself since High school. I offered up a little more, because I have always wanted to fly and I started flying before I graduated high school. Not really sure I got across everything I wanted before they were asking questions. We rolled into Why did you pick Riddle, my answer was that it was the best and I wanted to go to the best. They asked me what airline I thought had the best training(I have been at 5) and why. I answered ACA because they focused heavily on CRM and safety. They asked about why I left each airline, usually the answer was impending furlough. They asked how I stayed current in the years I was a flight engineer, I told them about doing aerial photography and flying friends around.
They asked how I would handle a captain unfit for duty. After I clarified it was about fatigue, I approached it by saying I would ask him how he was doing? If he had a rough night? If we was going to be ok for the day? They of course take it deeper and say he says he’s fine but that I think he’s still unfit. So I kept going with, something like if he is showing signs of deterioration like slurred words of unable to stay awake or something really signifying his level of fatigue, I would proceed to call pro standards and see if they could help him remedy the scenario and if not then I would look at calling the chief pilot, because I would not want to risk the safety of the operation, so removing myself from the trip wouldn’t solve a problem. I took the time to tell a story when I did have to call pro standards, when a captain told me no don’t read the checklist. Unfortunately, the story doesn’t finish with any follow-up on my end.
Next they ask about how I would handle the Narita event and being told to go to Osaka, with little or no information. I replied with the talk to dispatch, ATC, FO, and FA. Bring FA upfront to discuss before making PA to the people. At this point they interjected the FA has family in Narita and is concerned and wants to know whats going on. I said I would give her the opportunity to collect herself in the cockpit and let her know that as oon as we have any more ifomration we would let her know. Also that as soon as we landed I would help her get the info she was needing, but right now we needed to prepare for arrival. Had me make a PA I said something to the effect of Ladies and Gentlemen this is your captain speaking. We have been informed that there has been event at the Narita Airport and will need to divert to Osaka. We do apologize for this delay but expect to be on the ground in Osaka in 20 minutes. Please pay attention to your flight attendants as they will give you further information.
Asked about if I had ever had a conflict with a coworker or had to help resolve one between 2 coworkers. I said actually yes, I had a trip, that started with a leg ord to dtw, the fa called from back said we had a suspiciously behaving passenger, but that passenger hadn’t needed security, and then on landing called me back and said we needed security at the gate. The same trip we had a passenger with food poisoning on board and the same FA called me about it. We needed EMS at the gate. The last night of the trip after dinner, the forward flight attendant pulled me aside and told me she had no idea about the police or the ems that the other fa hadn’t told her. Asked me to make sure she was looped in just in case. I proceeded to tell them the next morning we talked about what was going on and as it turned out the aft FA had been dissatisfied with the FWD FA because she hadn’t helped with the service in the AFT. The FWD FA hadn’t helped in the back because she was swamped with the First class. So we briefly talked about it and moved forward. Told them this scenario cause me to add to my FA briefs to please communicate with each other so that when I’m called we are all on the same page. I also went to see the chief pilot to make sure I hadn’t missed anything from my end. Inquired as to why we don’t have a lead FA, or if I was missing something.
The next scenario asked about was the Fire light goes out when thrust is pulled back. Big story here was to loop in FA dispatch and PA. He did ask if I would talk to maintenance and of course the answer was yes and maintenance said it was good to leave it running at a reduced power setting. I still opted to divert. They asked if there was anything specific I would say in the PA. I said we have a mechanical irregularity. They asked if I would say anything about the engine or fire indication and I said no. As of right now we suspected it would be a loop fault.
They asked how I planned my descents and I said 3 to 1 and they offered up if I’m 26 miles out, what would I do if my FO wasn’t starting down early enough. I offered that I would start by cueing him into the scenario by asking questions like hey when are you going to start down? What do you think about heading down now? Going so far as to say hey how about you start down now? They said he starts down to late. I said I would inquire with ATC about coming in high for the fix. They said no we have to make the crossing. I said ok, at this point I would take the controls of the plane and get us down by pulling speed brakes and going down faster. That after we leveled I would make sure he’s ok and responsive to me and would give him the controls back, making sure he understood that we needed to get down right away and as long as he was ok talking about it when we landed, we would do so. They seemed ok with that.
They wrapped up by asking if I had any questions or if there was anything I wanted to add. I said I would love to hear about their flying stories, but I’m sure that’s for a better time. Also asked what the best part of their careers were, but they gave a dumb answer like I made it 30 years or 31 without bending any metal.
Made the one change on the app and signed it.
Went to cafeteria for “lunch” in my case it was more like brunch. FYI it closes from 10-11. Breakfast is before 10 and lunch after 11. I was the 12 testing group so we ate breakfast. It was nice to go outside.
Cog was straight forward. Very thankful for RST on this one. Pressed the center button once or twice when I didn’t need to on the glideslope. I had UO-LXT on the symbols. It repeated almost immediately and then again about 5 stages later. 4 math questions. The only one that standsout went something to the effect there are 40%of the bikes in a shop are mountain bikes. There are 140 mountain bikes, how many bikes in the shop. 2 answers were less than 250 and one was 350 so I guestimated 350 as being correct. Cog is as advertized on RST.
The personality was straight forward a couple strongly agree and disagree but for the most part stayed in agree or disagree.
The JKT 60 questions, 60 minutes, one sheet of scratch paper that must be turned in afterwards. One hold question you are southwest of the station bearing 045 to the station, told to hold east on 090 radial right turns which entry, teardrop, One fuel question but included alternate fuel and FAA reserves and lots of other info. The necessary info is this 12500 on board 2500/hr/eng, divert fuel 3000 faa reserves 4500 entered holding at 1700z when must you leave holding, answer 1750z.
One compass card question, correct intercept for ADF radial. 2 questions on swept wing, one about losing an engine what does it do and one about stability. One question was you were flying in South America in the winter in sao palo(1280’) and flying to Denver, what would you expect a turbine engine to perform(less thrust due to higher temp and less pressure). Another was what is oil used for in a turbine engine(cooling main bearings and accessories). Another question had to do what affects the stall angle of attack. Another question was what do you have to do in level flight 250 kts when you extend gear preparing for approach, (adjust thrust for increase in drag) I went through the JKT in 30 minutes, and was able to go back and check answers. I changed 3 that just made more sense. I thought it was pretty easy, especially after JKT prep.
Certainly looking forward to fixing my HR portion and getting back in 6 months. If anyone has any insight for me, I will gladly listen. The best I can figure is that I didn’t feel like any of the questions really pushed me to show how much of a people person I am. Probably means I just need more help on the explanation side of my answers. I will be call ECIC before the next interview.
How long prior to the interview did you prepare for the HR portion of the interview?
Which HR Prep service did you use and did it help? Centerline, and I think it helped, but I didn’t have enough of the Delta required answers.
Any additional information you would like to add.
Is their anything you wish you could have done different to prepare you for this process? I would have liked to focus not on what my answers are, but what delta would like to hear as answers.
What can we do to improve our services? I would like to see the HR scoring info published. It was talked about in the wrap-up, but I feel like I alcked on the knowing the scoring info.
Concepts not covered by RST

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