Which Airline did you interview with? Delta
How many days between invite, interview, and listed availability? Date availability 2 weeks, 6 weeks between invite and interview
Did you receive a job offer? No 6, months re-invite, HR Failure
If you did not receive the CJO why do you think you weren’t chosen to continue in the process? Although they don’t tell you what you failed, I think I came up short on the HR portion.
What is your experience? 121 only
Total Flight Time 5,000-8,000
Total Turbine PIC Time 1,000-2,000
General Overview of Experience Delta is very organized and seasoned in the pilot selection process, and it shows. Everything is top notch from the facilities, to the Pilot Selection Team staff, and everyone is very friendly and inviting. The day starts promptly at 7:45am by handing in Set 1 and Set 2 documents. Next, Captain Barry Holmes introduces himself and explains how the day is going to go. He tries his best to put everyone at ease as much as he can. They divide the group into 2. The first half (First half of alphabet last names) will do HR in the morning, and computer testing in the afternoon. My HR session wasn’t until 10am, so I had some waiting around to do from 830-10. I just chatted with the other 2 candidates for about an hour in the waiting lounge, until we were called in to begin HR. Lunch follows at 11am, and the interview resumes at noon. I had computer testing in the afternoon which included the Cog test, then a 240 question personality test, and last the JKT. I was the last to finish computer testing at 3pm. All of us were then just waiting around in the lounge and chatting with each other. Captain Holmes then came out and he called me back to his office. I knew this was not good news. He was very quick and professional here, and told me that I just barely didn’t make the cut and that they would love to have me back in 6 months.
How long did you have your application in before you received an invite? 12 months +
Did you attend a job fair? Yes
Did you do anything special that triggered the interview invitation? Attended 3 job fairs, and had 3 internal recommendations
How many internal recs did you have? 3-4
How long was it from the time of your invite to the actual interview? 4 weeks
Did you have any issues with logbooks, application or paperwork? No
How did you prepare for the JKT/COG portion of the interview? Completed the 15 day RST prep. course
Technical Test Questions Wide variety. Some of the few harder ones that I can remember were:
Proper fuel crossfeed procedure?
I said OPEN the crossflow valve and turn off low side BOOST PUMP
Service volume of a localizer?
25 miles and 35 degrees?
Grid MORA is 12,000 ft. and ATC tells you to descend to 8,000 ft. What should you do?
In cruise with the autopilot on, you notice that the hydraulic system 1 temperature is slowly rising. Why is this?
I answered that the skin friction is heating up the fuel which cools the hydraulic system.
What was the hardest technical question or content you experienced during the job knowledge test? I got a few tough systems question involving fuel, hydraulic, and electrical questions.
Cog Test Easy after RST. Only thing that might have been harder was keeping the bar out of the danger zone and the localizer thing.
Cog Math Questions I honestly can’t remember much on the specifics, but I do remember thinking they were a tad easier than the ones on RST.
HR Questions Panel – 3 on 1. 1 HR Rep, 1 Current Line Pilot, and 1 Retired Line Pilot.
-Glanced over current application and had me initial next to Stage Check failure.
-Signed and dated application.
-3 Minute Introduction
-Asked how and why I had decided to attend the aviation university that I had attended.
-Also was asked about having only CFI and MEI, and why no CFII?
-Asked about membership and involvement in OBAP and WAI.
-Asked about my volunteer work.
-Asked about my first solo day. Asked to describe it.
-Asked what my thoughts were on the government possibly reducing the mandated flight experience and time requirements for airline pilots. ATP rule?
-WWYD if you deadheaded in and had to rush to a flight. How would you brief the crew. How would you approach the flight?
-WWYD if you were flying a short 35 minute flight and while climbing through 10,000 ft. the flight attendants claim they heard a big bang and are saying that passengers are concerned?
– TMAAT you had to use CRM extensively.
-TMAAT when a crew member disagreed with/defied your authority or a decision you had made.
They wrapped the session up with asking if I had any questions for them. I did not but I used this opportunity to insert my closing statement here.
They all seemed very nice. I felt extremely comfortable with them, probably too comfortable. The HR Rep. seemed the most straight lined and strictly business type of attitude. The Retired Line Pilot seemed the nicest, almost like a grandparent. The Current Line Pilot did not say much, but I was able to get him to smile a lot. Even after the HR portion was over, I walked out of there thinking that it had gone alright but it wasn’t until about an hour or two later after lunch that I really began thinking back on my HR experience. I am fairly certain that this where I came up short. Although my poise and delivery were excellent (I thought), my content was not very good. I did not effectively answer their questions. Just make sure to listen, pay attention, and really understand the questions that they are asking. Also, relax and take your time answering the questions and scenarios. I think my nerves got the best of me and I was kind of rapid firing answers and action responses. I would have done much better here had I just relaxed, breathed, and drank water between the questions and answers. They even tell you to expect awkward silences during it, and that it is completely normal.
How long prior to the interview did you prepare for the HR portion of the interview? 4 weeks
Which HR Prep service did you use and did it help? Centerline. Helped a little bit, but still came up short on HR. Definitely needed more sessions.
Any additional information you would like to add.
Is their anything you wish you could have done different to prepare you for this process? More HR preparation for sure.

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