They do a good job of trying to put you at ease
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A great very professional experience through and through
rstharold, , CJO Offered, Delta Ride Reports, Delta Ride Reports, 0
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Overall good experience
rstharold, , CJO Not Offered, Delta Ride Reports, 0
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Much lower stress than I’d anticipated
rstharold, , CJO Offered, Delta Ride Reports, Delta Ride Reports, 0
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Make Sure you use your exact GPA
Jet Brain, , CJO Offered, Delta Ride Reports, DAL Ride Report, 0
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Great experience
rstharold, , CJO Offered, Delta Ride Reports, Delta Ride Reports, 0
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All other trip reports were spot on
rstharold, , CJO Offered, United Airlines Ride Reports, 0
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All 121 experience low hours, less than 3000 total time and no Turbine PIC time
rstharold, , CJO Offered, Delta Ride Reports, 0
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RST was so much help
rstharold, , CJO Not Offered, Delta Ride Reports, 0
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