Which Airline did you interview with? Delta
How many days between invite, interview, and listed availability? 2 months, 2 weeks
Did you include volunteer work in your application? Yes
Did you receive a job offer? Yes
If you did not receive the CJO why do you think you weren’t chosen to continue in the process? N/A
What is your experience? 121
Total Flight Time 3,000-4,000
Total Turbine PIC Time
TPIC 121 hours
TPIC Military hours
TPIC 91/135
General Overview of Experience All the recent write ups are spot on. I’ll add my two cents.
We walked over at 7am to be there by 7:15am as stated in the first email you receive. At 7:15 Dorothia the receptionist comes out to greet you. She is very kind but sounds like a robot form repeating herself everyday. She will call you into a conference room by groups to collect your documents and negative covid test results. They ask for a list of original documents and copies of those originals to bring with you. They never once asked to look at my original documents…just took the copies. The only original document I did not get back was my college transcript. For the negative covid test…you can have a screenshot on your phone and show that and she accepted that. All phones must be turned off after that. They have you store them in a cubby for the day. You are not allowed to access them unless you are expecting an emergency phone call. Smart watches must be turned off and stowed as well. After that you are brought into a large waiting room. This is the room with the famous “Delta Pilot Selection” sign. This is the room you will be waiting in between events throughout the day. They have a coffee/tea machine, snacks and a large refrigerator with hundreds of mini Delta water bottles. At 8am the manager of Pilot Hiring Iyob will come out for a greeting and run down the days events with you. It is at this point they will post a schedule on one of the tables that outlines approximate times for each event. On my day, they had 6 panels of interviews going at the same time. The first group is at 8:30am and the second group is at 10:30am. If your group is large enough, there will be a third group of interviews that go right after lunch at 12:30….God bless ya if you’re in this group…lot of waiting. The groups are assigned by last name. For my applicant group, last names starting with A through I were group 1. J through S were group 2 and T through Z were group 3. I was in the 10:30am group for the interview which meant I would take the MMPI test first at 8:30am. Beginning at 8:15am, the 6 HR recruiters would slowly start trickling out to call someone to go back and do their interview. By 8:30am, the first 6 applicants were gone and in their interview rooms. At that same time, an HR guy came out to bring the remaining applicants into the computer lab located in the back of the waiting room to take the MMPI test.
The test took 1 hour and 20 minutes to complete. Just be consistent with it and power through. Yes there are about 20 questions asking about your constipation and bowel movements…gave me a nice quiet chuckle among the sounds of clicking.
I finished the test at 9:50am and had 40mins to take a break before my HR Interview.
At 10:35 I was called back to one of the many interview rooms.
The HR interview is NOTHING TO STRESS ABOUT. I only had two questions that were scripted on paper, the rest were improvised by the interviewers. I think they each asked me two questions for a grand total of 6 questions for the entire interview! You start by giving your intro. They will say something like “in 3-5 mins,” but my 13min intro did just fine and honestly probably answered several follow up questions that they would’ve asked me any way. The interview is catered to the applicant and the applicants history. Lasted about 40-45mins but went by so fast.
As soon as that was done, you are released for lunch. Walk across the street to the Delta Cafeteria and enjoy Sushi, Chick-Fil-A, Starbucks among others. We were due back in at 12:20pm.
At 12:30pm they began calling names. You DO NOT want to hear your name called. This means it is a NO for the day, and to come back in 6 months. This was the most nerve wracking part of the day. Watching them call one name at a time hoping yours is not next. Once you see them come out with the Delta colored folders, YOU’RE IN THE CLEAR! Attached to the folder will be your CJO. They then bring you into the same conference room that they collected your documents in and have you begin some paperwork for the drug test and fingerprinting. That takes 15mins. After that the group is broken up. Some will go get fingerprints, some will go do their drug test, and two people will be escorted into the Psych Eval rooms to have their interview with the psychologist. All in all the afternoon portion took most people two and a half hours, with most people done around 3pm. If you are interviewing in the afternoon, you will be done closer to 4-5pm.
The interview with the Psychologist is not bad. Just show them a good attitude…lasted 30mins. THIS IS WHERE the TMAAT questions come into play. They did not ask me ANY TMAAT questions in the HR interview. Some “Was there ever a flight where…” but no broad TMAAT scenarios in the HR interview. Some questions the psychologist asked were “Tell me about your childhood,” “TMAAT you were in a stressful situation,” “TMAAT you had a conflict in the cockpit,” ” Tell me about your drug and alcohol use,” “When was that last time you were hungover,” “Have you ever been depressed?”
I finished my Psych interview at 2:50pm and walked out of the building at 3pm.
How long did you have your application in before you received an invite? 12 months +
Did you attend a job fair? No
Did you do anything special that triggered the interview invitation? Submit your internal recommendations in monthly periods. When you add a rec to your app it triggers the computer to score your app…and it only gets scored once every 30 days. So if you add a rec every month, your app gets scored every month. It will not get scored weekly if you were to add recs every week…from an inside source.
How many internal recs did you have? 1-2
How long was it from the time of your invite to the actual interview? 8 weeks
Did you have any issues with logbooks, application or paperwork? None. You DO NOT have to convert your paper logbooks to electronic. I had my paper log from college and my electronic log from my regional airline printed out professionally by Prosoft binders and that was just fine. There were no issues and no questions brought up about it.
Technical Test Questions None!
What was the hardest technical question or content you experienced during the job knowledge test? N/A
HR Questions Intro–Tell us how you go to this seat today
Why did you become a pilot recruiter at your airline?
Have you ever had a flight where you had a jumpseater distracting you and what did you do?
You mentioned you’re big on open communication. How do you promote that in your fight deck and on your aircraft?
What was the biggest challenge you found in training at your airline?
Have you ever disagreed with a change in policy or procedure at your company?–this one tripped me up and she reminded me it doesn’t have to be at my regional airline, it could be at my college too. This gave me the nudge I needed to answer the question.
WWYD–you are the captain flying ATL to LGA and just prior to your TOD you have a compressor stall. For the sake of argument, we’ll say the QRH procedure has you shutdown and secure the engine that has stalled. WWYD and who would you call.
Then they gave me the opportunity to ask questions. They asked a few more specific questions but I cannot recall them at this time. Only one WWYD question.
Cog Test N/A
How long prior to the interview did you prepare for the HR portion of the interview? 1 Month
How did you prep? I wrote out all of my stories on a word document and practiced saying them out loud. I used aviationinterviews.com for TMAAT and WWYD questions that have been asked and typed out my answer to each question on that cite.
Which HR Prep service did you use and did it help? I did one RST webinar and that was very helpful. HR Prep would be good for those who get nervous talking in front of strangers etc.
Any additional information you would like to add. There is one pilot recruiter who has a thick greek accent. He is a nice gentleman but is very direct and during teh WWYD question will try and pressure you to make decisions quickly. DO NOT let his pressure throw you off. Take your time and think it through. He wanted to hear what I would brief to the flight attendants. I knew after saying that he would want to hear what I would say to the passengers so I didn’t give him the opportunity to ask, I simply went right into a make shift passenger PA and he nodded and the interview was over. Obviously showing the initiative paid off! Take charge of the interview. This is your time to shine.

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