Which Airline did you interview with? Delta Air Lines
How many days between invite, interview, and listed availability?
Did you receive a job offer? Yes
If you did not receive the CJO why do you think you weren’t chosen to continue in the process? N/A
What is your experience? 121 only
Total Flight Time 5,000-8,000
Total Turbine PIC Time < 1,000
General Overview of Experience Enjoyable experience. Everyone was warm and welcoming.
How long did you have your application in before you received an invite? 1-6 months
Did you attend a job fair? Yes
Did you do anything special that triggered the interview invitation? Internal recommendation to trigger 30 day application grading period. Invited to interview on day 29 of 30.
How many internal recs did you have? 5+
How long was it from the time of your invite to the actual interview? 4 weeks
Did you have any issues with logbooks, application or paperwork? None. I spent a great deal of time and money on my logbooks. Professionally printed and bound in leather. Tabbed for their convenience. They notice everything. It’s obvious they do this for a living. They asked me why I didn’t fly for a 6 month period in 2009. I had to think about it and then I remembered I had a motorcycle accident. Not sure how I forgot that. I of course offered to show them my scars. They laughed. No other questions were asked about my paperwork.
How did you prepare for the JKT/COG portion of the interview? COG is a joke if you’re using RST. So easy. Don’t waste much time on this. I practiced less than a dozen times in the month prior to my interview. It was not challenging. My base score was 800-850 with 95% accuracy on average. Don’t sweat it.
JKT was a bear. I read 6-8 hours a day almost daily for a month. I got tired of reading. I read all flashcards and material on RST. Looked over some items in the FAR/AIM. Took the general knowledge test on RST 2 or 3 times. 95%+ scores on that. On the actual test day, I had about 12 questions that I was 100% sure but had narrowed down to two possible answers. I went with my gut on those and I absolutely guessed on 1 question. I was pretty confident that I had passed.
Technical Test Questions Same type of questions as posted a million times before here. I saw about 10 questions directly from RST. I had no weather questions. Mostly aerodynamic and engine questions. I did get a few math questions. Radial leads, time to cross radials at a specific speed on the 60 DME Arc, 3 to 1 descent.
What was the hardest technical question or content you experienced during the job knowledge test? The hardest part is that no matter how hard you study, you’ll have a few questions that you just don’t know the answers to. Nothing more difficult than the others, just a huge amount of knowledge to retain. You’ll be fine. Study hard and read the questions.
Cog Test Nothing more to say about this. Don’t waste your time. Focus on the JKT and HR.
Cog Math Questions I didn’t have any difficult math problems on the Cog. Simple mental math. I got through 5 or 6.
HR Questions Basic intro about myself from College on. No time limit.
You’re in line for takeoff. Everyone is departing with a thunderstorm within 3 miles of the departure end which is against Delta policy. What do you do? (They made me give a PA to the “Passengers”)
How do you deal with difficult Captains?
You’re the Captain and giving the briefing to the Flight Attendants. One isn’t paying attention and is on her phone. What do you do? They pushed her and eventually the Flight Attendant said she had been here longer than i’ve been flying that she didn’t need to hear a briefing and walked away. What do you do now?
What is my leadership style and how do I set the tone?
What if we don’t hire you today? What will you do?
Any questions?
How long prior to the interview did you prepare for the HR portion of the interview? 2 weeks of practicing my answers out loud and with friends.
Which HR Prep service did you use and did it help? I didn’t use any HR prep. Delta just wants to get to know the real you. Speak to them like you would one of your friends. Just don’t say anything really stupid. I got some good feedback from my interviewers. They laughed at some of my stupid jokes and they even made some of their own. I rambled like a fool because I didn’t over prepare for this. I wanted it to be organic. They definitely knew who I was before I walked out of that room. Be confident and be specific on how you would handle situations. Go through the steps. For example on the question where people were departing with a storm within 3 miles of the departure end of the runway. I said, i’m pulling over and waiting for the storm to pass. I call ATC and tell them I need to hold for weather. I called and told the FA’s the reason for the delay. I gave a PA to the passengers. I called Operations and updated them with our takeoff delay status. They did make me give that PA out loud. It went something like this… “Ladies and Gentlemen from the flighdeck, this is your Captain speaking. Right now we have a little weather in our departure path. Delta policy requires that weather to be 3 miles from the departure end of the runway. In the interest of safety, we will hold here until that weather has passed. We appreciate your patience and understanding. If there is anything we can do to make you more comfortable, please don’t hesitate to ask. In the meantime, please remain seated with your seatbelt fastened as we could be moving again shortly. Thank you.”
Don’t just say… I won’t take off. Remember… it’s keeping things safe and keeping customers both internal and external happy.
BE YOU!!! If you’re fake you won’t make it.
Any additional information you would like to add. I was flagged on day 2 on the MMPI. Now I wait and see if I make it past the review board. The only negative of this entire experience. I’m not sure what I did to get flagged. I was brutally honest and consistent. Lots of things can get you flagged i’m told but it only happens to a lucky 2% of applicants. Of those 2%, 90+% make it past the review board. Wish me luck.
Is their anything you wish you could have done different to prepare you for this process? No.

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