Which Airline did you interview with? Delta Air Lines
How many days between invite, interview, and listed availability?
Did you receive a job offer? Yes
If you did not receive the CJO why do you think you weren’t chosen to continue in the process?
What is your experience? Military
Total Flight Time 3,000-4,000
Total Turbine PIC Time
General Overview of Experience I put my app in Jan 16 and received the e-mail invite Jun 16. Had an internal HR request. I used RST Delta, Emerald Coast, and Checked and Set. In addition to the documents on these websites, I read The Turbine Pilot’s Flight Manual and Everything Explained for the Professional Pilot. I stayed at the Hilton across the street, met everyone at Ruby Tuesday, and caught the 0715 van to the gate for Delta World Headquarters. Even though you are all there at the same time, only 2 or 3 people at a time can go in to turn your pack of stuff in, while the others wait. There is a sign showing when everyone does their activities based on last name alphabetical order. I had the 0830 HR. and afternoon testing. Capt Kraby talks some and then gives you a quick tour. I only had about 5 minutes from the tour to the HR portion, so be ready. The 3 interviewers I had were very friendly and introduced themselves. The current Captain even thanked me for my service in the military. Everyone is cheering for you to succeed.
How long did you have your application in before you received an invite?
Did you attend a job fair?
Did you do anything special that triggered the interview invitation?
How many internal recs did you have?
How long was it from the time of your invite to the actual interview?
Did you have any issues with logbooks, application or paperwork?
How did you prepare for the JKT/COG portion of the interview?
Technical Test Questions You are on the 180 radial for VORTAC XYZ at FL350, and need to descend to 10000 feet by 25 miles south of XYZ. What DME do you start your decent? Some of the possible answers 75, 100
Descend from FL350 to airfield with elevation of 8300’ and local altimeter of 30.02. You forgot to switch from 29.92. What does your altimeter read? Some of the answers 8200’, 8300’, 8400
What is the only thing not attached to engine accessory gear box. Hydraulic pump, Air Conditioning pack
You are inbound to XYZ from Northwest. They ask you to hold on the XYZ 210 radial left hand turns. How do you enter? Answers to select from Direct, parallel, tear drop
What are three things aft CG gives you? The answer had things that matched forward and aft CG, so know the difference. Faster cruise, unstable, lower stall speed
Another question about which statement is true in regards to CG’s relationship to CP. Answers had CG in front of CP, CG aft of CP, etc. You have to know how the relationship works
Two aircraft different weight and their relationship to L/D max. Answers had something about gliding farther, the same distance, etc…can’t remember
Define TAS. Answers were: What your gauge reads, Gauge adjusted for compressibility, Gauge adjusted for calibration errors, ground speed adjusted for winds. I thought this question didn’t have a correct answer.
Define EPR. Possible Answers: Ratio of compressor pressure to turbine pressure, ratio of turbine pressure to compressor pressure, ratio of low pressure turbine to high pressure turbine, ratio of low pressure compressor to high pressure compressor
Arcing in left turn around ATL VORTAC and you have a crosswind from the right. Where do you put the pointer in relation to the wing line. Possible answers: Above it, below it, leave it the same
What converts AC to DC. TR
Why does the fuel feed out of the fuselage first? Reduce wing root loading
Drawback of a swept wing. Higher stall speed, less lift
You are on final and the winds shift to a headwind of 20 knots, what do you have to do to make the runway?
Hydroplaning during landing, and losing directional control, what do you do? Release brakes, gain directional control, and re-apply brakes.
There was one question with an approach plate to reference and it asked about going missed approach
You are landing runway 21 and the tower reports the winds as 240/21. You also know you have a crosswind limit of 25 knots for braking action reported as good and a 10 knot crosswind limit when it is reported as poor. You are on final when the aircraft in front of you reports braking action as poor. What do you do? If you figure out the cross wind, you have to go around. Other answers were to land, and ask the tower for the winds again.
You lose left generator AC bus in the weather. They had some answers that might be specific to one type of aircraft, for exmple you can’t lower the gear, or you can’t lower the flaps, but the only one that made sense to me was a general answer about not being sure if you can navigate to final destination
You are in jetwash behind another aircraft. What do you do? Slow down, Climb above, Descend, go faster.
Flying at altitude, and temp increases 5 degrees. What happened to your actual altitude?
Design flaw of De Havilland Comet. Metal Fatigue. I chose this answer because it was in the gold standard ppt.
Anti-ice on large commercial aircraft is provided by? Electrical, Bleed Air,
Winds are 360/15, you lose your left engine. Runways available are 09/27. Which one do you use?
Why do they use hydraulic fluid. Incompressible fluid
I tried to include some of the answers that you could choose from. Every question I had on the test, had 4 answers. You could eliminate 1 right away, maybe 2. You had to read into the answers to decipher the correct answer.
What was the hardest technical question or content you experienced during the job knowledge test? Define TAS. None of the answers made sense without more data.
Cog Test COG, is close to trainer but not exactly the same. Practice and listen to the webinar. Read the instructions…there is no time limit to read the instructions, or practice. I would run through the practice, and it would say “it looks like you understand the concept, press next to continue or back to review again”. I went back on a couple tests to practice again and would take it to the limits to see how the system worked, and then the computer would say something like, “it looks like you need more practice, contact admin.” The guy would come back in and reset no questions asked. When you hit next be ready to start the test. What I learned…The localizer test (the bar going back and forth, that you keep in place with the arrow keys) can get out of sync quickly if you let it get about half way to the side, almost exponentially faster, and it might take several hits of the same arrow key to get it back to center, instead of one hit. I tried some different iterations on the practice, to get a feel for it. Keep it slow and steady, and the line won’t move more than a centimeter either side. The previous/last number recall test was easier. The computer shows the numbers for a longer time, so you have time to remember…hard to describe…the RST trainer switches as fast as you can select the number…the test will leave the number up, even after you select the previous number…it reminds me of waiting for the green light…as soon as it switches you select the number, and then you have time to remember the next number before it switches again. You can cancel and go back and replace/fix your answers on the reverse numbers test and the UXTO-L test to fix a number you put in the wrong place. I was asked the UXTO-L two more times after…one was like 8 tests later. The same/different sound test used several tones, instead of the same tone at different rates. The next in sequence alphabet and number test had the 4 boxes spread further apart than the trainer, and you need to hit the middle of the square…I anchored my elbow on the desk to keep my arm steady as I was tapping the center of the squares.
Cog Math Questions
HR Questions Tell us about yourself starting with High School. They then asked a few questions on my app about education, and why I chose my degree, why I failed a class, why I wanted to be a pilot. Asked about a few of my flying hic-ups I had listed on the app…I had cut and pasted the same incident into all the different categories of the addendum that could possibly cover the situation…I owned it, and they moved on.
WWYD if Capt keeps talking about the things you unusually don’t talk about (politics, religion, social issues, contract)…after my answer, this morphed into you don’t like the guy and you are on a three day trip…then it morphed into how far would he have to take it before you escalated the issue higher.
WWYD if 1st class is short 20 meals on a meal flight and it will take 30 min to get them…you can’t make up the time, and there are 4 of the 1st class pax who need to make their meeting. This was the only time I felt they pressured me, and I think it was to see if I would change my answer about taking the delay.
WWYD if you had an engine fire light, but when you pulled the power back the light would go out, and you were half way to your destination. Safety first.
TMAAT most rewarding leadership/job and most frustrating leadership/job.
How long prior to the interview did you prepare for the HR portion of the interview?
Which HR Prep service did you use and did it help? Emerald Coast. Yes. Originally, I only did the on-line stuff, but last minute decided to go to an in-person seminar a week prior, even though I had my stories figured out. A technique clicked with me while watching the other people get grilled, about the one thing I was missing, and I think this prep put me over the top for HR. You just have to own your stories.
Any additional information you would like to add. Keep pressing forward with the things you can control, and don’t worry about the thing you can’t. I’m proof that you can make it. I had a 2.3 GPA and no masters. I also had some things in my past flying record that could be considered questionable. Be truthful, humble, own it, and show how you learned from it.
Is their anything you wish you could have done different to prepare you for this process?

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