Which Airline did you interview with? Delta
How many days between invite, interview, and listed availability? 4 weeks
Did you receive a job offer? No 6, months re-invite, HR Failure
If you did not receive the CJO why do you think you weren’t chosen to continue in the process? They would not explain which part of the process was unsatisfactory. In my case, the testing went well, but the interview was pretty rough.
What is your experience? 121 and 135
Total Flight Time 4,000-5,000
Total Turbine PIC Time 1,000-2,000
General Overview of Experience Everything began fairly smoothly and relaxed. Barry spoke with us as a group and did his best to put us at ease. I began with testing first. Unless for some reason I was mistaken and botched the personality test or something, the testing went well. The JKT was actually fairly easy in my case, and I finished with enough time to reread every question closer to double-check my responses. We broke for lunch, and I would be interviewing later in the afternoon. When I went in for the interview, things took a turn. I had barely taken a seat when I was questioned about my application. For 5 minutes and before I had even officially introduced myself, I was defending entries updated in the addendum after the invite to interview. I added additional information for clarification, but this resulted in more questioning as to why and when I made changes. My college record which I thought would be an asset to me, was really picked apart as they struggled to understand (or acted that way) the timeline of events, why I did things, and what my experiences entailed. We literally spent 10 minutes discussing this and studying my college transcript. The rest of the interview was fairly easy in retrospect, but after the first few minutes, my anxiety level went up and everything felt more difficult in the moment. I don’t know if it was their strategy to be more confrontational or if they just questioned my truthfulness. I have so many great TMAT stories to demonstrate my character but wasn’t given an opportunity to share because of the way questions were asked. There were two rooms conducting interviews that day. All who came out of the first were successful. Only 1 out of 4 were successful out of the second.
How long did you have your application in before you received an invite? 12 months +
Did you attend a job fair? Yes
Did you do anything special that triggered the interview invitation? NGPA January 2017
How many internal recs did you have? 3-4
How long was it from the time of your invite to the actual interview? 4 weeks
Did you have any issues with logbooks, application or paperwork? Yes, app issue…no logbook questions even though my electronic entries varied about 1-2% from the paper. No paper work issues. They specifically mentioned that your paperwork should be taken out of folders and paper clipped. Don’t worry about getting too fancy with any presentation of that, and don’t include anything they don’t ask of you because they won’t even look at it.
How did you prepare for the JKT/COG portion of the interview? RST, various text books, and gouges
Technical Test Questions You are told to descend from FL330 to 10000ft at .76IMN and then intercept 330KIAS in descent. Does this happen at a higher or lower altitude than intercepting 250KIAS?
Definition of Dutch Roll
How long can you hold? What Zulu time will you have to divert?
In an AC electrical system, what device converts AC to DC power?
On takeoff the left engine fails at 126KIAS. V1 is 125KIAS. What do you do?
What is the purpose of the fuel/oil heat exchanger? Two answers about heating fuel, cooling the entire oil system, or cooling the oil before being injected into the engine bearings
Maximum load is shifted to the aft limit, What will be the effects on landing? Decreased stability, less back pressure on flair
MDA for the LOC 27 is 450’AGL, Time from FAF to MAP is 3:00. How long after the FAF will your VDP occur?
When is ground effect most pronounced?
3 knots from V1 and you get stagnant airspeed from windsheer. What do you do? Takeoff, Abort you’ll have enough runway to stop, or V1 is no longer valid with the tailwind.
Fowler flaps
Runway lighting/Markings
Taxiway signage
Increasing temp and rpm below normal-hung start
0v dc what’s going on?
When does the flow velocity greatly accelerate in a turbine engine?
Name the parts of a Turbine engine
Mostly likely to observe dutch roll with the YD inop when?
First thing you should do in an electrical fire? Don O2 mask, pull cb, run the checklist, declare emergency
What would affect braking action the most? Excessive standing water
Zulu time conversion
Which runway to select single engine with crosswind?
Flat tire on landing question
Flying five miles behind heavy with 6 knot crosswind, what can you expect?
What was the hardest technical question or content you experienced during the job knowledge test? What is the distance between N35 W102.00 and N39 W102.02? My rule of thumb failed me as all responses were not really close. I put 255 NM
Cog Test No surprises thanks to RST
Cog Math Questions Sorry can’t remember, but they were no trouble. Saw 4-5 fairly simple math ones
HR Questions Drew a line on the paper with “outstanding pilot” on the left and “average pilot” on the right. Asked me to describe
TMAT when you made a mistake in the cockpit and had to make an apology
WWYD if you were woken up several times at the hotel and did not get a full 8 hours of rest?
WWYD if there is a thunderstorm approaching the field at less than three miles(less than policy for departure) but other planes are still taking off?
What job taught you most about being a professional pilot?
How do you stay fit for duty?
What is your leadership style?
How long prior to the interview did you prepare for the HR portion of the interview? On and off for a few months.
Which HR Prep service did you use and did it help? Emerald Coast. It helps to a certain extent and definitely builds confidence, but to get the most out of it, start before you get the email to interview.
Any additional information you would like to add. Don’t hold on to good stories, waiting for the perfect question. If you feel you can work it in some way, do it. I used a fairly weak story to respond to the TMAT question, thinking that there would be more questions. I was wrong, and they didn’t seem to want to hear about my great applicable stories during the WWYD questions. I felt like my achievements and integrity were questioned heavily for whatever reason. Others with the same panel noted a similar experience while the rest had a less confrontational and more friendly interview with the other panel. It would have helped with nerves to interview first I think, but if you’re in the last part of the alphabet, you’ll be last to interview and waiting around as everyone else finishes. Don’t loose composure as you are questioned, and stick to your guns. Do your best to explain aviation jargon to the HR rep, and don’t assume people will understand your prior experience just because they are in the industry. Avoid words such as might, probably, or should be in scenario-based questions. Look for all opportunities to sell yourself because you may not get the chance. I was never asked why I wanted to work there or why I would be a good fit. Be prepared to work those in to other types of questions if you think it is important.
Is their anything you wish you could have done different to prepare you for this process? Get you logbook in order now, so you don’t have to worry about it in the weeks leading up to the interview. Start your HR prep before invited for an interview to get the most benefit.

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