Which Airline did you interview with? Delta Air Lines
How many days between invite, interview, and listed availability?
Did you receive a job offer? Yes
If you did not receive the CJO why do you think you weren’t chosen to continue in the process?
What is your experience? 121 only
Total Flight Time 5,000-8,000
Total Turbine PIC Time
General Overview of Experience For me, it was a very nice experience. Delta Air Lines is very organized and professional, so it made everything run very smoothly. I met up with a bunch of the RST folks at the Ruby Tuesdays which was helpful. The next day we met in the lobby around 7:00 AM and walked over at 7:10 AM. It’s about a 5-8 minute walk, the shuttle will take you over as well. Everyone is very friendly. After handing in paperwork and a quick tour with Arnie some people head to testing, others head to the HR. I tested from 8:30-11:30 AM and I used most of that time. The testing (Cog, Personality, JKT) was long and fairly draining but I believe if you put the time in to study than it will be just fine. I got 30 minutes for lunch and then started the HR portion a little after noon. It is very apparent they want you to succeed and as Arnie says in the beginning, the easiest way to get the job is to just be yourself. I made sure to think out loud so they could follow my thought process, never became confrontational, thought before I spoke, and stuck to my answers. All of the HR people are very nice and like I said before, want you to succeed. Like most, the hardest part of the day was waiting 2+ hours until 3:30 PM. That’s when Arnie came out and announced that all 14 of us had passed. It was an overall great experience.
How long did you have your application in before you received an invite?
Did you attend a job fair?
Did you do anything special that triggered the interview invitation?
How many internal recs did you have?
How long was it from the time of your invite to the actual interview?
Did you have any issues with logbooks, application or paperwork?
How did you prepare for the JKT/COG portion of the interview?
Technical Test Questions I really do not remember many of these questions. I had a decent amount on FAR’s, holding speeds, balanced field, turbine engine, and aerodynamics. Also had one about HIWAS (if it is one way or two way communication, it’s one way I think). The questions that threw me off were random system questions about constant speed drives, autobrakes, and a few other systems that I didn’t pay that much attention to. I think if you read over ANA for turbine engines, FAR/AIM, EEPP, and RST you will do great.
What was the hardest technical question or content you experienced during the job knowledge test?
Cog Test The RST platform really helps prepare you for this. Like it’s been said, everything is on a touch screen with a stylus shaped like a fine ball point pen. The screen sits vertically like a regular computer screen, so if you are practicing on a Surface or other tablet it would probably help to set it up like a computer screen. I was most worried for the math questions. I do not remember any of them, but I did not have any percentages and I took about 15-20 seconds to answer the question. It is just like RST as in once you answer it moves on to the next question and you cannot change your answer. I thought the questions were a little less wordy than the ones on RST, so it was easier skipping to the bottom, reading what the question was asking, and then reading the whole question and picking out the information you need. Just make sure no question goes unanswered. My code was U-OTXL. When this test comes up, the code that is on the practice screen is the code for the whole test. So use all the time in the world to memorize the code. The test popped up twice again during the Cog test. Important note; there is a screen for every test that announces what test you are about to take, then you press next and it usually goes into an instructions page. For the U-OTXL test, the first time it comes up there is an instruction page, but when it pops up again there is no instruction page. Once you press next you are in the test and are being timed. If you are doing practice tests on RST you will do great.
Cog Math Questions
HR Questions *Tell me about yourself.
*You’ve had a decent career, what would you do differently?
*Why did you fail a written test and what did you learn from it? (Just owned the failure)
*What do you owe your company on your days off? (I said you always need to be a positive face for the company no matter if you are at work or at the grocery store, and that living by the Delta core values and then I stated the core values-bonus points :p)
*What does the company owe you on your days off? (I said that the company owes you time to be with friends and family since this job requires you to be away from them. I also said that the company needs to offer employees ways to be active on their days off by offering community events, volunteer events and things like that. Then I referenced my volunteering and events that Delta has done recently like the Kaboom playground they just built in Cincinnati -double bonus point 😉
*You are new to an airplane and the captain is annoyed that you are doing everything slow. How would you handle this?
*Wind shear and two aircraft ahead of you have gone around, but then ATC says the weather has improved and the winds are just gusting down the runway. WWYD?
*Mountainous terrain at night and your alternate is far away. Fog on the field but you can see the runway all the way down through the fog until reaching minimums and you lose the runway. WWYD?
*How did you prepare for the interview and did you use a prep service?
I included some of my answers just to give an example, but it is important to note that everything I said was true to me. I think it is very important to give an answer that you actually believe. The only thing you have to do is articulately explain your reasoning. Be yourself.
How long prior to the interview did you prepare for the HR portion of the interview?
Which HR Prep service did you use and did it help? Emerald Coast and it was worth the money.
Any additional information you would like to add.
Is their anything you wish you could have done different to prepare you for this process?

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