Which Airline did you interview with? United
How many days between invite, interview, and listed availability? 2 weeks
Did you include volunteer work in your application? Yes
Did you receive a job offer? 12 months reapply
If you did not receive the CJO why do you think you weren’t chosen to continue in the process? I didn’t prepare enough for the HR panel – failed to stick to the STAR method, I was struggling to recall details because most of my examples happened 12+ months prior.
What is your experience? 121,135
Total Flight Time 4,000-5,000
Total Turbine PIC Time
TPIC 121 hours
TPIC Military hours
TPIC 91/135
General Overview of Experience Great interview experience despite the TBNT – Showed up early, sat in the cafeteria with a few other candidates and talked shop about the industry. Several folks came over and introduced themselves/wished us luck, we were all pretty personable as a group. Brought us back to collect logbooks then we continued hanging out talking shop as UAL pilots came and pulled us back to start the interviews one by one. I was second to last taken back and one of the first to finish. Make sure you have quite a bit of detail for your TMAAT responses – I really struggled to give enough detail on several of my responses, they had follow up questions as a result. Second half with the technical portion went much better, but I guess not enough to offset my flubbed performance during the HR panel.
How long did you have your application in before you received an invite? 12 months +
Did you attend a job fair? No
Did you do anything special that triggered the interview invitation? Nothing. Surprised to hear from them since I have no internal recommendations.
How many internal recs did you have? 0
How long was it from the time of your invite to the actual interview? 2 weeks
Did you have any issues with logbooks, application or paperwork? None that I know of, they had them stacked up on the table when I walked in and we didn’t discuss anything in them.
Technical Test Questions LAX to DEN in a 737.. walk me through a crew
briefing, I tell him about how I run it at the gate when the FO and FA’s are all there.
Then a pre-departure briefing – I walk him through the my company’s standard brief. During the taxi and SID briefings he asks if we brief engine failure procedures at that point – I tell him we do that
during the before before takeoff briefing. He asks me to walk him through the engine failure procedure at my company. On the SID if they clear you to 17,000 what does that mean – I tell him you’re released from altitude restrictions but I still ask just to be sure if its weird like Detroit where there are At-or-below altitudes on the SID – he liked that.In cruise, fuel filter bypass EICAS indication – I tell him I’d turn the seatbelt sign on, call the FA’s and
tell them to terminate service, transfer controls/radios to FO and run the QRH – we run it, I tell him I’d
message dispatch, request enroute alternates in case an engine rolls back but otherwise continue on to
DEN and monitor the engines. Make a PA telling the PAX in flight service from the flight attendants is
terminated because we have a minor issue that may necessitate us landing before DEN and that I’ll give
them updates every 15min.

Brief the STAR, where is the highest obstacle on the chart, what happens if they vector you off
– I tell him you’re cleared to the bottom altitude but I always ask if they want a different altitude/speed
just to be safe.

Approach – tower calls and says its below minimums, can you continue? Yes if you’re past the FAF. Short
final airport closes for security threat – walk him through missed approach – when can you start lateral
portion of the missed approach procedure. Now that you’ve gone missed and DEN is closed what are you thinking – I’m thinking fuel and where can we divert to and still land with reserve fuel, I’m gonna send a msg to dispatch asking where they want me to go, call the FA’s and give them the bad news then make a PA and tell the pax the bad news. Told him I’m careful about not diverting to an airport that gets overloaded with diversions – gave the example of IAD turning into a mess during DCA diversions.

What was the hardest technical question or content you experienced during the job knowledge test? The TMAAT about “when did you tailor your communication for someone” caught me without a good example.
HR Questions TMAAT – You saw someone break an SOP and what you did, stressful in flight situation, when someone
challenged your authority, when you had to work with someone who was difficult to communicate with
and what you did, when you had to tailor your communication for someone was the last one and I really
didn’t have a good example. For each of the TMAAT’s they both had follow up questions about the
stories most of the time, which probably didnt bode well. The other folks I talked to got different
TMAAT’s but they were all ones I’d heard of. The HR person and pilot both had a list of questions they
had to ask in order, they weren’t choosing them for themselves. They were jotting down notes the entire
time. After technical portion the pilot had another TMAAT – Tell me when you used CRM to improve a
Cog Test
How long prior to the interview did you prepare for the HR portion of the interview? two weeks
Is there anything you wish you could have done different to prepare you for this process? Taken a later interview date and prepped more for the TMAAT’s

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