Which airline did you interview with? Delta
What was the time period between application submission and interview invitation? 31-180 days
Total Flight Time 2,501-3,000 hours
Is there something that triggered your invite? No
What was your overall experience ? (Big Picture) 5 of 9 candidates got CJO. The majority of candidates present were Spirit and Sun Country folks, and one foreign military. Everything flowed as expected, in line with other writeups
What questions did they ask during the panel interview? You run out of duty day, and the gate agent asks you to make an announcement to the pax – what do you do?
The FO is disregarding the assignment of duties, how do you handle it?
Worst day in the jet?
What leadership quality would you bring to the team, and why is it important?
Was there anything unexpected? No
Is there anything you wished you would have done differently? No

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