Which Airline did you interview with? Delta Air Lines
How many days between invite, interview, and listed availability? 6 Weeks between invite and interview.
Did you receive a job offer? No, 6 months re-invite, Cog Failure
If you did not receive the CJO why do you think you weren’t chosen to continue in the process? I believe it was because of the knowledge test. I had an unfortunate bloody nose happen to me during the testing phase and it threw off my focus.
What is your experience? 121 and 135
Total Flight Time 5,000-8,000
Total Turbine PIC Time 1,000-2,000
General Overview of Experience I felt that my experience was a good one. They were welcoming, extremely professional, and their process was fine-tuned. Everything that happened is as advertised and I didn’t experience any curveballs during the entire process. The information is out there about the interview day and the experience I had was spot on from what people are, and have been, saying.
How long did you have your application in before you received an invite? 12 months +
Did you attend a job fair? Yes
Did you do anything special that triggered the interview invitation? Internal recommendations, last years job fair in Atlanta, and I recently had hit 1000 PIC right before the invite came.
How many internal recs did you have? 5+
How long was it from the time of your invite to the actual interview? 4 weeks
Did you have any issues with logbooks, application or paperwork? No issues whatsoever. The HR panel looked through my logbook as I was being interviewed, but didn’t mention a single thing to me about it. There is absolutely no need to go above and beyond with this part. They give you a checklist to follow and they don’t want anything outside of that. I brought only what they asked and made it easy to access. When you first turn in your paper work, the lady will ask for stack 1 and stack 2. Have it ready just like they asked in the checklist and it will bring up no issues. The only thing I did extra was make a simple excel summary of my flight times because I wasn’t sure if they needed that, but that was it. The checklist is simple, so keep your paperwork simple.
How did you prepare for the JKT/COG portion of the interview? RST and read several textbooks that I had from college and a few that I purchased for the interview. I tried my best to focus on learning and being able to explain and understand the subjects I was weak in.
Technical Test Questions -You are cleared for the ILS approach, what is your clearance limit? DH, Missed approach and Hold, FAF, can’t remember the last.
-You are flying 250kts. How long does it take to go 375nm?
-Your tire pressure is 144psi. What is the hydroplane speed?
-Your altimeter is set for 29.32, but the setting is 29.92. How far are you off?
-Your left slat does not extend. What is the motion of the aircraft. Roll left, yaw right. Roll right, yaw left. Roll left, yaw left. Roll right, yaw right.
-You are on the arc, the station is to your left. You have a right crosswind. Where is the needle in relation to your aircraft.
-You are on the ILS 24R (I think) at HUNDA into LAX and tower says to discontinue the approach with nothing further. What do you do? I don’t remember all of the options, but I answered level off at 2000 ft and fly the published missed.
I mostly remember the ones I felt good about. I had no weather questions, a few systems questions, a few approach questions, and a bunch of aerodynamics.
What was the hardest technical question or content you experienced during the job knowledge test? I can’t remember any specific questions that I struggled because I brain dumped most of it after the test was done so that I could try and be in the right mind set for the HR. I understood the concepts to each question they asked, but the wording of the answers is what was made this test tough. It’s true that you can generally pick out 2 answers that are definitely wrong. READ THE QUESTION and take your time with the answers. There were a few questions where a single word would totally change the answer. RST did a great job at helping me focus my studies in important areas. Just make sure that when you prepare for this test, that you can not only answer the practice questions, but you are able to explain the theories and facts behind it.
Cog Test Completely as advertised. Don’t focus your study too much on the cog portion. Listen to the RST podcast and stay fresh on how you should take this test. The actual test was much easier than RST in my opinion.
Cog Math Questions This was probably the hardest part of the COG test. They give you a little more time than RST to answer the question, just be prepared to do simple math in your head in a reasonable amount of time. I took a little extra time to figure one question out, and as I was moving the stylus towards the screen, the question changed and I ended up answering the following question. That was frustrating, but I brushed it off and continued.
HR Questions 3 min intro.
We know there are several aviation related schools in Utah, why did you choose Westminster?
Traffic Tickets/Minor in possession. They asked 3 different questions about this and couldn’t seem to let this one go.
TMA your failed checkride.
What was your experience at the Waldorf-Astoria? What does “5-Star service mean”?
You’re an Eagle Scout. What was your service project?
We notice you are a member of the NGPA, how are you involved in that?
Why Delta?
Do you have your app out at any other airlines? If so, which ones?
What do you think is the difference between just an average pilot and a great pilot?
Is there anyone that you try to emulate?
TMAAT you had an experience in which you, your crew, and pax were put in a difficult situation and how did you handle it? Specific examples please.
As a paying passenger, what would you expect out of flying on Delta Air Lines? Give specific examples.
We notice you’re based out of SFO, and assume you fly mostly United flights. What differences do you see between Delta and United?
At FL390, thunderstorm ahead, and the captain says we can top it but you know that we can’t. WWYD?
In line for de-ice for 1.5 hours now and the Deice man just said that the truck is broken and won’t be fixed for another 30 min. WWYD?
Is there any instance in which you would return to the gate?
How long prior to the interview did you prepare for the HR portion of the interview? 6 weeks
Which HR Prep service did you use and did it help? I was a little weary of using one of the big services like Emerald Coast/etc., so I used a service that was recommended to me that I haven’t seen anyone use as of yet. Clark Consulting. It’s just one lady who has been doing interview prep for years. She was absolutely fantastic. Very straight forward and honest about how you answered the questions and you could tell she has had a lot of experience over the years. It was great to work one-on-one with someone and get immediate feedback and I feel that my HR portion went really well because of this service.
Any additional information you would like to add.
Is their anything you wish you could have done different to prepare you for this process?

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