Which Airline did you interview with? Republic Airlines
How many days between invite, interview, and listed availability? Invite was same day. They were pretty flexible with the interview date and I was able to make it for three weeks later with a 2 week listed availability.
Did you include volunteer work in your application? Yes
Did you receive a job offer? Yes
If you did not receive the CJO why do you think you weren’t chosen to continue in the process? N/A
What is your experience? Military
Total Flight Time 1,000-2,000
Total Turbine PIC Time
TPIC 121 hours 0
TPIC Military hours 1000-2000
TPIC 91/135 0
General Overview of Experience Republic was top notch and I had a great experience interviewing there. They were extremely professional and courteous throughout the whole experience and they make you know that you are welcome and that they take care of their people. I originally had a set interview date about four weeks out, but when my schedule shifted, I asked if they could move it up to the next week and they were more than accommodating. They fly you out to IND and set you up at one of the hotels. I stayed at the Cambria Suites and checking in was super simple because they have everything handled.
The next morning they provided transportation to their training center where the interviews were conducted. After we all gathered in the lobby, they came out and got us, provided us with a basic tour of the facility, and led us to our classroom where they provided a basic overview of the company and the benefits that they offer. They did not drone on and try to sell you the company, they know that you have likely done your research. After the brief, they immediately begin the interviews in order of who has to leave the first to catch their flight. Tip, don’t be like one of the guys and bad mouth the place you’re getting set to interview at and talk about the other airline you’d prefer to be at (it really happened). One by one you are called out for the interview which takes about 15-20 minutes. They were also extremely accommodating and if you had issues with your travel, they rebooked it right there on the spot. Lunch was also provided for everyone and after your interview transportation was provided to the airport for your flight out.
It was a truly fantastic and professional experience the Republic put on for all of the interviewees.
How long did you have your application in before you received an invite? <60 days
Did you attend a job fair? No
Did you do anything special that triggered the interview invitation? Nope.
How many internal recs did you have? 0
How long was it from the time of your invite to the actual interview? 3 weeks
Did you have any issues with logbooks, application or paperwork? No issues. I did not list my cross country time on my resume nor on my excel cheat sheet with all of my hours, so that is the only thing I would add if you did not have it listed anywhere else.
How did you prepare for the JKT/COG portion of the interview? N/A
Technical Test Questions ATP Written style questions to include going through a current METAR/TAF and predicting if we would have the weather to get into the designated airport and what the requirements were. I was also asked to brief an approach and review a Jepp chart, which was my weak area, but they were very inviting.
What was the hardest technical question or content you experienced during the job knowledge test? Standard ATP written style. Come in knowing your FAR’s and the basics from the ATP written. Don’t dive too deep though.
Cog Test
Cog Math Questions
HR Questions Good HR questions. It was a series of about 10 HR questions with my most robust responses being tailored to what my most stressful flight was and what professionalism meant to me.
How long prior to the interview did you prepare for the HR portion of the interview?
Which HR Prep service did you use and did it help?
Any additional information you would like to add.
Is there anything you wish you could have done different to prepare you for this process?

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