I passed the JKT but not by enough to bring up my total testing score
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Smooooth ride! Previous debriefs were spot on
Jet Brain, , CJO Offered, Delta Ride Reports, 0
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Website is difficult to navigate
rstharold, , CJO Not Offered, Fedex Ride Reports, Fedex Ride Reports, 0
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Ride Report
Jet Brain, , CJO Not Offered, Fedex Ride Reports, Fedex Ride Reports, 0
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Overall great experience. I truly believe
Jet Brain, , CJO Not Offered, Delta Ride Reports, 0
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Fantastic experience
rstharold, , CJO Offered, Delta Ride Reports, 0
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Over all was a very positive experience
rstharold, , CJO Offered, Delta Ride Reports, 0
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Very relaxed atmosphere
rstharold, , CJO Offered, Delta Ride Reports, 0
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The RST program did a good job of preparing me
rstharold, , CJO Offered, Delta Ride Reports, 0
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