Which Airline did you interview with? Delta
How many days between invite, interview, and listed availability? Invite to interview was 2 months, interview to availability was 5 months
Did you include volunteer work in your application? Yes
Did you receive a job offer? Yes
If you did not receive the CJO why do you think you weren’t chosen to continue in the process? N/a
What is your experience? Military
Total Flight Time 2,000-3,000
Total Turbine PIC Time
TPIC 121 hours 0
TPIC Military hours >2000
TPIC 91/135 0
General Overview of Experience I would say all the ride reports are pretty spot on. I think what caught me by surprise was the amount of waiting around that occurs on day 1. Be prepared to find ways to occupy your mind. No phones, they didnt’ want us leaving hte building except for lunch. So, find ways to spark up conversation, try and keep your mind off of the whole process. It will help tremendously. We had a few guys that were really stressing out and I found it helpful to try and ask them questions about themselves. It helped them stop worrying so much and it helped me keep my mind off of what was happening as well. The Delta Team really did feel genuine and I thought he interview panel was actually fun. I walked out feeling really good about the whole thing. Day 2, don’t stress about it. Again, guys got really worked up about the “what ifs”. Just go in happy that you made it to day 2, if you have to retake the psych test, no big deal, just do it. Captain Holmes try’s to explain to you that this test truly is about you. You need to just answer the questions for who you are and not try and game the test. The psych interview was also no big deal I thought. She was very friendly but to the point. Wrote most of the time but I just told my stories and it was over pretty quick.
Overall I hated the experience, most stressed i’ve been in a long time but I really had fun with the HR portion. Glad that its all over and that it worked out.
How long did you have your application in before you received an invite? 6-12 months
Did you attend a job fair? No
Did you do anything special that triggered the interview invitation? ATP-CTP at Delta
How many internal recs did you have? 5+
How long was it from the time of your invite to the actual interview? 8 weeks
Did you have any issues with logbooks, application or paperwork? All i’ll say on this is don’t get fancy. Its been said before and i’ll say it again becuase I did it. Just follow the directions. Stack 1 is that stack they take into the interiew. So, if you have a way of at least keeping them organized do so, but follow the directions. After watching them go through it all I think something like a fan fold would be useful and a few guys did that. Just keep it simple, really, don’t get creative they don’t care. The second stack, they literally ask you for it at the reception desk, you take all of it out, then she goes and makes copies. No need to get fancy, just be able to provide all the paperwork. DO NOT PUT THE DELTA LOGO ON ANYTHING. They didn’t like that.
Logbooks, they didn’t even open mine that I saw. Nothing on the application other than make sure you know whats on it. We spent a good portion walking through my timeline, which I expected.
Technical Test Questions The test was hard. A lot of aero, more regulatory questions than i expected, a couple of math questions that I think I got. Overall, I walked out of the test knowing I bombed it. Guessed on at least 50%.
What was the hardest technical question or content you experienced during the job knowledge test? The regulatory questions I was out of my league. The aero questions are worded in such a way that you can generally narrow it down to 2 but they are so close that its tough. To really feel comfortable you need to have a solid aero understanding.
HR Questions This was fun for me. I truly enjoyed the panel, found it challenging but fun. The HR guy explains the process then they get into their intro’s which lasted about 30 sec each. Then I got around 5 min to explain my professional career. Then we went right into my application. They each highlighted areas that they found interesting or wanted more information about. That typically led to tangent questions but overall we spent most of the time on that. Then they make it very clear that we are transitioning into the WWYD questions. I only had a couple, but one was a engine fire light with high power settings. I worked through the whole thing just fine, however the retired captain kept at me about “who else would you talk to”. I failed to remember to update the passengers. Once we got there he asked me what my PA would sound like. He was pretty adamant about me making a PA, it was funny and we all laughed. The bottom line is just be yourself. Be prepared to be asked questions based on what you say. Be prepared to just go off on random tangents just becuase thats what they are going to do. Have fun with it.
Cog Test This took longer than I expected. THey say 12 tests but man did it feel like a lot more. DO the practice tests that RST provides. None of them were really exactly like the test but the skill sets are the same. Follow them. During the COG, they do mental math, which I thought was seperate, must have missed that in the reports. Remember they are timed. So if your working out the problem its going to move on. I completely missed 1 but the other 2 (?) I think I got.
How long prior to the interview did you prepare for the HR portion of the interview? I did a webinar 2 months prior and a top off a couple days prior
Which HR Prep service did you use and did it help? Emerald Coast. Absolutely helped. The thing they do best is help you structure the response. I know they promote the SAAR response. However, I chose to just respond and make sure that I got all those things in there and, if you are good at telling stories you will cover it all. The top off was awesome. Its one on one and it is a huge confidence booster. I would caution about doing to many or being scripted though. Not only does Delta make it a point to not be scripted, its obvious when someone has over prepped. So, if you do a webinar, you’ll be able to ID who is running their script. You don’t want to sound like that.
Any additional information you would like to add. I followed the 15 day plan and I feel you need to truly start at least a month out. 2 would be perfect. RST does a great job in the 15 day of checking understanding and helps fill in the gaps. But you need to start with a good foundation. Had I started 2 months out I would have been a little more comfortable with that test.
Is there anything you wish you could have done different to prepare you for this process? Yes, start earlier. Also, remember, RST is not an MQF. It is a check of understanding of concepts. The more you take the practice tests and look through the flash cards the more you memorize them. Start earlier, read Everything Explained for Professional Pilots; and Pilots Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge. The EEPP is absolutely great. It does a great job of going over Aero and it also covers a lot of FAA reg stuff that us military guys don’t know. Well worth the money, just wish i would have started reading it earlier.

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