Which Airline did you interview with? Delta
How many days between invite, interview, and listed availability? 3 months
Did you receive a job offer? Yes
If you did not receive the CJO why do you think you weren’t chosen to continue in the process? n/a
What is your experience? 121 only
Total Flight Time 5,000-8,000
Total Turbine PIC Time < 1,000
General Overview of Experience Interview process is as described by previous interviewees. It is split into two portions, a panel interview and a series of computer tests lasting approximately three hours. Have your paperwork in order before you arrive on property. You wait in the lobby and a lady will call you into the main office, check you in, assign a badge, and take your paperwork immediately. They also have a closet that you are instructed to place all your baggage/brief cases in until you are called on. You can access your baggage without permission so I suspect this is a tool to force you to socialize with the other candidates. They are friendly from the onset but expect you to remain professional while waiting. In the waiting room they have bottled water, a coffee station, and Delta snacks available for you. They also have a water bottle refilling station. They don’t imply that you use the same bottle (refill it) but I did just incase it was a test. The waiting room has a number of chairs and tables in different areas. You can mingle with the other candidates while you wait and I suggest you do. Keep your conversations positive and professional, put a couple light jokes in your pocket and breakup the stress with the other candidates. It is in your best interest to remain professional and courteous the entire time. Don’t take advantage of their friendliness, they are monitoring you the entire time! That being said, once you are called in for the panel interview it is your time to shine.
The panel interview consist of three (possibly four people, one in training that is there to observe) people. One is an active Delta pilot, one is a retired Delta pilot, one is an Human Resources person (probably the one you should pay the most attention to). The panel I had was very friendly and receptive but, I could tell when they got down to business. Take a moment when they give you the lead in and formally thank them for the opportunity to interview. They may WANT you but they DO NOT NEED YOU! They started off with a general overview of your application and logbooks. If there are any errors on them they will ask you about them, if not I assume they move on. I had a couple of dumb errors on my application but apparently was no big deal. Definitely go over your application and logbooks with a fine toothed comb for errors. If the amount of errors continues to pile up they will send you packing. After that they start off with your bio, my question was, “in 3-5min tell us about yourself beginning with after High School until this point”. After this they will may ask you questions to clarify some of your bio. Then the HR person will begin a barrage of questions about any concerns he may have. Mine was a speeding ticket I had THREE MONTHS ago. I thought It was going south after that question. Luckily, I told them the truth about the ticket (which is kinda funny) and that I take it very seriously. They continued and it appeared to me not to be a problem. Once HR is pretty much finished the two Captains begin a tag team session of questions, with the occasional left hook from the HR person. Ill list all the questions, in no particular order, I can remember:
How do you deal with commuting?
What makes you think you are ready and capable of being a DELTA pilot?
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Do you do anything else at work to contribute to the company, other than just show up and work?
What do you do in cruise on long flights? What about your cell phone? What If your captain pulls a book out in cruise?
When is it ok to take over the A/C from the Captain?
What does customer service mean to you? How have you demonstrated that?
TMAAT you had a stressful situation in the airplane and how you dealt with it?
WWYD if your flying an approach in mountainous terrain, inside the final approach fix and you see a layer of fog over the runway that may cause you to not be able to see once your on the ground? You have an Alternate and its an uncontrolled field (.you don’t have ATC contact until you get altitude). Your full of passengers and just enough full to be legal for the flight.
— This was their hunting question, I believe I gave them a lot of grief over this question because there are a lot of, “what if’s” I kept pointing out. Such as reported visibility? CAT I? CATII? how much fuel do we have? whats the alternates weather and how much fuel do we need to get there? whats the missed approach procedure? why are we on an approach if we have a visibility issues? whats the clearance we need for the terrain to make the alternate? BASICALLY, stick to your guns, don’t break the rules and involve the entire chain of command (CRM). They want to see your reasoning process and some job knowledge. Also, don’t be a COWBOY!
Now once they are finished they will tell you. Take another opportunity to thank them an exit like a BOSS. I used ECIC, practiced with pilot friends, and by myself. It helps tremendously to set up a process to address these questions, without mumbling and stumbling your way through this.
On to the computer portion. This is a three part test (COG, Psych, Job Knowledge) in no particular order. One is the COG, RST is pretty spot on except for the Symbol Number Sequence part and the test. In the actual test they display the actual symbol number sequence and have you transfer them to a continuing sequence of symbol/number boxes displayed on the same screen, at the same time. Its a test to see how fast and accurately you can transfer the numbers according to the symbols. THEN later on at some random time they display the symbol box to see how many symbol/number sequences you can remember. The RST trainer helped but the process was off. Also in the Border Color/ Arrow Color/ Arrow Direction test they do not display the actual Border Color/ Arrow Color/ Arrow Direction boxes, its just worded directions. In the Changing Rules Border Color/ Arrow Color/ Arrow Direction test it is the actual boxes that are displayed.
The psych portion of the test is pretty dumb. Just be honest, don’t stay totally neutral or extreme in either direction. They just want to make sure your not a psycho. If you are please be honest and get booted. There are some pretty funny statements in there, “When you look at modern art you get emotional surges”.
The job knowledge part of the test is 60min and 60 questions. RST is ok on this but, I would say only 10-20% of the questions are the ones on RST. They have a LARGE question bank and it HAS changed. I had a lot of aerodynamics (high alt stalls, compressor stalls, stability axes), general system knowledge (Hydraulics, EPRs, Pneumatics), electrical system knowledge, airspace knowledge, descent profile calculations, holding calculations (Fuel burn and time in hold type), FREAKING NDB INTERCEPT CALCULATIONS WITH FOUR RMI DISPLAYS!!!!!!!!…..Also had two Instrument approach plates, one gives you wind and KTAS and ask you what is your time from FAF to MAP if your shooting ILS. The other one is an instrument approach into Mountainous terrain, tells you that you GO AROUND half way down the approach and gives you multiple choices on how you would execute the missed approach.
DO RST AND ECIC and you should be ok, unless your crazy. GOOD LUCK!
How long did you have your application in before you received an invite? <60 days
Did you attend a job fair? No
Did you do anything special that triggered the interview invitation? Endeavor SSP interview
How many internal recs did you have? 1-2
How long was it from the time of your invite to the actual interview? 2 weeks
Did you have any issues with logbooks, application or paperwork? I had a couple dumb errors on my application they pointed out. They brought it to my attention had me correct it and initial the corrections. GO OVER YOUR APP AND LOGBOOK HARD!
How did you prepare for the JKT/COG portion of the interview? RST ALL THE WAY!!!! Make sure you give yourself as much time as possible to study. DO MORE THAN THE 15 DAY CHECKLIST!
Technical Test Questions see General Overview
What was the hardest technical question or content you experienced during the job knowledge test? Had a question on Kruger Flaps.– other than that read the general overview.
Cog Test see General Overview
Cog Math Questions see General Overview
HR Questions see general overview
How long prior to the interview did you prepare for the HR portion of the interview? 2 months
Which HR Prep service did you use and did it help? Emerald Coast Interview Consulting and RST HR stimulator.
Any additional information you would like to add.
Is their anything you wish you could have done different to prepare you for this process?

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