Laid back and welcoming
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Overall the material was all familiar
rstharold, , CJO Offered, Delta Ride Reports, 0
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Very impressed with the entire process
rstharold, , American Ride Reports, CJO Offered, 0
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2 weeks for invite 6 weeks to interview
rstharold, , CJO Offered, Frontier Ride Reports, 0
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Just do enough to understand the basics
rstharold, , CJO Offered, Delta Ride Reports, Delta Ride Reports, 0
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2 weeks availability. Got interview 2 weeks after invite
rstharold, , CJO Offered, Delta Ride Reports, Delta Ride Reports, 0
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Don't be surprised if a few people try to prank you on the way
Jet Brain, , CJO Offered, SWA Ride Reports, 0
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A world-class experience
rstharold, , CJO Offered, Delta Ride Reports, 0
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Incredibly professional
rstharold, , CJO Offered, Delta Ride Reports, Delta Ride Reports, 0
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