Which Airline did you interview with? Delta Air Lines
How many days between invite, interview, and listed availability?
Did you receive a job offer? Yes
If you did not receive the CJO why do you think you weren’t chosen to continue in the process?
What is your experience? other
Total Flight Time 3,000-4,000
Total Turbine PIC Time
General Overview of Experience I decided to stay at the Hilton and I paid the extra $20 per night to take advantage of the executive lounge on the top floor. They offer food and drinks (5:30pm-7:30pm) along with continental breakfast starting at 6am. I highly recommend it because you will run into those who interviewed the day prior to you and they can fill you in on their experience. A group of us met at 7:15am to take the van over to Delta headquarters. Make sure your paperwork is rock solid. Make sure that if you’ve had multiple employers during the last 5 years, you will need to fill out form 11, 11A, and 12 for each employer. I only filled out one 11A form. Luckily that didn’t keep me from getting the job, but it freaked me out nonetheless so I wanted to pass that info on to you guys because it’s slightly confusing. I handed in both my handwritten and digital logbook, but I know others who only handed in their digital logbook and had no issues so do whatever you’d like in regards to that. I tested at 8:30am and interviewed at noon. Everything happens quickly if you end up with this schedule. I had about ten minutes to eat some lunch and jump right into the HR interview. The hardest part is the 2.5 hours waiting for the verdict.
How long did you have your application in before you received an invite?
Did you attend a job fair?
Did you do anything special that triggered the interview invitation?
How many internal recs did you have?
How long was it from the time of your invite to the actual interview?
Did you have any issues with logbooks, application or paperwork?
How did you prepare for the JKT/COG portion of the interview?
Technical Test Questions Here are the questions/concepts that I had:
1. High EGT will affect what?
2. You lost left engine, what runway and why?
3. AC Bus 1 offline and trying to shoot CATIII? Answer is you won’t be able to shoot the CAT III because you’ve lost required systems/instruments
4. Transformer does what?
5. Jet Stream/Answer is to fly as high and fast as possible
6. Biggest concern with wet runway takeoff? Standing water/spoilers inop/TR’s inop
7. Constant Mach does what to TAS/AOA?
8. What affects critical AOA? Wing design/altitude/weight/something else
9. How do you know you have 3000′ runway remaining? alternating white and amber/alternating red and white/ alternating yellow and white/something else
10. What happens to drag when flaps are applied at a constant airspeed? Induced drag increased/parasite drag increased/pressure gradient increase/something else
11. You are flying and approach to runway 18, circle to land runway 7. When can you descend from the circling MDA? When runway 7 is in sight and you can make a normal decent to land on runway 7/When runway 18 is in sight and you can make a normal decent to land on runway 7/something else/something else
12. On glideslope with TAS 160 and headwind of 20 kts, what is your VSI indicating? 700fpm
13. Your approach speed is 130. Approach speeds are 1.3 Vso and stick shaker happens 10% above Vso. When will stick shaker occur? 91/100/110
14. De Havilland Comet flaw/metal fatigue
15. 60 DME arc question giving TAS (know DME arc formulas)
16. Holding entries
17. When is air first accelerated in a turbine engine?
18. What causes compressor stalls?
19. Dutch roll, when is it most pronounced?
20. What is not on the accessory gear? AC Pack
21. Something about gear ratio and high turbine rpm
22. Engine start question where ignition was the issue
23. 5 miles behind a heavy with some type of wind/you are fine because wake turbulence separation exists
24. You are at FL310 and need to descend to 17000 in 4 min, what is your rate? 3500fpm
25. TAS definition?
26. Thunderstorm 5 miles away, airspeed freezes on takeoff? Abort the takeoff
27. What is EPR?
28. What effects specific range?
29. What is DME? 199 NM Slant Range
30. How far can you descend with ALSF-1 in sight? 100 above TDZE or all the way with red side row or terminating bars visible
31. Temperature in LA is 15 celsius and temperature in ABQ is 15 celsius. Based on that how will your performance be affected in ABQ? Lapse rate shows that the temp is hotter in ABQ so performance decreases.
32. Your airplane has an aft CG? Less back pressure required on takeoff
33. What is maneuvering speed used for? ie. when operating in turbulence
34. Ground Effect?
What was the hardest technical question or content you experienced during the job knowledge test? Having studied the RST platform, Gold Standard powerpoint, ANA and Everything Explained, I thought the test was very straightforward. Only had about 5-7 questions that I wasn’t sure about, but I could have lucked out with an easier test bank than most.
Cog Test The RST Cog Trainer is PURE GOLD. I can’t emphasize that enough!!! Practice it until you are getting 2200 or above and you’ll do just fine. Attend the webinar and you’ll know the differences in the actual tests. Make sure you take your time and read all the directions. You will never be caught off guard if you take the time to read the directions. You can have the test proctor reset the practice portion as many times as you want so if you don’t feel comfortable with one section just keep practicing until you are ready to score the real thing. Take your time remembering the symbol # test. I had -XLTUO and it came up two more times after the initial test. The center the airplane (or jumpy line in the actual test) is slightly tricky because it is easy to hit the center button before it actually gets into the red. I hit center 4 times too soon and still did just fine. The localizer test is a little tricky if you get out of rhythm. If the line gets too far in either direction you need to keep tapping the arrow to get it back to center. You cannot hold it down and expect it to slide right over from what I can recall.
Cog Math Questions
HR Questions Intro from High School
If you could change anything about your training what would it be?
Do you think the University you attended adequately prepared you for the airlines?
Describe your leadership style.
How do you deal with missing important life events due to work?
Tell us about your most difficult flight.
What are you going to do at cruise during a long flight?
As a pilot for Delta, what do you owe the company?
You are the captain of an international flight and there is a natural disaster causing you to divert. WWYD?
You are flying along and hear a loud bang in the back of the airplane. WWYD?
You see your captain isn’t going to make a crossing restriction (too high and fast). WWYD?
What are you going to do if your First Officer pulls out his cell phone or Ipad in flight?
When would you take the airplane from the captain?
If you had an emergency, would you land the airplane or would you let your First Officer land the airplane? What if he/she had more experience in the airplane?
Do you have any questions for us?
How long prior to the interview did you prepare for the HR portion of the interview?
Which HR Prep service did you use and did it help? I did a webinar and phone top off with Emerald Coast and I found it very helpful. It’s important to go through your intro and answers to questions out loud. If you go through enough of the questions on these ride reports, you are bound to get questions you can easily answer during the interview!
Any additional information you would like to add. Go in confident and they will hire you!! Put in the study time and you will do just fine on the testing. Do not worry about the Cog Test. The trainer is much more difficult so just go in and dominate it!
Is their anything you wish you could have done different to prepare you for this process?

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