Which Airline did you interview with? Delta
How many days between invite, interview, and listed availability?
Did you receive a job offer? Yes
If you did not receive the CJO why do you think you weren’t chosen to continue in the process? N/A
What is your experience? Military
Total Flight Time 3,000-4,000
Total Turbine PIC Time >2,000
General Overview of Experience My experience was enjoyable, the entire team at Delta went out of their way to make sure you felt welcomed. The day started by meeting in the lobby and we were called back three at a time to turn in our paperwork. Once that was completed we were escorted to a conference room by Capt. Kraby as a group where we were briefed on what to expect for the day. After a brief tour of the pilot selection facility we were divided into groups for the testing and the HR interviews. The proctor of the testing briefed us on the test routine, COG testing first, and followed by the short psych test and then the JKT. You can take a short break between each test and then a lunch break. One of my classmates was slow getting out of the testing and so they switch our interview slots in order to allow him to have a lunch break. The HR rep invites you back into the one of the small meeting rooms that surround the central waiting area. In the interview room was the HR rep a current captain and a retired captain. They went thru the interview and at the end you return to the waiting area. After everyone is finished with both parts and they compile the results then Capt Kraby returns. He called out names in alphabetical order, those selected go back to the conference room and receive the CJO and a checklist for day 2.
How long did you have your application in before you received an invite? <60 days
Did you attend a job fair? No
Did you do anything special that triggered the interview invitation? Attended Mil2ATP’s ATP-CTP class at Delta, they sent my name to the pilot selection office to score my app.
How many internal recs did you have? 3-4
How long was it from the time of your invite to the actual interview? 4 weeks
Did you have any issues with logbooks, application or paperwork? No issues with logbooks, application, or paperwork. I had all electronic logbooks printed on plain white paper.
How did you prepare for the JKT/COG portion of the interview? I recently took the FAA ATP written and studied for that using the Sheppard Air test prep. It has about 30% test bank question commonality. I used RST general quiz bank and tried to research the correct answer for the ones I missed. I used the Gold Standard PPT for a lot of the explanations. I did use the Tuesday test day sample from Tito but the FB link only shows the last ones. It would be better to have a summary of these on the website somewhere. I took the COG practice tests just a few times to get familiar with them. The COG webinar is spot on and a must do prior to testing. I used the opportunity to practice on the actual test several times before moving on to the graded tests.
Technical Test Questions Disclaimer – I feel as if I randomly got an “easy” set of technical test questions. I heard from other folks in the group that had much more difficult questions and two in our group busted for the testing. I agree that it is important to understand the concepts and not memorize the question/answers, but they were at least 20% of the questions that I had seen verbatim previously. Another 10-15% that the wording was so close on that it is worth studying the test bank.
First a rather strangely listed Surface observation is given with I think wind 1818G26. Then you are on a stabilized ILS to RWY 09 at 300’ AGL and break out of the clouds where is the runway? 1) below the nose 2)off to the right side 3) off to the left side 4) off to the left side and you should immediately turn to line up with the runway.
Flying at 10,000 with constant pitch and power the OAT increases 10deg what happens to TAS and true altitude?
Given an approach plate on the 12 DME arc when do you start your PT? Only one answer that says PT not required.
What are the four major components of a turbine engine? 2 obvious wrong answers with “gearbox” 1) intake compression combustion exhaust 2) compressor combustor turbine exhaust
What was the hardest technical question or content you experienced during the job knowledge test? Identify on an airport diagram of JFK 31L what was indicated 1) Displaced threshold 2) Takeoff runway available (TORA) 3) LAHSO RWY22 4)mandatory holding point
Cog Test RST prepares you pretty well for this. The flagman only lasts about 15-20 seconds so be ready and be fast. The localizer only test I changed my technique and just tapped left and right as fast as I could. For the combined localizer I reverted to the easy back and forth RST technique even though I missed a few numbers I did well enough to pass. I got 2 symbol number recall events after the main test. The first was immediately following and the second was a couple of tests later. I used my opportunities to practice in the test on most of the events a couple of times.
Cog Math Questions I got through 5 questions. Most of the math was straightforward and I took the approach of working quickly but not rushing.
HR Questions : The interview was as previously described with 1 HR 1 current Capt and 1 retired Capt. They were very specific about trying to put me at ease and repeatedly trying to help me relax and have a conversation with them. They said that the questions that they needed to ask were randomly generated by the computer. -Tell us about how you got here to this point.
-What type of leader are you?
-Give an example of your successful leadership and leadership failure?
-Large front of weather and the flight 20 minutes in front of you made it thu a narrow gap between cells with moderate turbulence. What would you do?
-What is one challenge you see yourself facing as a new Delta pilot?
-You get a fire light and that goes out every time you retard the throttle but reiluminates when you push the power up. WWYD?
-Delta policy is to start engines at least 3 minutes prior to take off. The Capt delays every time starting until the last minute and ignores the SOP. WWYD?
The HR lady thanked me for a very thorough application. I used the checkedandset.net service from Charlie Venema and I was obvious that I scored well since before we even started the interview she had several sections scored. Overall I feel that I got very easy questions and was lucky to have no confrontation at all in the interview.
How long prior to the interview did you prepare for the HR portion of the interview? 4 weeks
Which HR Prep service did you use and did it help? Emerald Coast
Any additional information you would like to add. If you explain in a positive professional manner your thought process and include other team members in your decision I don’t think that you can have any “wrong” answers. They are not looking for the “right” answer so much understanding who you are and how you think about these things. Keep the conversation light hearted and professional and you will be well served no matter how difficult the questions.
Is their anything you wish you could have done different to prepare you for this process? No, I felt prepared but also lucky to get easier questions than most.
What can we do to improve our services? RST was extremely helpful, and was well worth the investment. Don’t miss out on the webinars or you are cheating yourself out of the best value in the process. One area that could be improved is with more/better explanations of the general practice quiz answers. Thanks for all the help!
Concepts not covered by RST

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