Which Airline did you interview with? Delta
How many days between invite, interview, and listed availability? 5 weeks to interview, 2 weeks availability
Did you receive a job offer? Yes
If you did not receive the CJO why do you think you weren’t chosen to continue in the process? N/A
What is your experience? 121 only
Total Flight Time 5,000-8,000
Total Turbine PIC Time 1,000-2,000
General Overview of Experience Overall it was very positive. Just like everyone else is saying the people there really go out of their way to put you at ease. I consider the RST experience extremely valuable, especially with the COG trainer.
How long did you have your application in before you received an invite? 12 months +
Did you attend a job fair? Yes
Did you do anything special that triggered the interview invitation? Several things. I’m lucky enough to have been working for a Delta Connection codeshare and I had a lot of exposure to Delta personnel. There was no silver bullet for me but a conglomeration of recommendations. (Pilots, FAs, Gate Agents, etc.) Good PAs and customer service initiative attracted me a lot of attention previous to the invite. Take what you will from that.
How many internal recs did you have? 3-4
How long was it from the time of your invite to the actual interview? 4 weeks
Did you have any issues with logbooks, application or paperwork? Nothing that was brought up during the interview. I can honestly say however that you should be careful how you log actual instrument time. I had to do an audit previous to my application to correct some issues with that. Outside of that it was a pretty straight forward experience. If you are transitioning military they do require much more documentation than they do as a civil pilot. Civil pilots do not need to bring training records so save yourself that hassle. Logbook summaries are greatly appreciated though as well as a register of important logbook dates (have them neatly tabbed).
How did you prepare for the JKT/COG portion of the interview? All RST all the way. The reading material can sometimes be repetitive (as the disclaimer says) but it’s well worth while to read. While the COG tests may not make much sense they’re pretty much exactly what you see on the interview. I highly recommend sticking to the “Getting Started” 15 day schedule. I would not however study more than the time suggestion each day as you can easily find yourself going down the rabbit hole.
Technical Test Questions I know it’s a let down but honestly there aren’t many I can remember. The day is fast paced and you have a tendency to focus on the next task. What I can remember were questions about Mach transition (maintaining a higher or lower IAS will cause “speed in transition” at a higher or lower altitude than 250 KIAS) as well as a few odd systems questions specifically about pneumatic and hydraulic accumulator / reservoirs (What are their primary functions- maintain pressure during high demand and avoiding cavitation). Some oddly worded engine questions pertaining to things that are not typically connected to the Accessory Gear Box (in this question the only correct answer was the N-1 stage). I hope that helps. I’m sorry for the patchy intel.
What was the hardest technical question or content you experienced during the job knowledge test? See above. There were oddly worded system and mach transition questions where several answers could have been correct. They seemed to be looking for the most correct answer. It was worded in such ways sometimes where you had to pick what was NOT a legitimate answer when all seemed correct. The ones that gave me a hard time were about what was NOT the function of a pneumatic or hydraulic accumulator and also what was NOT “typically” attached to the AGB.
Cog Test Pretty straight forward! Just like the COG trainer in RST. Don’t let your nerves get to you. The actual test is much slower and you can sometimes jump the gun on the aircraft leveler. My method was to be more correct than fast and it seemed to work. I would focus on accuracy more than speed.
Cog Math Questions Simple Time-Distance question and a few percentages to factor. All numbers involved are easily multiplied or divided. They seemed to have a theme of divisible by 4 or 5 such that mental math can be easily accomplished with accuracy. I got the typical light bulb question and a clothing sales question. Time distance questions were aviation based. You would be doing .1 Mach faster than the aircraft in front of you and they’d ask how long to overtake. Another was following behind a heavy jet and how much separation would you have during the heavy’s touch down. Pretty much exactly like the RST practice tests.
HR Questions The standard intro “Since High School” question. I would recommend practicing this one as it seems to be the only opportunity to interject some of your volunteer and extra curricular events into the interview. They asked a lot of WWYD: If Capt. doesn’t make crossing restrictions (retrieve amended clearance from ATC or inform Capt. of need to file reports / ASAPs). If Capt. doesn’t function with FAs and a breakdown of CRM occurs (facilitate avenue of CRM or promote professionalism for sake of safety. involve union Pro-Standards Committee if neccesary). FO wont wear hat. The one that they really pushed me on was the highest level of pro-business traveller wants to have 3 carry ons instead of the standard 2 and the FAs would not allow him to board. I ended sticking with SOP stating EVERY passenger must have only 2 for security concerns. They (The retired Capt. especially) kept pushing me to question my solution. I told them that since my FAs had taken a stance on the matter it would undermine their authority in the cabin and degrade CRM if I countermanded their orders. I added that I would make time to speak with the PAX in question to explain as exactingly as I could why we had these rules and that it was in no way a personal attack on his presence and that we greatly appreciate his patience. This seemed to diffuse the whole situation and the HR portion seemed to go very quickly thereafter.
How long prior to the interview did you prepare for the HR portion of the interview? Outside of gouge on RST I didn’t.
Which HR Prep service did you use and did it help? N/A
Any additional information you would like to add. While I believe wholeheartedly that preparation is key to success in these situations I didn’t use an HR Service (Cage Marshal or Emerald Coast). It was risky but I am lucky to have as much 121 experience as I do, and I wouldn’t have attempted this interview without the Captain experiences that I’ve been lucky enough to have. From the gouge I could see that they seem to tailor your interview to the Preparation Consultant that you have used. It seemed like a moot point. When they asked why I didn’t utilize these services I told them that I needed this to be an organic experience, and that I didn’t want to have to pretend to be someone else to be able to work at Delta. Exact quote: “I trust your judgement and if you don’t think I’m Delta material in all likelihood I wouldn’t be happy here in the long term.” I followed that I wanted them to have an accurate and unbiased opinion of my traits. I think this surprised them but I also noticed that they were a lot more congenial after this point. I could tell that this struck a chord with them.
Is their anything you wish you could have done different to prepare you for this process? I wish I had put a little bit more time into the COG and Math training portions of the RST website. This has nothing to do with its presentation or accessibility, but rather my own time constraints. I’m still working full time while juggling a personal life (new baby due soon) and some volunteer work and it can be hard to make the time to devote to the preparation process. From recent experience I can tell you that confidence can make or break your time at the interview, and while it doesn’t behoove you to be cocky it can make your answers more genuine and accurate. Take the time to do it right. Your family and friends will understand if you need to step back for a while.

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