Which Airline did you interview with? FedEx
How many days between invite, interview, and listed availability? About 3 weeks.
Did you receive a job offer? 12 months call back
If you did not receive the CJO why do you think you weren’t chosen to continue in the process? Failed HR Panel with Kent
What is your experience? 121 and 135
Total Flight Time 3,000-4,000
Total Turbine PIC Time 1,000-2,000
General Overview of Experience Overall the FedEx experience is good. The Purple Promise is to make every FedEx Experience outstanding; however, my HR panel was a slightly different game. Had one guy playing hard ball (Kent) and the other was neutral.
How long did you have your application in before you received an invite? 12 months +
Did you attend a job fair? No
Did you do anything special that triggered the interview invitation? Update your apps frequently. I was doing this weekly which spawned an invite. As a matter of fact when you do the COG exam it gives you a code that relates to your initial application date (lower is longer), so you can see they put a lot of emphasis on this. No Internal Recs, some primary Oral failures, but no professional failures.
How many internal recs did you have? 1-2
How long was it from the time of your invite to the actual interview? 3 weeks
Did you have any issues with logbooks, application or paperwork? I printed my own Logbook Pro logbook on 8.5/11 paper (60 pound at fedex office) with my own binder. They were really happy about my logbook. Other people had 3-6 of the Jepp logbooks which can be a little messy. Application process is great, if you have any problems or questions Kim/Amy will be glad to answer them and if you need to fix something on interview day, they will tell you to email them afterwards with the update. They don’t usually process applications until a few weeks after the interview. They want to see an official, but not certified, copy of your college transcripts for both the interview and the application.
How did you prepare for the JKT/COG portion of the interview? RST got me prepped. At first I didn’t like the idea of learning the material versus memorizing the gouge due to my 3 week time constraint, but I did the 15 day course and practiced COG. Saw a few RST questions on the real test. If I didn’t study RST I would have not passed the test. COG is super easy.
Technical Test Questions You have a GPS certified for IFR. Are you permitted to fly RNAV?
– Yes, No, Yes but you need VOR/DME updating, something else. (I chose VOR/DME updating answer and not sure if it is correct)What does HIWAS stand for and is it single or dual type VOR?FL350 weather is -50C is that better or worse aircraft performance? (Warmer or Colder than standard)
Know what Stators do in Compressor and Turbine/Exhaust stages. They are divergent ( < More Pressure Less Velocity) in the compressor, and convergent ( > Less Pressure More Velocity) in the turbine/exhaust.
Know the ITM (Indicated, True, Mach) stuff in relation to altitude.
What was the hardest technical question or content you experienced during the job knowledge test? My biggest difficulty has always been mental math. Just something I don’t do much outside of the 3-1 rule. Study up on the 60-1 mental math and you will do fine.
Cog Test Very easy thanks to RST.
Cog Math Questions They are easier. Example: Apples are 1.50 and Pears are 3.50. You want to buy 2 apples and 1 pear how much is it total?
HR Questions – Tell us about yourself that’s not on your resume.
– Looked at GPA and talk about it.
– Asked about any professional Checkride failures.
– Why did you pick the university you attended.
– What is professionalism to you.
– What is your signs of fatigue and how do you mitigate it?
– TMAAT Failed as a Leader (in relation to flying)
– TMAAT You exercised your PIC authority? (They don’t want to hear generic emergencies or diversions, they want to see conflict and conflict resolution)
– WWYD Your Captain is always late to the bus which means you are always pushing back late. They really dug deep on this one.
– WWYD Your Captain now wants to skip the crew brief to get pushed back and do it later. This is where my interviewers turned up the heat. I don’t think they want a Line Pilot answer here but take that with a grain of salt as I got a 12 month callback.
– WWYD FO wants to sleep on MEM-ANC trip. Would it change things if he flew in from the West coast prior to that flight?
– WWYD if you lost your medical certificate?
– WWYD if you don’t get hired today?
How long prior to the interview did you prepare for the HR portion of the interview? 3 weeks
Which HR Prep service did you use and did it help? Emerald Coast, and they are about to increase their prices. EC is a great resource for GENERAL Interview Prep. FDX knows Emerald Coast very well and they hear the SARR format a lot, so be prepared to be thrown off your game. Also see below for SBI info. Without Emerald Coast I wouldn’t have successfully passed any of those questions in the interview.
Any additional information you would like to add. Overall I think Day 1 (Testing) went well. If you feel like you failed then it means you passed, no joke! I think my SBI went well and the interview was pretty rough. I messed up on 1-2 hypotheticals which may have costed me the job offer. Take the Panel Interview slow and methodical.
SBI Section
Situation: Flying to some airport then diverting to your alternate. While enroute airplane crashes 6000 ft down the runway and closes airport. 3 Alternates, 2 with emergency fuel (1 good wx 1 bad wx) and your original airport that you diverted from has lower than CAT 1 minimums.
For the Emerald Coast People: They know the game they know the tricks. I asked GOC for WX, Fuel, and Threats for 3 airports and she came back and told me it was going to be 20 minutes. So I asked for WX and Fuel.
Fastest 8 minutes of your life. During Debrief make sure you are extremely critical of yourself, tell them exactly what you did wrong, and why, and how you could fix that in the future. Don’t BS them. They questioned me in different areas but didn’t try and change my answer.
Is their anything you wish you could have done different to prepare you for this process? If I could do it over again, I skimped out on reading Ride Reports which meant I was studying some HR B.S. that wasn’t asked in the interview. You’re talking to two pilots (one might be a company guy) so that changes the dynamic a bit.
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