Which Airline did you interview with? Delta
How many days between invite, interview, and listed availability? Date availability 2 Weeks.
Did you include volunteer work in your application? Yes
Did you receive a job offer? Yes
If you did not receive the CJO why do you think you weren’t chosen to continue in the process? N/A this time, but I will talk about my 6MO reinvite experience.
What is your experience? 91
Total Flight Time 2,000-3,000
Total Turbine PIC Time
TPIC 121 hours 0
TPIC Military hours 0
TPIC 91/135 500-1000
General Overview of Experience This was my second time around. I interviewed February originally and received the 6MO reinvite for HR. This time around was almost identical to last time. Everyone truly is rooting for you so really it’s just your nervousness to contend with. No one is trying to trip you up in HR. Actually the HR rep who sat in on mine said, “If it sounds like a weird question or we say it weird, it’s probably just the first time we’re seeing it so we haven’t had an opportunity to make it come across more conversational.”
How long did you have your application in before you received an invite? 1-6 months
Did you attend a job fair? No
Did you do anything special that triggered the interview invitation? My original invite was triggered by an internal rec. I made sure my application was checked by someone before I submitted it last September (2017). Fix it email end of November. Invite end of December for February. I called on the date 6 months was up, end of August. Got put on the waitlist and then got this November invite about 2 weeks later.
How many internal recs did you have? 1-2
How long was it from the time of your invite to the actual interview? 8 weeks
Did you have any issues with logbooks, application or paperwork? None. First time around I didn’t copy the back side of my medical so they came and grabbed the original to make a copy. Both interviews my logbooks sat on a back table until the end of the interview.
Technical Test Questions Overall the material was all familiar. I had at this point done the 15 day prep twice. Once at the beginning of the year and once before this interview again. I found both times that it took me longer than 15 days to really absorb the information. There is a lot of heavy reading material that I needed time to digest. Definitely learn the concepts and not the answers because the answer options are rarely as cut and dry as you would hope. That being said, like everyone else mentions, you can cut it down to two answer choices right away typically.
What was the hardest technical question or content you experienced during the job knowledge test? There was one question I hadn’t seen about you have 1 GPS and it’s out but the INS is operative, can you go no problem or does the INS need info from the GPS.
One about slats come out but not all the slats on the left side deploy. Roll left, yaw right. roll left yaw left. roll right, yaw right. Roll right, yaw left. On looking back at it there was an accident that occurred where left engine separated on takeoff because of poor mounting procedures damaged wing and hydraulic lines they rolled over 90 degrees.
I was kicking myself too because I got a question I know I had read about with batteries. Nicad vs Lead Acid what is main advantage or vice versa.
HR Questions I apologize as this may get a bit lengthy, and unfortunately no one can say anything to get rid of the day of stress. Overall the HR was very similar both times around, however I felt a lot more confident/comfortable the second time around. That being said, I was super close to a CJO in February even though I felt so differently about how the actual HR interview went both times.
First HR interview we talked about my background, how I got into aviation. How I picked my school. Got asked about my impeding traffic ticket. The next questions were just worded a little funny in my opinion so I didn’t answer them as thoroughly as I could have and I didn’t take the opportunity to tell them the things about myself that I thought were important because of the way the questions came across. Asked well you’ve only trained at Flight Safety what makes a good training program. So then I locked into flight safety’s program and very factual information instead of taking the time to say well x, x, x about my experience in college and how it affected my professional development. Asked difference in office job and pilot job. Again I gave an ok answer but I should have taken that opportunity to talk about some of the trickier parts of being a pilot, IE gone on holidays working weekends and how I have dealt with those things in my career. So I missed the opportunity to tell them things because I was waiting for “the right question” to do it on. That being said you have to answer the question, but if you can work in the important things along the way that’s good. I got what’s something you regret and tell me about your most stressful flight. The regret one I sat and sat and sat trying to think, I hadn’t prepared for that one. The WWYD I got 5 mile final on visual not in radar contact weather is marginal captain lined up with wrong runway wrong airport. I wish I had gone back to ask why on earth we were even in this situation, who called airport in sight for the visual? WWYD Flight attendants running behind and no checks done and supposed to start boarding. WWYD FO and calling mod for the next 20 minutes if you go around you may have fuel issues.
This time around I was much more relaxed, still nervous but at least had an idea of what to expect. I accidentally made a few jokes during it that went over well and when I left we were all laughing which was somewhat reassuring. 3-5 minutes about yourself and how you got interested. Why did you not fly and do an MBA. I almost started answering about why the MBA and another interviewer said, correct me if I’m wrong but you were flight instructing during your MBA right? I said yes. He goes so you were instructing and going to school, Yes. I might have brushed over that not realizing the one interviewer thought I wasn’t flying for a while. They asked about failing a private pilot stage check and what I learned going forward. Who is someone from my career that exemplifies professionalism/why. Of all the places I worked which was my favorite and why. I sort of touched on all the good things about all of them and then picked my most recent one. Then they said well it sounds like you’re really happy with your experience on the corporate side why are you here today. Then, you know airline flying isn’t nine to five, it’s weekends and holidays how will you deal with that. Already do! Have you ever had someone disagree with a decision you made flying. When would you/ have you taken the controls. My WWYD was I’m CA flying to New Orleans 45 minutes out weather drops well below mins what are you thinking about. I went through what I would do right away getting more information. Then who I would talk to to make a decision about holding vs diverting. They then chimed in that ok, Dispatch says divert. What PA are you going to make. Then they said well we have a couple more hundred questions we can ask, unless you’re good? I’m good if you’re good! I did ask how they got to be on the interview panel. They asked how I prepped.
I would say between the two interview panels this most recent one was more conversational and relaxed. Unsure if it was me being more relaxed and letting some more of my personality through or if it was just the different group dynamic.
Cog Test Speed and accuracy are important so just focus on going at your pace. It will end up being faster vs trying to speed through and make mistakes. Treat it like a check ride in that you just take each game one at a time do your best and move on. Be careful with the symbol number matching as the code is there for the first 2 minutes . Try to memorize it right off the bat and go from memory. That way when you hit the next page where it’s the 6 symbols jumbled you can quickly enter in the numbers and move on. The page doesn’t look timed because there are instructions on it, but not sure about that. Make sure you continue to remember it because it will come back to that instruction page with the 6 symbols jumbled again later on. My brain hates the pressure of mental math word problems on a time crunch so the first one skipped over me completely because I took too long. To give you an example, one was someone wants to hire 27 applicants and has found she hires 30% of the people she interviews. How many does she have to interview. By far the trickiest for me was a center a line while recalling the last number that flashed up after it is gone. If you hover your stylus over the number when you see it it helps.
How long prior to the interview did you prepare for the HR portion of the interview? I have been stewing on it since the 6mo reinvite but probably the last 4 weeks more intensely.
Which HR Prep service did you use and did it help? Emerald Coast. The first time around I prepared heavily on tech and cog and pretty hard on HR through Emerald Coast. I used a different system this time, suggested by Emerald Coast, to organize my experience/strengths etc that I found quite helpful. Using note cards and jotting down one trait about you per card that you want them to know about you, follow that up on the same side with examples of how you’ve demonstrated that trait through your career. On the back of the card put the stories you could tell. I found that the stories I could use overlapped quite a bit. My interview panel did ask me how I prepared this time around at the end of the interview. I used my ipad to record myself answering questions, talking about myself etc. I found it really helpful for seeing the weird things I do when I am talking. Also, I found it more helpful in that I could look back at what I said after the fact and critique myself accurately.
Any additional information you would like to add. Just that RST and the Emerald Coast prep were huge assets. I felt like I was as ready as I could be going in which helped with the roller coaster of emotion throughout the day. I knew I had put my best foot forward.
Is there anything you wish you could have done different to prepare you for this process? Wish I could have been less nervous.

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