Which airline did you interview with? Delta
What was the time period between application submission and interview invitation? 12 months
Total Flight Time 3,001 hours +
Is there something that triggered your invite? Not to my knowledge. I went to NGPA event a month prior and met with recruiters.
What was your overall experience ? (Big Picture) US Army Aviator (500 hrs UH-60)
Envoy E175 (1000 hrs PIC, 1500 SIC)
Part 91 GA training (300 hrs)
What questions did they ask during the panel interview? Introduction:
Tell me about a stressful situation on the flight Deck.
You’re a new CA, and you’re flying with an experienced FO who keeps doing your flows.
What is your definition of a good leader?
You are the FO, you are at the gate and you are going to be delayed 45 minutes due to Mx. What do you tell the passengers?
You are a CA, Two FAs are getting into an argument upsetting several passengers, what do you do?
Several personal questions relating to my application. Mostly about my experiences in the Army and leadership philosophy.
Was there anything unexpected? It is fast and furious in the morning. Pay close attention to the document sets. Make sure all your documents are organized exactly outlined in the email. The first 30 minutes are really stressful even prepared, be ready and make sure you have everything. One candidate didn’t have everything copied as per instructions, he was not offered a CJO.
Is there anything you wished you would have done differently? I had to take the MMPI-2 twice. I answered the questions according to the flagged items during the practice test on the RST website (answered as the “perfect candidate.”) Obviously no one is perfect, so second attempt I answered constantly that I get angry sometimes and I am scared of spiders etc. Answer honestly or you could get flagged.

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