Which Airline did you interview with? JetBlue
How many days between invite, interview, and listed availability? 6 weeks invite to interview
Did you receive a job offer? Waiting to hear back
If you did not receive the CJO why do you think you weren’t chosen to continue in the process? N/A
What is your experience? 121 only
Total Flight Time 4,000-5,000
Total Turbine PIC Time < 1,000
General Overview of Experience Received an invite for phone interview. Emailed instructions to schedule a date/time 2 weeks out. Phone interview consisted of verifying flights times. Questions asked included:
-What do you like/dislike about your current job
-What has been the biggest challenge in your career
-Why JetBlue
-Is there anything else that you’d like us to know
After the phone interview is over, I was emailed an addendum to fill out regarding any training/checkride failures and email it back. Two days later received an email that I was to move on to the actual face-to-face interview. One day after that came the email to actually schedule the interview. Earliest available date was 5-6 weeks out. They also email you a packet of forms to fill out to include flight time summaries, PRIA, fingerprint applications, etc.
The face-to-face interview was conducted at the JetBlue Lodge attached to their University. Checked in, handed in paperwork, and was fingerprinted. Was then brought into a conference room where a chief pilot was answering general questions. This is also where the logbooks were reviewed. When your name is called, you go to another conference room for your panel interview. Normally this consists of a pilot and HR personnel, mine was with a pilot and a flight attendant who was involved with recruiting. Your interview is conducted in a room with a few other interviews going on at the same time. They questions asked were:
-Tell us about yourself
-Tell me about a time you had a crew member/coworker that was being uncooperative
-Tell me about a time you had to make a decision that did/did not result in an outcome that you expected
-Tell me about a time you went above and beyond to handle an unreasonable customer request
-Tell me about a time you were unsatisfied with a coworker’s performance
-Why JetBlue
At the conclusion, I was escorted back to the common room. A few minutes later I was brought upstairs to the exit interview with another chief pilot and HR manager. It was very informal, relaxed, and comfortable. They are just trying to have general conversation and get and idea of who you are. Some questions they asked were:
-Tell me about your career so far
-How many hours flown in prior 12 months
-Whats the best job you’ve ever had
-Why should we invest in hiring you
You are then escorted across to the University building and brought upstairs to do the computer assessment. It starts out with a basic multi-tasking exercise that last approx 5 minutes. Then a cognitive test solving patterns, algebra, and basic math. After is a 30-40 minute personality test that has different types of questions to gauge your personality (what would you do in this situation, I agree/disagree, more like me/less like me). They are just looking for overall consistency, as they ask you many of the same type of questions in different ways. After that is a basic flight simulator where you maintain altitude and just fly to different waypoints. Finally is a hand-eye coordination exercise where you must keep a ball centered on a target using the joystick. The assessment all-in-all took about 1.5 hours.
Total time from the start to the end of the interview took about 5.5 hours. About 4 days later I received an email that I was continuing on to Phase 2 of the interview process, where they conduct a background check, drivers record, verify prior employment, and gather PRIA records. I was told the process could take 4-8 weeks. Afterwards, all of my data will be collected and put in front of a pilot hiring committee where my interview notes and scores will be looked at for a final hiring decision.
How long did you have your application in before you received an invite? 12 months +
Did you attend a job fair? Yes
Did you do anything special that triggered the interview invitation? 3 job fairs (NGPA 2016/2017, WAI 2016)
4 internal LOR
How many internal recs did you have? 3-4
How long was it from the time of your invite to the actual interview? 4 weeks
Did you have any issues with logbooks, application or paperwork? No
How did you prepare for the JKT/COG portion of the interview? N/A
Technical Test Questions There is no technical portion of the interview
What was the hardest technical question or content you experienced during the job knowledge test? The multi-tasking portion of the assessment can be stressful at the beginning, but you will get to do a test run and then do the same test again and see how you experience compared once you know what you are looking for on the screen.
Cog Test
Cog Math Questions
HR Questions
How long prior to the interview did you prepare for the HR portion of the interview? 1 week
Which HR Prep service did you use and did it help? FAPA- yes
Any additional information you would like to add. After you schedule your face-to-face, keep checking the link for date availability since they move things around and earlier dates/times may open up.
Travel- JetBlue will fly you positive space to/from the interview so long as you are using a JetBlue serviced airport. Lodging will be at your own expense. There is a room to store bags during the interview. They also serve snack and coffee during the interview process.
Is their anything you wish you could have done different to prepare you for this process?

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