Which airline did you interview with? Delta
What was the time period between application submission and interview invitation? 181-365 days
Total Flight Time 2,501-3,000 hours
Is there something that triggered your invite? No.
What was your overall experience ? (Big Picture) The pilot selection team at Delta is first class. They do an excellent job welcoming you in, putting you at ease, and getting to know who you are.

ALL paperwork must be 100% prepared correctly and exactly how they describe.

Overall, the experience was really positive.

What questions did they ask during the panel interview? General questions about my application and previous jobs. It seemed really catered to the individual. TMAAT you had a conflict with a crew member. What makes a good leader? What characteristics make a good leader at Delta? What do you want your legacy to be at Delta? WWYD if FAs came aboard a flight and were clearly disgruntled from previous leg.
Was there anything unexpected? No.
Is there anything you wished you would have done differently? Start with Express Logbooks earlier (3 weeks minimum) and make sure your logbook is accurate. Get the application review! It was one of the most important aspects of the interview. Carry a journal in your flight bag to help recall stories/situations you can tell during the interview. Try your best to get a good night’s rest before the interview.

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