Which airline did you interview with? Delta
What was the time period between application submission and interview invitation? 181-365 days
Total Flight Time 2,001 hours-2,500 hours
Is there something that triggered your invite? I had interviewed in December and did not receive the CJO. They let me know to keep the app updated and they will review it again in 90 days. In the time between my first and second interview, I upgraded to CA and got 100 hours of PIC time under my belt. There was about 5 months between the first interview and them reaching out again for a second interview.
What was your overall experience ? (Big Picture) The interview experience with Delta was great! (Both times). The company does everything it can to keep the stress out of the process. The day started with a 0645 show time. Over the next hour and 15 minutes, you hand in all the paperwork and you listen to the Welcome speech given by the company. At 0800 the group splits in two and half do the Interview and the other half does the MMPI. When finished, they give you a short break to get some food or coffee. Then the two groups switch events. After these events, they give you another brake to deliberate. When they come back if they call your name you did not receive the job (this is what happened to me the first time around). If they come back with some Delta-branded folders, good news awaits! They offer the CJO and explain the rest of the day which consists of the drug test and psych eval. The psych eval is more interview-type and personal questions that can get deep. If you are not expecting it, it could throw some off of their game.
What questions did they ask during the panel interview? Application centered questions:

TMAAT during your training or school when you feel you failed or did not do as well as expected?
What did you learn from this experience?
What do you feel you learned during your time as a gate agent that helps you be a better CA today?

Interview-based questions:
Since becoming a CA, do you feel as though your perspective has changed? and if so, how?
What do you think makes a good CA and why?
Can you tell us about a CA that you think is an exemplary CA and why you look up to this person?
Situation – you went downstairs to have a drink with the CA on an overnight, you come back later and the CA is still at the bar and you are approaching your 8 hours. How are you going to deal with this situation? will you say anything to the CA?

Was there anything unexpected? I knew going in that the questions on the Psych eval were going to be more interview-like questions. I was not prepared for how personal some of them got. One question they asked me was “What are your strengths/weaknesses?” and I had not prepared an answer for that so that caught me off guard.
Is there anything you wished you would have done differently? The second time around I don’t think I would have done anything differently except maybe eat a tiny protein bar in the morning. I was so nervous I didn’t end up eating until I got back to the airport and that was at 1600 or 1700. I felt very confident in my answers the second time around, I believe the confidence and clarity that I learned during CA upgrade helped me. The first time around I think I lacked that confidence in my decision making and that shone through. Once I became a CA I learned that I had already made those types of decisions so I wasn’t worried that I didn’t know the right answer anymore.

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