Which Airline did you interview with? Delta Air Lines
How many days between invite, interview, and listed availability?
Did you receive a job offer? Yes
If you did not receive the CJO why do you think you weren’t chosen to continue in the process?
What is your experience? Military
Total Flight Time 2,000-3,000
Total Turbine PIC Time
General Overview of Experience The day really went just as described from the numerous ride reports I had read from RST. I showed a little before the 0715 “no earlier than” time and it wasn’t a problem. A security guard was waiting on the sidewalk to receive us with temporary sticker badges that we would later swap for other clip on badges (same process both days). Shawntae came out and invited us back 3 at a time to hand in our stacks one and two. After all of us had inprocessed, CA Arnie Kraby hosted us through his pep talk, description of the day and a short tour. Wandering into the main room we found the day’s schedule of events posted on one of the snack bar area tables. There were four HR interview panel teams so four simultaneous interviews and we were assigned times alphabetically. I interviewed at 1000 and did the COG, smaller personality test (I hadn’t realized there was a personality test on day 1), and JKT in the afternoon. My HR panel was great. Consisted of a current CA, retired CA, and the HR role was also filled by a retired CA – just FINE with me! I’ll point out that the HR panel is what I’d been the most worried about. The team really did a good job to put me at ease, and I got a little emotional response from each of them, not a whole lot, and a couple of giggles at small jokes I’d made, but they weren’t an overly-jovial group. Each of them would take turns asking questions and I was glad that they seemed to wrap up the question by saying “thank you” at a certain point after I’d come to a logical stopping point – rather than just letting me keep rambling on unnecessarily. They did not ask about my two AF UPT student checkride failures nor did they ask about my speeding tickets. There was an obvious wrap up where they were done asking questions and they opened up for any questions I had. I felt really good about how I’d done upon exiting the room. I later heard from some of my fellow candidates that a couple of them had been able to see the scoresheets the interviewers had been filling out so they could see that they were being scored well; I’ll leave that up to you if you want to try to peek. I was focused on making good eye contact and I may have been distracted if I’d seem bad marks. Went and had a quick lunch at the cafeteria and then it was on to an afternoon of testing. Order of testing was COG, short personality test, JKT. No surprises on COG or JKT. I don’t have much appreciation for personality tests. After my group completed testing we went back out in the main area to wait for the last couple of interviewees to finish and for CA Kraby to come deliver our fates. He finally came out with a stack of papers and some blue folders. I was expecting red folders for the winners so when he started calling names I wasn’t sure if this was the pass or fail group. 11 names were called and he asked us to go with him to another room where he congratulated us. It was painful seeing the other four not follow through with us as they were all great dudes as well. We were handed lots of paperwork and took the drug test and were then released for the day. Next day show was 0730, turned in the new paperwork, all took the 567 question MMPI test, interviewed with psychiatrist, and were then released to head home. I happened to be the ONLY one to have to re-take the MMPI test for being too positive/defensive against the test. On the second test I really tried not to overthink and it turned out fine. Interview with the shrink went well, it seemed. I got the all clear email within a couple of hours of leaving.
How long did you have your application in before you received an invite?
Did you attend a job fair?
Did you do anything special that triggered the interview invitation?
How many internal recs did you have?
How long was it from the time of your invite to the actual interview?
Did you have any issues with logbooks, application or paperwork?
How did you prepare for the JKT/COG portion of the interview?
Technical Test Questions I don’t remember many of the questions verbatim, but there were a good number of questions that were very similar to the RST questions and most of the questions I got were based on similar concepts and easy to rule out 2 of the four bad answers. I was about 80-90% confident overall. As far as what I’d studied in addition to the test simulator/quizzes on RST, I used the flashcards, the topical study guides, most of the youtube videos, I read the T-34 Aero guide, the T-34 engine guide, I did not find the ANA all that useful.
What was the hardest technical question or content you experienced during the job knowledge test? There were a couple of questions that gave way too much distracting information that was unnecessary to solve the problem. One of them was a full screen with a lot of flight plan information and they were just asking how long you could hold before you needed to divert. I recommend jumping to the last line, see what they are asking to avoid trying to internalize any distractors. It is possible to run out of time on the test. You were 20 miles from a VOR where you would need to hold waiting for wx to improve, they gave you your required reserve, fuel flow, distance to divert and a LOT of other numbers that you needed to look past.
Cog Test I thought it was very easy after practicing on RST. For your reference, my RST scores had started around 1600-1700 and then to 2200-ish with some early practice, but after I attended a COG webinar with Tito I stopped doing full graded COG sessions and just focused on practicing individual tests: IXTLOU and cog math in particular since we were briefed that those may be no-fail tests. Math questions were easier on the real COG. The IXTLOU symbols came up one extra time for me later in the test. My technique was to make two three letter sounds with the symbols and I would repeat it to myself a couple of times between tests. If you are comfortable with RST COG, you will do fine.
Cog Math Questions
HR Questions Tell me about yourself. Was it hard taking college classes while working full time (internship over summer)? How did you get into aviation (I had worked as a civilian for several years after college before deciding to join the military so there were lots of probing questions about that). How is working for Delta going to be different than being in the military? What do you owe Delta? What does Delta owe you? (These last two are where I felt I probably lost some points by giving pretty short answers and I think I should have gotten more into Delta core values) Returning from an international flight, divert to a location with no customs, lavs are full – WWYD as CA? FAs arrive at your aircraft and they are upset about their previous flight, and are not excited to receive pax on this next flight – WWYD as CA? TMAAT you disagreed with a leadership policy or procedure. Thunderstorm off the departure end of the runway, other aircraft are taxiing past you and taking off – WWYD as CA? I was in with them for 50 minutes and it felt like 20.
How long prior to the interview did you prepare for the HR portion of the interview?
Which HR Prep service did you use and did it help? Emerald Coast. Yes, it was a great help. I did an in-person seminar with Bill Sims, Webinar with Greg Tolmoff, and a top off with Greg Proffit/Aaron Hagen. They will get you squared away. Make sure you keep your answers as your own answers and don’t sound canned or too rehearsed – ECIC will advise you of this as well.
Any additional information you would like to add. I did make a change in the checkride failure section of the app after receiving the invite – going from no failures to documenting two AF pilot training student check failures after receiving lots of conflicting advice on the subject from friends/mentors. I felt better putting it all on the table, but I was also worried that the HR team was going to come after me for changing the app to be more negative after receiving the invite- check failures didn’t come up at all. I wasted far too many brain cycles and time thinking about how to deal with this while prepping.
Is their anything you wish you could have done different to prepare you for this process?

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