Which Airline did you interview with? American
How many days between invite, interview, and listed availability? 5 Months
Did you include volunteer work in your application? Yes
Did you receive a job offer? Yes
If you did not receive the CJO why do you think you weren’t chosen to continue in the process? N/A
What is your experience? Military
Total Flight Time 1,000-2,000
Total Turbine PIC Time
TPIC 121 hours 0
TPIC Military hours 1000-2000
TPIC 91/135 1-500
General Overview of Experience I went into the AA interview with another airline targeted as my preferred job. I walked away from the process with AA as my top choice. I know that is easy to say with a CJO but the experience was great. The entire staff of the recruitment team was extremely helpful and made sure you knew that they were aware you had other options besides AA and that they want you hear. First off, AA will buy you a ticket to your interview and will try their best to get your premium economy or at a minimum a window or aisle seat. They provided me with a room at the Laquinta hotel near the airport (which was the nicest Laquinta I have ever stayed at) and transportation to and from the AA campus. I arrived on Wednesday and met a few other interviewees and went to dinner. They split our group up into morning testers and afternoon testers. If you were a morning tester, you showed up early and handed them your paperwork and did the cog test and were back at the hotel in time for lunch. Afternoon testers went in prior to lunch and were done by about 4pm. If I had my choice again, I would go in the morning session. The next day we were split into several smaller groups for interviews. 2 captains showed up to pretty much just put us at ease and walk us to the museum for the interviews. These guys made sure to let you know that they weren’t interviewing you and they just wanted to get you talking and shake out some of the nerves. We all sat around at the entrance to the museum where they called us 1 by 1 to go to the initial interview with the 2 captains. They offered me water, made a bit of small talk, and then introduced themselves. After the pilot interview, which took about 50 minutes, you return to the waiting area of the museum for about 15 minutes. The HR rep will then come grab each person 1 by 1 and go into the HR interview which lasts about 20 minutes. I returned to the recruitment office, grabbed my stuff and then went to the airport. I’m told that it is different for each interview group but my group started receiving phone calls around 5pm that Friday. I knew before I left Dallas that I had the CJO which made my weekend way better.
How long did you have your application in before you received an invite? 1-6 months
Did you attend a job fair? No
Did you do anything special that triggered the interview invitation? I had recommendations from American pilots but they were all through PilotCredentials and not internal.
How many internal recs did you have? 5+
How long was it from the time of your invite to the actual interview? 6 weeks
Did you have any issues with logbooks, application or paperwork? None
How did you prepare for the JKT/COG portion of the interview? 1 hour of looking at a PPT with examples of the cog test. AA doesn’t have a JKT test and the cog test is one that you can’t really prepare for. There is a ppt that is floating around that can give you examples of what to expect and I would recommend trying to find it. That being said, I wouldn’t spend a ton of time on it. Its a test that is designed to take you to failure and no matter how much you prepare for it, at the end of the day, it will be a terrible few hours and you will think you did terrible. I haven’t heard of anyone not getting a CJO due to the cog test though.
Technical Test Questions None
What was the hardest technical question or content you experienced during the job knowledge test? N/A
Cog Test See above
Cog Math Questions The math question on the cog test were difficult and I only had time to complete 3 or 4 of them and I still received the CJO. Don’t stress out about it.
HR Questions Interview with 2 Captains
-Tell us about yourself? (cut off 30″ into my intro and asked why American but then allowed to continue)
-Why American?
-TMAAT you had a conflict with a supervisor
-TMAAT you had to mentor someone
-TMAAT you changed a squadron process
-You are waiting to takeoff and there is a thunderstorm of the departure end, incoming aircraft reports wind shear, you are next in line, what do you do?
-You are inbound to land in at an airfield with terrain around it…WX is reported worse than expected, you have the airplane.
-Who else have you applied to?
With the HR rep
-When can you start?
-Are you willing to relocate?
-Asked me to explain my first scenario (thunderstorm) to a non-pilot
How long prior to the interview did you prepare for the HR portion of the interview? 2 months
Which HR Prep service did you use and did it help? Emerald Coast- It absolutely helped me organize my stories and think about how to answer the question appropriately and let the interviewers know what I learned from in and how it impacted my future.
Any additional information you would like to add. Some people thought the DC-3 was a distraction. I used it as a talking point to explain why I wanted to become a pilot and how I thought it was great people could come see AA’s legacy.
Is there anything you wish you could have done different to prepare you for this process? Nope

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