Which Airline did you interview with? Delta
How many days between invite, interview, and listed availability? invite to interview = 6w, but could of picked 4w (was unavailable sooner). Invite to availability = 60 days
Did you receive a job offer? Yes
If you did not receive the CJO why do you think you weren’t chosen to continue in the process? n/a
What is your experience? Military
Total Flight Time 3,000-4,000
Total Turbine PIC Time >2,000
General Overview of Experience The latest TRs are accurate. Everyone is nervous. Delta team does their best to try and put you at ease in the morning, all are very friendly. Just keep drinking the water all day because will help at end of the day with urinalysis.
How long did you have your application in before you received an invite? 6-12 months
Did you attend a job fair? Yes
Did you do anything special that triggered the interview invitation? I have no idea what triggered the invite. At WAIC, Delta explained how they score applications: Your application is given to 2 captains. They score based on Tiers. Tier 1 = best, Tier 2 = good, Tier 3 = skip. If you average Tier 1 you will definitely get called for an interview. Tier 2 probably, Tier 3, nope. You of course have no idea when your application is looked at, how you scored, or when you’ll get the invite.
The internal recs get you a definite look at your application, meaning it will get handed out sooner to be scored than those who don’t have internals. There is no computer prescreen system, they’re all done by hand.
So when I say I have no idea what triggered it, I mean just that because I had 0 internal recommends. My friends who all fly here I never flew with, so I didn’t ask them.
How many internal recs did you have? 1-2
How long was it from the time of your invite to the actual interview? 4 weeks
Did you have any issues with logbooks, application or paperwork? Paperwork: Do the 2 stacks and that’s it. Think this subject has been beaten home enough as of late.
Issues I had: I misread the application on one question. They wanted entire history where I screwed up and only put last 10yrs. So starting out on HR interview I’m doing pen/ink changes on app and explaining my stupidity. Felt embarrassed for not reading the details. My app didn’t say “Delta Airlines” on it anywhere, so maybe that made up for my stupid oversight of that question.
Logbook: PIC time. I don’t know if they asked me this next part to see if I would respond confrontational or not, or if the pilot genuinely wanted to know why the disparity? This applies to those military type who fly around 3 pilots and log Special Crew time as AC/PIC time when you sign for the jet. Everyone else, move onto next question. My app showed about 400 extra hours of total time that my logbooks don’t show because of this. I tried to happily explain as best I could what it was without trying to sound like a nervous wreck thinking, “Oh dear God please don’t let them think I’m trying to pad my flight hours!” The follow up question was, “So just how much of this time was spent where you were just riding around not doing any flying but logging PIC?” After swallowing another monster size lump down my throat I quickly explained why I felt it made sense to break my hours out this way on the app. Bottom line, looking back I think they knew why the disparity in total time was there and were just testing my response character (Similar to how Southwest does in logbook review I believe).
I had a flight hours summary page, I could have broken this time out maybe on the summary page, as another guy did. He had a different interviewer and didn’t get this question.
How did you prepare for the JKT/COG portion of the interview? COG: It’s spot on. Did IAW the 15 day plan. No need to overdo it, if you have some sample math questions for the math quiz, all the better to help prep. My math questions were way easier than the practice, but I think that was luck of the draw.
JKT: Did the 15 day plan spread across 30 days; so 2 days per lesson basically. Also read the NAV RST ground school, & topical study guides. Also watched a video for something I didn’t quite understand. The compressor stalls video in the TSG is really good. Did not go through the sample test questions that often, only once maybe twice each. I did however go through the flash cards as often as the 15 day plan recommends!
Technical Test Questions Everybody’s 60 questions are different. I think 1 guy failed because of the JKT from our group. Word I got was there’s like 5000+ questions to be randomly picked from, so wasting time studying a bunch of question banks or me posting whatever random question I can remember (and probably not accurately retype it here) is not an effective use of your study time in my opinion. Either I did an awesome job studying for this test, or luck of the draw because overall I though my questions were easy to select the right answer. Other pilots confirmed the recent TRs, “several right answers and very tricky/hard test.” Bottom line, understand the information as best you can! Learn the math formulas too, or at least the best you can.
What was the hardest technical question or content you experienced during the job knowledge test? I hate seeing inaccurate gouge so I don’t want to mistype something.
Some test stuff I don’t remember looking over as part of the 15 day plan: volcanic ash questions, think I had 3 of them! Pressurization/PAC problems (so know basic principles of how the PAC works and how bleed air works and how they affect performance. Others said these topics are here on RST, I just didn’t have time to seek it out.
Cog Test Easy! Spend time practicing where you suck at and you’ll be good (Don’t do Flagman 20 times if you got it after 2 tries). Watch the COG video on here BEFORE starting the COG training. Think about everyone has been saying that and it’s true!
Cog Math Questions Think I lucked out, my questions were easy. I was only averaging 1 point on the practice COG, was worried most about this part of the COG.
HR Questions The first half they just want to get to know you. They don’t want any skeletons to pop up on the background check after the interview and they’re banking on you being good to go and not have to waste HR time tracking you down later to ask about some stupid ticket that wasn’t on your app and popped up on the NDR. So, I highly recommend above all else be honest! I talked honestly about the mistakes on my app (embarrassed as I was) I told them how many other airlines I applied to and which sources I used for preparing (RST, ECIC). I don’t think they care as long as it’s obvious you’re not trying to hide anything. Obviously you had to suffer that setback to get to where you were today sitting in front of them!
Other thing for getting to know you is I think they want to ensure you want to help get the job done, even if it’s not your job to do. They don’t want to hear junk like “I have a servant’s heart”, but something that shows you go above just doing your job. For outside of work charity, they threw me a softball I think I answered well. Not everyone serves food at the homeless shelter every Thanksgiving (I certainly haven’t). This was one area I worried about and didn’t really have anything. However, I have kids and I help out with their sports programs (setup/takedown, meets); that worked for me I believe. So, think outside the box for ideas like this of how you help others outside of work to have ready incase your HR person isn’t as kind as mine in lobbing me this slowball.
2nd half of HR was the WWYD & TMAT questions. Recommend you just have a couple situations ready to go that you can pull from which might apply to the different questions you already heard posted on TRs and in gouge. So I had a confrontation with a co-worker that also took place during an emergency/high stress situation that could probably cover multiple questions that pop up: CRM, confrontation, emergency, etc. I was able to use it for handling confrontation at lowest level both in HR & with the psychiatrist on day 2.
And finally, like others have said for the WWYD: #1 safety always! Don’t be swayed off safest answer. #2 try and handle at lowest level. #3, you’re never alone remember CRM. I was asked I think 3 WWYD/TMAT questions (1 from each person) with small follow up questions to each based on my responses.
I thought I epically failed the HR portion! That was the very first thing I did day 1 so yeah rest of my day was me second guessing everything. Still don’t know how I passed!?
How long prior to the interview did you prepare for the HR portion of the interview? 7 months, but only heavy & steady list last month and 3 weeks at beginning
Which HR Prep service did you use and did it help? Emerald Coast. I only watched the videos back in Feb-Mar & did 1 webinar. I didn’t do anything else because I didn’t want to sound too coached up, although I probably still sounded like a coached idiot. Best tip I got from EC was make flash cards with different general topics “Leadership” “CRM” “Team skills” “Solid pilot” “Integrity”, ect… then on the back write what traits you have regarding those. Did this along with an “Introduction” card and a few CRM TMAT cards and that was it. Was way easier than trying to have 300 answers to 300 different questions that might get asked!
Any additional information you would like to add. Personality tests. Don’t overthink them, just like Delta says answer them honestly. If I didn’t understand a question on the day 1 test I marked “neutral”. On the day 2 test I didn’t try to sway much from the day 1 tests. I didn’t have to retake the day 2 580 question test. Like 4 of the 10 of us did have to retake it. If you leave a question blank be prepared to talk about it with the psychiatrist. And when asked about stressful situations I talked about stressful days (at work and at home) that had good results at the end.
Is their anything you wish you could have done different to prepare you for this process? I think I would of done a “20 day” plan. After Day 6, skip and do the weather & nav sections from days 13 & 14. Then go back to day 7. This gets you to look at the math formulas and the military types who aren’t familiar with part 121 starting to review that stuff earlier on because it’s new to us. Then go back to day 7 and continue through again. I felt weaker than I wanted to in the Navigation going into the interview.

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