Which Airline did you interview with? Delta Air Lines
How many days between invite, interview, and listed availability?
Did you receive a job offer? Yes
If you did not receive the CJO why do you think you weren’t chosen to continue in the process?
What is your experience? Military
Total Flight Time 3,000-4,000
Total Turbine PIC Time
General Overview of Experience As noted in other reports, everybody is very friendly and welcoming. There is no doubt that they are motivated to fill their pilot positions and get ahead of the retirements. By the end it was VERY clear to me that, if you’re there, they want to hire you and it’s your job to lose.
How long did you have your application in before you received an invite?
Did you attend a job fair?
Did you do anything special that triggered the interview invitation?
How many internal recs did you have?
How long was it from the time of your invite to the actual interview?
Did you have any issues with logbooks, application or paperwork?
How did you prepare for the JKT/COG portion of the interview?
Technical Test Questions Tuesday Test questions and Gold standard are HUGE. Also huge is not just reading the questions and answers but understanding what they’re about. During prep, when I saw a question on a topic I wasn’t 100% strong with I looked up the topic in FAR/AIM, EEPP, ANA or the Pilot Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge. Some stuff I still couldn’t find references for so I went to Google. The point is, don’t walk into the big day with topics you don’t understand. The gouge is a great guide of what topics you need to study, but it isn’t sufficient to study alone. I had maybe 2 or 3 questions on the test word for word from the gouge but no topics on the test surprised me.
One question similar to gouge was enroute descent from FL360 to 10000. Question specified 3 degree glidepath so 3x altitude is no longer valid. One answer option fit 3x alt perfectly but another answer was 1 nm off from a 3 degree glidepath. I selected the answer closest to the 3 degree glidepath number (no telling if it was graded as correct or not though). The point I make is RTFQ, there are lots of variations so you need to pay attention. In the end, I walked out VERY confident in my score, thanks in no small measure to all the good info at RST.
What was the hardest technical question or content you experienced during the job knowledge test?
Cog Test COG trainer was a good prep but there are some differences. In the number recall, the timing is a bit different and can throw you off, at least it did me. The number disappears before you select the previous number rather than when you hit the button. Requires you to look at the next number there before it disappears.
As others have noted, the airplane on the localizer moves far more slowly, but accelerates as it moves away from the center.
They give you the -UXOTL test once with the key still on the screen, once more without it on the screen and then a final time, after several other exercises, to see if you remembered it. Thankfully, Tito did a good job warning about this on the COG webinar. Otherwise I’d have been in trouble.
Cog Math Questions
HR Questions Tell me about yourself since HS.
What do you do to ensure you’re fit to fly (fit for duty)?
How will you adjust to having a Captain that may be younger and even less experienced than you?
TMAT you saw someone not fit and what did you do.
WWYD if the Captain was lined up on the wrong airfield/runway in a non-RADAR environment? Went through the Emerald Coast continuum, ultimately leading to a go-around. As I worked through the “escalation of force” they stopped me when I offered to by the coffee at the next stop if the Capt went around to get a look at the field before landing. I think they recognized some EC prep from that. The questioner said he “had heard enough.” and we moved on. Getting stopped in mid-answer was a little disconcerting, but we pressed on.
What did you do to prep for this interview?
WWYD on an INST appch and at mins had a thin wispy layer below you? On this last one I said, after clarifying that I didn’t have the runway environment in sight, go missed approach. The panel leaned on me a bit about how expensive that is, it’s just a thin layer and you’d be fine. Stick to your guns.
How long prior to the interview did you prepare for the HR portion of the interview?
Which HR Prep service did you use and did it help? Emerald Coast for HR (2 seminars, 1 webinar, 2 topoffs for 2 different interviews). Checked and Set for my Applications and Resume (resume not needed for Delta). RST for test prep.
BTW, the last top off from Emerald Coast asked me the exact same questions I got on the HR panel so I was totally prepped there.
Any additional information you would like to add. 1. my flight log was just the Big Green USAF folder. I added a spreadsheet showing the conversion of the MIL records to the numbers that went into Airlinepps and another spreadsheet serving as my civilian flight log (all 30 hours of it).
2. They gave me back Big Green but wanted to hang on to my FEF stuff. The Delta checklist wasn’t clear so I brought my original Form 8s and 942s (FEF) and needed to ask for those back at the end of the HR session. This didn’t upset them, but I wanted to point this out. USAF guys should bring copies of those rather than, or in addition to, the originals.
Is their anything you wish you could have done different to prepare you for this process?

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