Which Airline did you interview with? Delta
How many days between invite, interview, and listed availability? 2 month, 2 weeks notice availability
Did you include volunteer work in your application?
Did you receive a job offer? Yes
If you did not receive the CJO why do you think you weren’t chosen to continue in the process? N/A
What is your experience? 121
Total Flight Time 3,000-4,000
Total Turbine PIC Time
TPIC 121 hours 500-1000
TPIC Military hours 0
TPIC 91/135 0
General Overview of Experience Excellent, aside from being the biggest two days of your life, they make you feel very welcome and wanted.
Definitely start getting your sleep schedule ready a few days before, as you won’t sleep at all the night before the interview. No one did. Everyone usually picks a place to go out together for dinner the night before as well and I highly recommend this, great way to break the ice with each other early, and for us, 2/3 that were told no thanks didn’t join us for dinner, whether that matters or not.
How long did you have your application in before you received an invite? 12 months +
Did you attend a job fair? Yes
Did you do anything special that triggered the interview invitation? The Delta Job Fair
How many internal recs did you have? 1-2
How long was it from the time of your invite to the actual interview? 8 weeks
Did you have any issues with logbooks, application or paperwork? Bachelors is not an automatic 4 years of college, so they asked me to change it to what it really was. They didn’t care, said it happens all the tome. Also had to change my address cause I used what’s on my documents as opposed to my current address. Again no big deal, I’d had ECIC review my app years ago and it’s worth every penny. Really think it attributes to the invite.
How did you prepare for the JKT/COG portion of the interview? RST
Technical Test Questions I can’t fully remember any particular ones. First group bought their tests were easy, our groups thought we all bombed it.
What was the hardest technical question or content you experienced during the job knowledge test? So many that seem to have multiple right answers, and you have to choose the most correct. Cause if this I can’t rememebr.
Cog Test Unbelievably easy. RST practice tests every few days is all you need just to keep the strategies fresh in your head.
Cog Math Questions Stupid easy as well. Nothing compared to the RST stuff.
HR Questions Day 1
Arrive at 730 and after each of you sign in and get “new” visitor badges, Captain Holmes collects everyone and takes you to the conference room. He explains the process and is very upfront about “yes you are being cross examined.” But he also does everything in a way that calms you down so it’s a great start. Even calms you more about telling you how incredibly rare failures on the JKT are now. After this you are broken into two groups. The first half would do HR first while the others did the JKT, Cog, and personality tests. After that we would do lunch and switch. There are 4 HR groups so the groups are then broken into 2 groups of 4 for HR. I was so lucky to be the first group to get the “break” while the others did their HR. Perfect for a night following no sleep… after about 45 each one starts finishing up and coming out. Around 15-30 later the other 4 are being called in. The panel consists of a retired pilot, current pilot, and an HR person. Mine was fantastic. Stared off with going over my application. ECIC had reviewed mine a few years ago so it was almost spotless. Aside from speeding tickets, I have no failures, retrains, or anything so that made it even better. Asked to initial certain areas to confirm I was telling the truth, and just had to change one address and my years of college, as a Bachelors is not always 4 years. After that I was asked to tell them about myself starting from high school. After that they started asking about my education, what would i change, and how did some of my education struggles help me today. Asked me what made me so successful as a pilot and kept me from failures and all. First question after was “tell me what is very rewarding to you that IS NOT getting people from A to B. This turned into a TMAAT as I was asked to give an example. Then I was given a WWYD. You’re drinking a soda water and like and passenger accuses you of having fun and tonic. I said I show them the can and inform them it’s just a soda water but to calm their nerves I’ll take a breathalyzer. I said I then inform the captain so he knows a small delay is coming, and then I inform the chief pilot so that I can get it started and also to get him in the loop in case with social media these days it enters a legal mess. After I said I then blow in the tube. They said ok you blew zeros, but the passenger is sitting next to an FAA person and keep telling them they are certain you’re drinking alcohol. I said now I pull them aside and politely ask what they saw, and then blow again for them so they can actually see this time. Also said I ask what I can do to comfort them and I’d be willing to accommodate them on a later flight if they still weren’t comfortable. They liked that, then asked what my PA would be since we are a little delayed. I gave an honest PA about having minor issues clearing up some last second things we need to be legal. They liked that as it was truthful but didn’t tell them I was accused of drinking haha. Next was WWYD if you have 5-6 minutes to quickly set the tone for your crew and brief them. As you’re briefing one FA is texting on his phone and another is filing her nails. This one was pretty simple to handle. Then was asked TMAAT a CA asked you to break a rule or do something you weren’t comfortable with. I’ve been lucky enough to never have this so I kinda struggled to find something. They asked if possible one has skipped checklists, gone out fo orders, etc. With our operation you can’t really go out of order so I still said I couldn’t think of any. But He did get me into a corner on something we do. However when i said we do have to go outside the procedures sometimes but it keeps the operation running smooth and it doesn’t affect safety, those two things the seemed to really love hearing. I had a great tome with them and was kinda sad it had to end. After lunch was testing tike for my group. Cog was the easiest thing ever. RST gets you beyond ready. A practice test every few days is all you need just to keep the strategies fresh in your mind. The first group said their JKT was easy, our group was total opposite. We all thought it destroyed us and that was it, it was over. The personality test is simple, just be honest on it. Once done we stood around waiting and then Captain Holmes came out with a sticky note and started calling guys out one by one. The room was silent and this was the most stressful part of my life. After picking off 3 guys he went to his office for about 10 minutes. Felt like forever, but finally returned and told us congratulations. He gives you papers for your “homework,” goes over them telling you what to fill out, and to the hotel you go. He makes sure to stress to you that the CJO on day one IS NOT permanent. Lately the PARB has been getting guys so he keeps reiterating that day 2 is still an interview and you need to treat it that way.
Day 2
Show up around 630. The lady starts collecting your paperwork and gets that out of the way. After that you take the MMPI test, which is about 560 something true/false questions. Again, be honest. There’s no gouge for this but read each question fully. Look for words like “always,” “most of the time,” “frequently”, etc. there are questions where you are like yea I totally do that some, but you don’t do it often. So put false. If it’s for words like “seldom,” “occasionally,” “rarely,” then maybe you can put true. Two guys in our class had to take the test over again because it said they were trying to be too positive as a defense mechanism. After that you sit down with the psychologist. Simple. He was very easy to talk to. Asked what got me into flying, my leadership abilities, how do I know when I’m stressed, how do I handle stress, how so I treat my crew, what would my friends say about me, and those type of things. 20-25 minutes and I was done. Then was running around doing the drug test, finger printing, and taken your picture for photo ID. Captain Holmes informs everyone he will have an email out by 1300 letting you know if day two was successful or if you go to the PARB. I was done really early and took an earlier flight home. Right after I landed I receive the congrats you passed day two email.
How long prior to the interview did you prepare for the HR portion of the interview? 2 months
Which HR Prep service did you use and did it help? ECIC and I think it did a lot!
Any additional information you would like to add. RST does an amazing job getting you prepared. I used ECIC for HR and I highly recommend it. They get you thinking on how to answer things, and not what to say. The webinars are great because you are answering stuff and telling stories while the rest in the video chat are watching you, so it gets you started on getting the nerves out of having everyone watching and judging you. DO NOT try to remember everyone’s answers or The ECIC people’s answers. Learn how to think everything through. Who and I gonna talk to, who do I need to communicate to what is happening, what is going to be the safest thing, is going to be best for the passengers, and what is going to protect the brand. About a week or two prior I suggest stop looking at gouges, or at least other people’s TMAAT and WWYD. It’s will get in your head and you’ll begin trying to have scenarios for each one in advance, as opposed to thinking it through for them on the spot.
Is there anything you wish you could have done different to prepare you for this process? Nothing at all.

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