Which Airline did you interview with? Delta Air Lines
How many days between invite, interview, and listed availability?
Did you receive a job offer? Yes
If you did not receive the CJO why do you think you weren’t chosen to continue in the process?
What is your experience? 121 and 135
Total Flight Time 4,000-5,000
Total Turbine PIC Time < 1,000
General Overview of Experience They really want you there! You are not up competing for a slot, so that added pressure does not exist. If you got invited they are already picturing you in a seat. They do a great job like everyone said in helping you feel at home. Here is my biggest piece of advice especially for the HR.. Go in there with CONFIDENCE and be very HUMBLE(this is who we all are anyways). Picture yourself however you need to. Whether it is you already being a Delta pilot helping them train for interviewing, or picture yourself applying to another regional FO position. That confidence that you are qualified, you belong, your experience leads you to make sound decisions, you follow directions, and ultimately you can smile and have a conversation. All this will make the difference. You are what they are looking for. Remember they know you’re nervous, but if you can demonstrate to them you are relaxed, you did your part by prepping, and you can problem solve effectively, they will immediately picture you safely handling an emergency on board with their family in the back. Take your time to process the question they ask and don’t spit out the first thing that comes out. Make sure you understand it and answer it correctly by hitting S.A.R.R. or S.T.A.R…. TEMPO TEMPO TEMPO!! Set the pace and control rate of speech this will prevent any possible rapid fire situation, or if you are already in rapid fire, it will transition it. You’ll pull it back, and turn the entire thing into a conversation versus an interview. I can guarantee you know you did well if the entire hour felt like 15 mins!
There is really no way to prepare for every question, but you can know HOW to answer all the questions. Be comfortable and exercise great communication. Lastly, we pilots constantly replay things in our heads… Don’t do this on game day! Finish the COG, leave it behind and focus on JKT. After both of those, trust your prep, time invested studying, past exp, and yourself. You passed it and focus on the task at hand!
How long did you have your application in before you received an invite? 12 months +
Did you attend a job fair? Yes
Did you do anything special that triggered the interview invitation? I believe meeting with the recruiters in OBAP made the difference.
How many internal recs did you have? 1-2
How long was it from the time of your invite to the actual interview? 4 weeks
Did you have any issues with logbooks, application or paperwork? No issue. Give them everything they are asking for, in the order they are asking it! Make sure your docs, apps, and logbooks are perfect 5 days prior! 3 business days prior all your stuff should have been updated to catch any errors in times, jobs, etc.
How did you prepare for the JKT/COG portion of the interview? RST did a great job with this. Flash cards and quizzes will help you tremendously. I rec before you even start digging through that, read and understand t-34 guide, eng and sys navy guide, and then go thru flash cards and quizzes for those subjects. I ref questions that I did not know with Ace the Technical pilot interview. Toward the end Fedex guide someone had posted on FB and sample test questions doc with answers.
Technical Test Questions I wrote to the best of my memory! Note, some of the questions I kid you not, those were the answers that they gave.
1-What is a disadvantage of INS/GNS system? Gyroscopic precision, Moving map, or not a global system.
2-Faulty Constant speed drive can be detected by irregular indications in: Voltage, Freq, or 2 other bad answers
3-What would most affect performance on takeoff? anti skid inop, thrust rev inop, auto spoilers inop, or standing water.
4-You descend to 10000′ because of emergency rapid depressurization. Now your cabin differential is indicating 0 and cabin altitude 10000′. Did the problem correct itself?
5-You are DME arcing to the left, Right crosswind. Where do you want the bearing pointer to the station in order to maintain DME? On the wingtip because it will average out over time, Under Wing, or Below wing.
Four Simple Two Hard math questions.
6-Cross DME at this alt when to start down? simple 3 degree math.
7-You are on 235 bearing to the station, given hold on 090 radial right turns how would you enter hold?
8-how long can you hold for question. burning x amount an hour.
9-You are on 6 mile final inbound on localizer. You are 1 degree off how far off course are you? 1 mile, 0.1 mile, 1000ft, 0.5 mile.
the other 2 I didn’t even bother wanted to save time to focus on other questions.
10-Constant Indicated Mach Number in Climb, which is True? -ITM+
11-You start both engines and transfer Packs from APU bleed to ENG 1 and 2 bleeds. Left pack not working, what happened? Crossfeed valve failed open, #1 bleed failed closed, or some other 2 option.
12-Flying into an area of cold weather, what happens to true altitude if you forget to change your altimeter?
13-Your yaw damper is deferred in your jet Aircraft when are you most likely to exp Dutch Roll? Landing configuration at fast airspeed, High Alt only, Near MMO, Or High alt and near MMO?
14-de Havilland Comet was eventually phased out in aviation because over time they discovered aircraft was susceptible: Mach Tuck, Aircraft overheating, Metal Structural Damage, going too slow
15-You are cleared for the approach what is your clearance limit? DH, The runway, Missed approach fix, or FAF
16-You are being vectored to final and given 210 KIAS. You are to maintain this speed until: You are established on final, Until the controller indicates otherwise, You start to configure for landing, or until cleared to land.
17-What is the purpose of pressure in pneumatic(hydraulic) accumulator: Prevent surging, assist in braking, help increase hydraulic flow, one other.
18-What does the transformer rectifier do? AC to DC
19-Full electric failure in jet aircraft what is true: AC reads 28V and DC reads 28V, AC reads 0V and DC reads 0V, AC reads 28V and DC reads 0V, AC reads 0V and DC reads 28V… remember AC lies DC dies.
20-What is most true about fowler flaps? Increase speed decrease drag, Increase drag decrease speed, Increase speed increase drag, decrease speed decrease drag
21-High Lift Devices are used for? Decrease angle of descent and increase airspeed, increase angle of descent and increase airspeed, decrease angle of descent and decrease airspeed, increases angle of descent decrease airspeed
22-You are taking off and EPR is 80%, N1 is lower than what is should be and fuel flow is lower: it will balance out and stabilize Continue at capts discretion, icing is suspected abort the take off, there is a problem with the engine abort the takeoff, EPR is very reliable in jets continue at capts discretion
23-You are taking off with a thunderstorm 3 miles ahead of you, 5 kts below V1 it lags for 2 secs, what is most true: the tailwind was unexpected and V1 is no longer accurate, V1 is still accurate and you will have enough room to stop if you abort, you can rotate right before V1, cant remember last one.
24-What most accurately describes compressor stall: reversal airflow, too high of angle of attack, engine flameout
25-Eng start sequence: Rotation, ign, pressure increase, fuel flow, turbine turning….
26-You are on a visual approach to LGA RWY 31. The winds are 020/15. Landing aircraft have reported braking action as “fair” due to a recent snow storm. The aircraft landing immediately in front of you calls the braking action as “poor.” Your crosswind limit for “poor” is 10 knots. You are 3NM from landing, and your approach speed is 140Kts. What do you do? Use the previously reported “fair” braking conditions and land, Divert, Have your copilot look up the crosswind component… if it is under 10 knots continue and land, Go around
27-You lose the left engine and airport has RWY 27/9 wind is 180/7kts which runway would you land on?
28-Drag question being blank to relative wind? Parallel, perpendicular, something else
29-The crew moved the cargo aft: what effect does this have at cruise?
30-What is most true about an airplane at critical angle of attack: max coefficient of lift, some other ones to throw you off
31-Can’t remember exact but What is NOT true as an aircraft increases altitude? Thrust increases due to Ram air, thrust decreases due to density alt, thrust increases due to temperature decreasing, Thrust increases until 36’000 ft.
32-When the jet aircraft can no longer climb at 100 ft per minute this is: cruise ceiling, absolute ceiling, service ceiling, combat ceiling
33-You are performing a circle to land on rwy 33 using another rwy 27 approach. You lose the field so you should: climb on rwy 27 heading, turn back on to 33 approach and fly that published missed, climb to missed approach altitude and contact atc, and another one. (just understand concept)
34-You are flying an LDA what should your briefing consist of: Loc is offset 3 degrees or more, LOC and GS is provided like ILS, LOC is offset more than 6 degrees, LOC is offset less than 3 degrees
35-You are in class B and cleared for the visual approach. You are to maintain: clear of clouds and adequate vis, 100 ft above and 100ft below clouds and adequate vis, 3sm 1000 ft above 500 ft below, and 2000 ft horizontal, one other.
36-You are 12 miles from an airport that is class bravo and at I believe it said 15000’ 300 KIAS. When do you need slow down on your descent: 10 miles before airport, Going thru 10000’, at 12,000’, and one other one.
37- You arrive at the gate and the airplane’s Fire Detection system is not working? AC bus 1 not powered, Battery bus transfer failed, AC bus 2 not working, Battery dead.
38-Shown an approach plate with missed approach instructions climb to 1000’ then climbing left turn to 1800 ft. At 3000 ft tower tells you to go missed. If the tower is busy and can’t get more info what do you do? Descend to DH then climb and fly missed, Stay at 3000 ft and fly the missed, Descend to 1800’ and fly the missed, one other.
What was the hardest technical question or content you experienced during the job knowledge test? Half were worded very straight forward….. other half not so much, the wording made some of them difficult and left you second guessing. The diffuser question worded extremely weird. Didn’t make it an obvious answer like we are used to studying exact definitions. 18 questions I marked because they were worded so differently and 2 answers seemed to fit the part. Hard to remember those question because of that wording sorry. As long as you have concepts and understanding down you will be fine.
Cog Test Level 3 was extremely easy. Teeter totter algorithm. The farther it gets away from center the faster it will go, but the same or different Letters/Numbers were very easily distinguishable. DO NOT DOUBLE TAP ARROW KEY because it will increase double the speed in the direction you told it to go.
Level 18 was amazing as well! Good news from how my game went and what I understood….it doesn’t switch the rule just because you guessed it wrong. So if you picked arrow direction and it wasn’t, remember previous choice to eliminate wrong answer and compare it to new card. Then once right, stick to it. I had 9 in a row at one point. It fluctuated 3,4,9,5,4 depending on when you finally caught on to the rule in the sequence. Everything else was simple as briefed make sure you use both your practice attempts. Also, listen in to Cog webinar.
Highly rec getting a stylus and doing it on ipad or touchscreen to help get used to it.
RST is much faster, so that made this much simpler.
Cog Math Questions
HR Questions Tell us about yourself since High School.
Why did you pick that college?
What didn’t you like about your college?
Explain these grades in the classes they had circled?
Is this app correct?
GPA low in high school, why?
What is greatest attribute you will bring to Delta? please follow it with an example.
Any others?
Greatest weakness?
What have you done besides flying the line?
TMAAT you flew with a CA or FO you didn’t like? Didn’t have one so rolled right into…
TMAAT you had a conflict in the cockpit?
Would you ever take the aircraft controls from a captain?
WWYD Capt wants to fly through Thunderstorm?
WWYD Capt and FA are not getting along?
TMAAT most unusual situation you’ve had as a crew member?
One or two others that are personal related to app. But be able to talk about everything. Own up to your mistakes, what you learned from it, and how you prevent it from happening again.
Stick to your guns when it comes to situational questions. You have the exp and the knowledge to do what is right. Don’t let them push you into a corner and force you to do the wrong thing.
Don’t memorize an answer but be familiar with a wide variety or YOUR OWN experiences. So if it comes down to it, you know which story to pick and touch up on the main points and you won’t blank out.
How long prior to the interview did you prepare for the HR portion of the interview? When I got the invite 4 weeks prior I did one day HR, then one day JKT. They are equally important.
Which HR Prep service did you use and did it help? Had ECIC since 2014, which is great because you can attend unlimited webinars. Also, it is nice, because it will expose you to different questions and practice answering questions. Also, recently signed up with Aerocrew which had the 3 hour mock interview in ATL which really helped and gave plenty of insight on how to answer a question, and which key points you want to hit on. This really made everything come together! No money spent on prep is wasted money. It is an investment for the career of a lifetime!
Any additional information you would like to add. Create a Facebook group! Ask questions and help each other. Meeting up at Ruby Tuesday before is the best thing. You are not going to study day before because you already are fully prepared. Share your insight with others and vice versa. Everybody brought something to the table that day. You ARE NOT competing, so share all the good stuff. Even if we were, we all shared anyways just a great group of people! Keep the water bottle with your name on it all day, have those logbooks tabbed, anything else you think can possibly help your new friends and class mates. Hardest part of the day…..going to get the worst feeling in the pit of your stomach… is when Arnie comes in and after meeting everyone, you expect him to say “congrats everyone made it”…. But then he slowly starts calling the names… even if you get chosen it is still a terrible feeling not hearing the others names get called… slowly walking toward that back room just not being able to enjoy the moment because you know some got left behind. Be prepared for that and at the end of the day, make sure you reach out and help those great guys/gals make the team next time around. Sorry ended on this note feel free to scroll up and read all the happy, motivating and useful stuff again!! lol
Is their anything you wish you could have done different to prepare you for this process?

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