Which Airline did you interview with? Delta Air Lines
How many days between invite, interview, and listed availability?
Did you receive a job offer? Yes
If you did not receive the CJO why do you think you weren’t chosen to continue in the process? N/A
What is your experience? 121 and 135
Total Flight Time 5,000-8,000
Total Turbine PIC Time 1,000-2,000
General Overview of Experience So I originally was scheduled to interview in July, but, long story short I HAD to move my interview date. They were very understanding when I called to do this, but since my interview date was within 30 days (28 days away when I called), I was told there is a mandatory 90 day wait before I could reschedule. I called exactly 90 days later and asked for the first available date and was given the option of a date two weeks out and took it.
They’ll send you a positive space ticket out of any airport with Delta service to the interview, as well as a bunch of paperwork to fill out. Read the instruction pages and do exactly as they say! For PRIA, they want a 5 year history. You’ll need to fill out a form 11, 11a and 12 for each individual employer. The rest are self explanatory.
I arrived the afternoon before interview day and stayed at the Hilton. Highly recommend! It’s the closest hotel to the Delta HQ and has good food options close by. Other guys stayed at the La Quinta, Marriott, DoubleTree and Drury Inn. All are walkable distance away, but also offer a shuttle if preferred.
You’ll check in at a guard shack at the front entrance on interview day. Don’t forget your driver’s license or passport-they’ll need one or the other to give you an ID sticker. You’ll go inside building 1020 (immediately to the left of the guard shack) and wait in the lobby.
Laura or Shantae will call you in as groups of 2 or 3 to turn in your paperwork. KISS method for this part! No bindings, paperclips or staples! I was all civilian, so my training records, flight summaries were part of my logbook; so my first set was my logbook and my college transcript. Set two was a stack of loose papers in the exact order they have them listed. They’ll take your ID sticker and give you a temporary visitor badge to clip on your suit jacket.
After this you’ll head into the big waiting area, which you’ll come to be very familiar with. Your schedule for the day is on the tables. There’s coffee, water, cookies, pretzels in here too. Save the small water bottle they give you and refill this, they’re pretty serious about saving water bottles.
Arnie came in and took us to a big conference room to talk about the day. No self introductions or anything, just a quick overview from him. He does a great job of making you feel comfortable and welcome. A short tour of the building and he’ll bring you to the big waiting room where the interview teams will be waiting for their first 4 candidates, as well as Mr. White will be waiting for the morning test group.
I did HR first and was happy with that, as this was the part I was most nervous about. ALL the teams were very friendly and welcoming. The rooms are relatively small, but some have windows outside. They’ll offer you to hang your jacket on the back of the door – no tricks here, do it if you want, don’t if your cold or pitting out. The current Captain, retired Captain and HR Rep did a very (30 second) quick self introduction and then asked me to tell them about myself since high school in “about 5 minutes or so”.
My questions from there were as follows-
-Why did you choose the University you did
-Why would you be a good fit for Delta
-Tell me about a time a customer came to you with an immediate need? (struggled on this one)
-Tell me about a time you had a challenging customer service situation?
-Name as many aircraft in the Delta fleet as you can.
-What airplane do you most want to fly for Delta?
-How will you prepare for training. What if you get the MD-88, which is a non EFIS aircraft?
-Passenger sees her pet on the ramp not being loaded WWYD? Now cargo heat is broken?
-Day 3 of trip and captain has been flying approach high and fast the whole trip WWYD? He says he’s saving fuel his way…He won’t change his ways no matter what…
-All done, Any questions for us, anything you’d like to add?
Overall, they were very kind, welcoming and friendly. No stone faced, good cop-bad cop or anything of the sort.
Get lunch! The cafeteria across the street is great and there’s a 30 minute lunch break built into the schedule for everybody.
After lunch-testing!
A few pointers- No Coffee in test room, but you can bring a water bottle-just keep it on the floor when not drinking it. You have headphones for the auditory part of the COG, but you can wear them the whole time to cut down the noise from others- do so! If you do not click “FINISH” at the end of the knowledge test or if you run out of time you will NOT get a zero- it will score what you did (straight from Mr. White).
You’ll do COG, Personality, Knowledge in that order. The COG itself is in random order. No real huge tips for the cog, other than take your time on the instructions and do a practice if it’s offered. It’s much shorter than the RST COG. The stylus is very precise.
The personality test is quick and painless. Don’t think about the question just answer it honestly and click next and you’ll be fine.
Job knowledge wasn’t terrible, but was still tough. I figured I got a 75-80%. I had 4 descent questions with very simple numbers just remember 300’/NM. I had 6 radial/DME questions which asked the distances between the radials, but were always at 60, 30 or 15 DME so the math wasn’t too tough. No holding questions whatsoever, nothing about L/D max. Inverter vs. TRU and what they do, Fowler flaps, Hydroplaning. I had seen every question’s concept mentioned before, just not the exact wording, so do due diligence with your studies.
At about 3:45pm Arnie came out with a list and started calling names. On our day, hearing your name was a good thing. Sometimes it’s the other way around. He took us back to the same conference room from that morning and congratulated us. He’ll hand sign your offer letter and shake your hand. He’ll also give you a folder full of paperwork. Some needs filled out immediately, the rest you must fill out that evening and bring back to day two.
After that – pee test. Don’t forget your water bottle, you may need it to help the process if you know what I mean…
Day two started at 06:45 for us. Mr. White took us into the testing room to take the MMPI. 580 questions all yes/no T/F. Again-don’t think about it just click honestly. Yes I’m afraid of spiders. No I don’t want to kill myself. Yes I sometimes feel like swearing (one time specifically was while taking this test). After you’re done you’ll wait in the big waiting area again while the Psychologist scores your test and calls you into their room. This is very simple and conversational; a couple simple TMAAT’s and some Family questions. Just remember this is still an interview and they only know what is on your app, so don’t get too deep! This lasted about 15-20 minutes.
After this is done you’ll go downstairs to get your Picture taken for your ID (which you’ll get in ground school) and get your fingerprints taken. (You will need your passport for this part) Once this is all done you’ll turn in your paperwork to Shantae/Laura and turn in your Visitor badge. You’re done!
I finished with day two first out of my group and was done at 10:00 am. You can standby for an earlier Delta flight home and they will specifically tell you this is fine, but they will not change your reservation at the office. Just ask the ticket counter in ATL to put you standby on an earlier flight if you choose to do so. They specifically tell you – do not jumpseat home, use the positive space ticket on Delta as they pay a fee for it!
The “Day 2 Success” e-mail came about 15:55 Eastern. A couple guys got their psych eval. flagged and had their data sent to the Pilot Application Review Board. Arnie told them it’s not usually a big deal and it has a very high pass rate, but it would be 2-3 weeks to hear their results.A few encouraging notes if you’re like me…
– I didn’t get asked anything about why I postponed my interview
– I failed 3 stage checks at my Part 141 school – didn’t get asked a word about them
– 4 speeding tickets, never a word
– 2.95 college GPA, never a word about it
– I only turned in my electronic printed logbook, but I brought my originals and left them in my briefcase just in case. Never asked about them.
– I printed out my AirlineApps as they say too, but was never asked for it or used it… still do it.
How long did you have your application in before you received an invite? 12 months +
Did you attend a job fair? Yes
Did you do anything special that triggered the interview invitation? I wish I knew
How many internal recs did you have? 5+
How long was it from the time of your invite to the actual interview? 4 weeks
Did you have any issues with logbooks, application or paperwork? None
How did you prepare for the JKT/COG portion of the interview? RST and all the resources they list in the Interview invite email
Technical Test Questions See above
What was the hardest technical question or content you experienced during the job knowledge test? Learn the concepts and not the questions, you’ll do fine.
Cog Test
Cog Math Questions
HR Questions
How long prior to the interview did you prepare for the HR portion of the interview?
Which HR Prep service did you use and did it help? Emerald Coast. Phone top off and videos were the most helpful. I did an in-person seminar, but I personally didn’t get much out of it. Do what best helps your confidence.
Any additional information you would like to add.
Is their anything you wish you could have done different to prepare you for this process?

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