Which Airline did you interview with? Delta
How many days between invite, interview, and listed availability? 2.5 months between invite to interview
Did you include volunteer work in your application? Yes
Did you receive a job offer? Yes
If you did not receive the CJO why do you think you weren’t chosen to continue in the process? N/A
What is your experience? Military
Total Flight Time 2,000-3,000
Total Turbine PIC Time
TPIC 121 hours
TPIC Military hours
TPIC 91/135
General Overview of Experience This experience was VERY smooth overall. For preparation, I used RST and Emerald Coast to ensure all my bases were covered. In hindsight, I could have just done RST and been completely confident in the interview…RST is that good.
Prior to the interview, I did my one-on-one sessions with RST the two weeks prior so it would be as fresh as possible. I did several webinars as well which was definitely value added. Also, I scrubbed my logbooks and “what to bring” email multiple times and caught several errors, which ended up resulting in NO questions asked about my hours, etc during my actual interview. I updated my application several days prior to the interview and didn’t touch it.
I’d suggest staying at the Hilton as it’s a 5 min walk in the morning to the Delta campus. The night prior, we had dinner as a small group which helped alleviate the stress of the trip, and we all coordinated to walk over together in the morning. (We left at 0610, arrived at 0620, plenty of time for a no later than 0645 show.
Once we reached the main Delta campus gate, the guards pointed us to the left where we got our badges and then walked on to campus (literally show photo ID and pick up your visitor badge…easy). Then they pointed us to the Pilot Selection building (a 30 second walk).
The atmosphere was VERY welcoming and immediately put us at ease. Everyone was very friendly and you could immediately tell they wanted us to be there and to be successful. They give you a schedule right away and after the briefing from the Pilot Selection team, interviews started at 0800 followed by the MMPI at 1000 (half of us did it this way and the other half did MMPI first and interviews second).
The HR rep came and collected me at 0800 and took me back to the interview room. The atmosphere was friendly yet professional. All the questions I had been coached on were spot on. Put in the work to know your “brand” and how to promote your strengths while being humble…don’t stress as it truly is them wanting to know you..just relax and connect! (I left knowing their first names, sports teams, backgrounds, etc).
The MMPI was not difficult, just lengthy. I had to take it a second time (honestly not sure why, but several of my answers were flagged). It wan’t a big deal as I already had my CJO when I was told to take it again. Do NOT stress if you have to take it again and remember to just be honest.
At 1100 we went to lunch at the campus dining facility. Go there, enjoy some good food and have some laughs with your group. I ran into a few old friends who were there for training and had a great lunch with them hearing about what Delta is like.
At 1200 we all returned to the Pilot Selection lounge. This was the only stressful part of the day as they began to call out the names of those who did not get a CJO. They will come out of the front halls and one by one call out the names of people who didn’t make it. You don’t want to hear your name called. We just chatted and distracted ourselves while this happened and wished best of luck to those whose names were called. This took about 20 minutes, then out came the Pilot Selection Team to hand out CJOs. Everyone immediately relaxed and knew they made it.
The rest of the day is fingerprints, drug testing and random paperwork (I had to redo a few forms since I used a blue pen). We left one by one as we finished these items around 3pm. I walked back to the Hilton, collected my bag at the front desk and walked on to the shuttle for an evening flight.
Go find a lounge and decompress!
How long did you have your application in before you received an invite? <60 days
Did you attend a job fair? No
Did you do anything special that triggered the interview invitation? No. All I did was submit my app and got the initial email from Delta the next week.
How many internal recs did you have? 5+
How long was it from the time of your invite to the actual interview? 8 weeks
Did you have any issues with logbooks, application or paperwork? No
Technical Test Questions N/A
HR Questions Intro
Describe your leadership style
What are some good traits of a FO?
WWYD Capt is cleared visual but at the wrong airfield (they want you to ultimately take the aircraft)
TMAAT there was conflict in the cockpit
TMAAT you displayed good customer service
TMAAT your leadership style was displayed for good and for bad.
Why Delta?
Do you have any questions for us? (I asked what advice they would give to a prior military pilot for his first year at Delta)
How long prior to the interview did you prepare for the HR portion of the interview? 1 month
How did you prep? RST and Emerald Coast
Which HR Prep service did you use and did it help? RST and Emerald Coast. Both were very helpful, but the webinars and 3 one-on-ones with Tito were VERY helpful and spot on regarding the actual interview.
Any additional information you would like to add. Follow the email outlining what you are to bring to the interview EXACTLY and don’t second guess it. Don’t ask “should I tab my checkrides?” when the email says explicitly NOT to tab anything. Ensure you copy items front and back when it says to do so. Divide up your items exactly in the email: “SET 1 and SET 2” (if the emails still says to..it changes from time to time). This will ensure all you have to do is literally hand your paperwork in rather than redo things the morning of. I did it exactly how the email said to and it was a very smooth and stress free process, though our group had a lot of angst building up to the actual interview by second guessing what they needed to do…just follow the email and be confident you’re doing it right.
Is there anything you wish you could have done different to prepare you for this process? Ordered my transcripts sooner.

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