Which Airline did you interview with? Delta
How many days between invite, interview, and listed availability? 6 weeks
Did you receive a job offer? Yes
If you did not receive the CJO why do you think you weren’t chosen to continue in the process? NA
What is your experience? 121 only
Total Flight Time 5,000-8,000
Total Turbine PIC Time < 1,000
General Overview of Experience Very relaxed atmosphere. Very friendly people. A lot of the things I was stressing about like log books and paper work were not as big of a deal as everyone made it out to be.
How long did you have your application in before you received an invite? 12 months +
Did you attend a job fair? Yes
Did you do anything special that triggered the interview invitation? Did the in house job fair last October and had a few internal references.
How many internal recs did you have? 3-4
How long was it from the time of your invite to the actual interview? 4 weeks
Did you have any issues with logbooks, application or paperwork? No issues, asked a few questions about exactly how they wanted it and they gave us time to get it ready to hand in. Also, I didn’t have copies of my CFI and Ground instructors certs so I gave them the originals and they copied them.
How did you prepare for the JKT/COG portion of the interview? Did the RST 15 day checklist once I got the interview then went over tests/quizzes and the study guides for the next couple of week till day of, I made sure I ready everything on the RST website. I did take a practice cog test each day so it would be over familiar to me on interview day.
Technical Test Questions The questions were very similar to what RST has on the tests and flash cards, however, the answers different than what RST has down. For example, I got the questions about losing 3 knots of airspeed on T/O with a T-storm on the approach end and the answers were all either what would do or if the V speeds were still accurate or being able to stop by the end of the runway.
What was the hardest technical question or content you experienced during the job knowledge test? Had two NDB questions. First your final approach course is 010 and you are flying a heading of 010 but the head of the needle points to 360, how do you get back on course? Answer chooses were, turn heading 360, turn to heading of less than 010 and two others I can’t remember. Second questions, I had four RMI indicators shown and was asked which of the four shows a proper intercept for the 270 bearing in bound?
Here are other questions I remember,
Had a question showing a papi with one red light and said I was intercepting from 30 degrees and ten miles what do you do?
Shown the ILS LOC Y RWY 27 for Helena MT and asked how to go missed if ATC told to you to missed on the LOC before reaching the MAP.
Shown another approach plate for an ILS LOC and was told you have a 20kt headwind and asked the time to map. It had a timing table on it.
Flying night IMC at FL390 as you approach a T-storm you get a stick shaker but your thrust and pitch are normal. what was the cause?
You are inbound to the vor from the SW heading 045 you are cleared to hold on the 090 radial right turns, what is your entry?
What is an Alert Altitude?
You are flying into an airport and it is gusting 15 kts but the Doppler radar hasn’t had wind shear shown for the las 45 min what to you do? Two of the answers had to do with technical facts about the Doppler and combined it with continuing the approach or discounting a another answer said just continue.
Which fuel tank would empty faster with all the fuel pumps and cross flow valve open and the flow rate of each pump was given.
You are landing 6 miles behind a heavy with a 6 kt xwind what do you do? answers had do with what you would do like land or go around but combined that with separation and what to vortices would do.
You are landing with an Aft CG what can you expect?
Asked how long you can hold and gave all sorts of info for the problem, like alternate fuel, alternate cruise altitude, winds aloft.
Cog Test Very easy, the F-16 moves very slow if you just tap the buttons like it says on the webinar. Had the x-ltuo pop up twice, and the sounds for comparing the sound had a lot more tones and pitches but pretty easy. Only made it to Mike on the letters and numbers.
Cog Math Questions Started with two reverse percentages. On was Sally made 25% profit on her investment if she has $225 how much did she start with? I don’t remember the number she had exactly. Then had one about if the President answered 60% of all letters he received and he answered 360ish letters, how many letters did he receive? One of the other questions I had to do some long division.
HR Questions Asked to tell about myself. Had question about schooling, and GPA. Why I picked the college I went to. What would you do if the captain didn’t want to run a checklist, then a question about the FA’s not paying attention on the briefings and then a question about if a Passenger claimed he saw the FA give you a gin and tonic. Asked about a time I had a disagreement with a captain and if I ever saw that captain again. Asked what was the toughest thing about upgrade and what I found most rewarding about upgrade. Asked what I would do as captain if the airport I was going to had closed how would I look to pick a divert field and what would I do after that like talk to the FA’s, passengers and company.
How long prior to the interview did you prepare for the HR portion of the interview? Started working on it the day I got the invite also did a bunch of HR prep OCT 2016 for the open house.
Which HR Prep service did you use and did it help? I used Adam Hughes. He was very good and I felt very prepared to answer the questions I faced.
Any additional information you would like to add.
Is their anything you wish you could have done different to prepare you for this process?

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